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Kingdom Hearts III Pre-Release Spoiler Discussion Thread

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2016
After a few days of listening to Dearly Beloved I can finally say: I love it!! It’s just I expected it to be slower and more tragic/sad but I like how it feels like an empowerment and i don’t know how to describe it properly but it fits so well! I love it

It won’t be my number one (which is BBS) but I know I will love and appreciate it <3


New member
Jan 10, 2019
This is completely subjective, though. KH2 is the pinnacle of the series for you and many people, but for me and other people, it really isn't. That's why KH3 needs to be an independent game that improve its predecessors' strong points and make them better as much as possible. A simple copy and paste of KH2FM's content would have been pointless and sloppy.

First of all, KH3 is the end of a narrative arc, not the end of the series, so it only needs to go all out as far as story is concerned. It doesn't mean that it has an excuse to be a mediocre game gameplay-wise, it just means that what we should expect is indeed "just another KH game" and it's not meant in a bad away at all. A game with 100 hours of story, 20 Disney worlds, 15 original worlds, 15 secret bosses, every little thing from past games implemented into this one would be called "Kingdom Hearts: Opera Omnia". Not Kingdom Hearts 3.

That being said, you're right: we haven't played the game. Not only that, but our only source of information is a dumb leaker that is trolling and deceiving us. This leaker has been playing the game for 2 weeks and he's still not done with it. We know it has side content and worst case scenario, it's the same amount of KH2's side content (which is the game we have to compare KH3 with). To know exactly what the game has in store for us, we have to play it.

You have your personal wishes and there's nothing wrong with that, because everyone has them. You can expect those things in the base game, but it's also completely fine and not that surprising if they are not in the game. KH1, KH2 and BbS have a Final Mix version, why should it be different for KH3? We're getting a full story and side content. It's not like we were deprived of something. Maybe you'll get the boss replay mode in a future DLC or maybe it is already in the game. You can't know.

Eh, this doesn't really make sense to me. I've said it already, everyone has personal wishes. Do you really think that a game (or a book, or a movie) will please EVERY single desire of MILLIONS of players? Of course not. Everyone is bound to some disappointment, it's just natural. I'm disappointed by the lack of FF or because there's no Lilo and Stitch world. Cool, I'm already over it (and I'll get over other things as I play the game). Don't you think players were disappointed by the lack of collectibles in KH2? I'm sure some players must have thought "I wonder what we will be collecting in KH2! There's Stitch, maybe after we visit his world he have to hunt the other experiments!". Not only there was no Lilo and Stitch or experiments, there weren't any collectible whatsoever. This alone didn't cause backlash.
We will experience backlash only if KH3 either doesn't feel like an improvment from KH2 or if it fails at wrapping up the story. I don't care about Data, you do. I care about platform and maybe you don't. None of this will cause backlash. If the story ends with a cliffhanger that revolves around Xehanort or if some important plot points are ignored I'll be pissed. You'll be pissed. Everyone will be pissed and this will definitely cause backlash. Our own wishes differ and KH3 does seem to be offering things for battle lovers, platform lovers, minigames lovers and so on. We only have to wait and see if it delivers.

Just relax and wait for the game. With this mindset, you won't enjoy the game even if it turns out to be almost perfect, that's for certain.

Couldn't say better. If people go with a mindset that '' If there isn't This or that in the game , i'll be sad or the game would'nt be as good as i want'' , they gonna certainly be disappointed.

I hyped for KH3 and until now my one dissapontiment is that there isn't TWEWY characters , but all Nomura said to the public.. If people are expecting EVERY aspect of KH2FM , a 2-later expansion btw, to be in KH3 , they're set them to be disappointed. Oh i'm not saying that they should expect/want to KH3 to be as good as KH2 FM, because the game could be very well be as good as KH2FM but with different aspects.

For example , i simply HATE KH1 platform and lack of direction but people praise it and actaully like KH1 '' sense of adventure'' ( lack of direction and information to where to go/do next) and exploration ( the exploration is true, it's very well made) then KH2 is WAY more linear game and more focus on the combat , some people disliked or liked, most people like because it's very well made.

KH3 is clearly try to make a balance. They're focus a bit on the exploration, big worlds and cool stuff to find while trying to deliver a solid combat that's well made and balancead. Also they're making a good amount of side content, especialy compared to KH2 vanilla that only had Cups and Sephiroth , whether or not you like or.

In the end is all a matter of tastes for now, until the game releases we can't say much about the quality of the post game content especialy not with the current leaker.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I love how the JP version gets the epilogue early, like as if that won't get spoiled.

The Secret Ending is likely more important in the overall scope of the series, which is releasing worldwide at the same time. Only difference is that Japan gets a good week ahead of us to complete everything while we are all probably going to be speed-running to try and unlock the secret ending.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
The Secret Ending is likely more important in the overall scope of the series, which is releasing worldwide at the same time. Only difference is that Japan gets a good week ahead of us to complete everything while we are all probably going to be speed-running to try and unlock the secret ending.

Agreed, although I do think it defeats the purpose a little when you first withhold the epilogue to prevent spoiling it yet then throw this premise out of the window to give one part of the audience the whole thing earlier.

Could probably have been avoided if they had chosen a true world wide release.


New member
Jul 12, 2018
Comparing KH3 to KH2FM is inevitable, and arguing agaisnt this comparision, to not be disappointed with KH3 sounds like trying to convicing ourselfs that the game have a good potention to be awesome, cause everybody is a little worried about the game. And I think that's fine to do, I'm doing that too, trying to elaborate thoughs that can convince me KH3 wil be fine (and TT, RG and FF arent a problem), and once I play it I will be pleased. I just don't think it's invalid to compare kh2 with kh3 if it's a rational comparision.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I just don't think it's invalid to compare kh2 with kh3 if it's a rational comparision.

And who decides what "rational" comparison is?
People have different priorities and there are also those around who do not see KH II FM as the precedence case KH III has to live up to.


Active member
Jan 16, 2017
Comparing KH3 to KH2FM is inevitable, and arguing agaisnt this comparision, to not be disappointed with KH3 sounds like trying to convicing ourselfs that the game have a good potention to be awesome, cause everybody is a little worried about the game. And I think that's fine to do, I'm doing that too, trying to elaborate thoughs that can convince me KH3 wil be fine (and TT, RG and FF arent a problem), and once I play it I will be pleased. I just don't think it's invalid to compare kh2 with kh3 if it's a rational comparision.
That's the whole point. Comparing KH2FM and KH3 is unfair and comparing KH2 and KH3 is fair.
I personally think that comparing a game we have played and a bunch of snippets is illogical, but be my guest if you want to do it. From what we've seen, KH3 beats KH2 in almost everything. Some things are currently up in the air (like the combat), because we have to play the game to judge such a crucial part.


New member
Jul 12, 2018
And who decides what "rational" comparison is?
People have different priorities and there are also those around who do not see KH II FM as the precedence case KH III has to live up to.

We decide it.
Yes people have different priorities, but my point is that we will compare with the other installments. And when people go against comparing kh2 is because they have fear as well of things he wanted (at kh1, khbbs, khddd) not being in the game, or not performed well. That's why I always heard, "back then, people compared too", "if you wish the game to be as the other you will suffer".

Saying that KH3 is his own game, is saying to ourselfs to not compare to much. And it sure makes alot sense. Can't wait to play kh3.


New member
Jan 10, 2019
Comparing KH3 to KH2FM is inevitable, and arguing agaisnt this comparision, to not be disappointed with KH3 sounds like trying to convicing ourselfs that the game have a good potention to be awesome, cause everybody is a little worried about the game. And I think that's fine to do, I'm doing that too, trying to elaborate thoughs that can convince me KH3 wil be fine (and TT, RG and FF arent a problem), and once I play it I will be pleased. I just don't think it's invalid to compare kh2 with kh3 if it's a rational comparision.

It isn't about ''convicing ourselfs'', it's just more fair to compare a KH2 vanilla with KH3 vanilla ( in terms of side content) instead of comparing KH2 FM , a 2 years later expansion , with a KH3 vanilla.

Of course the game with a 2-year later expansion that even added new scenes , bosses, moves/abilites and balance , that creator didn't planed when the vanilla game lauched it would probably have more side content compared to a vanilla game, i not saying that we shouldn't expect to the sequel be better in EVERY way or a overrall improvement but still unfair. Also let's not forget that KH3 is improving in mechanics of other games in the series other than KH2FM. It's has command styles from BBS ( Keybalde transformations and Forms ) , it has more balancead flowmotion from DDD and a bunch of improvement from KH2 , at least from what we saw ( Keyblade now are more balancead and worlds are more explorable.)

It's like saying that ''Fallout 3 GOTY has more content than FNV or FO4 vanilla''.
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Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
And why should KH III keep only the things from KH II FM?
This game is a culmination of the whole KH series, not just a continuation of KH 2 FM and specifically all the stuff associated with it.

This is what people mean when they say it comes over as if some people want just another KH 2 FM with updated graphics and expanded areas instead of something new.

Yeah, I’ve been following the series’ news since post-KH2 and it has always been said that the handheld titles were partially made to allow the KH team to experiment with different gameplay and content elements so that they could use their best concepts for the eventual KH3. (This applies to story too since most of KH3 has been set up by the handhelds.) For that reason, I don’t think KH3 was ever meant to be an upgraded KH2. If it were, it would have come out in 2008.

Rather, this game is a culmination of the concepts established in the various handhelds with the traditional combat system as its foundation. We have style changes and minigames similar to BBS, the situation commands based on Re:Coded’s overclock system plus upgradeable weapons, and flowmotion and battle portals from DDD. Thus, maybe it shouldn’t be as much of a surprise that this game has a similar world structure to BBS and similar post game content to it and DDD. That’s not to say I’m not disappointed about the lack of certain things from KH1 and 2, but I’m open to experiencing and enjoying the ultimate version of an Osaka KH game. Maybe they designed this more for the fans who stuck with the franchise and loved the handheld titles since they probably expect those to be the ones the most engaged in the series still? KH2FM was only readily accesible to their Japanese fans until after KH3 started development after all.


New member
Jan 10, 2019
Rather, this game is a culmination of the concepts established in the various handhelds with the traditional combat system as its foundation. We have style changes and minigames similar to BBS, the situation commands based on Re:Coded’s overclock system plus upgradeable weapons, and flowmotion and battle portals from DDD. Thus, maybe it shouldn’t be as much of a surprise that this game has a similar world structure to BBS and similar post game content to it and DDD. That’s not to say I’m not disappointed about the lack of certain things from KH1 and 2, but I’m open to experiencing and enjoying the ultimate version of an Osaka KH game. Maybe they designed this more for the fans who stuck with the franchise and loved the handheld titles since they probably expect those to be the ones the most engaged in the series still? KH2FM was only readily accesible to their Japanese fans until after KH3 started development after all.

>Maybe they designed this more for the fans who stuck with the franchise and loved the handheld titles since they probably expect those to be the ones the most engaged in the series still?

They clearly put efforts, based on the leaks , to make the game combat feels more like KH2 with combo modifiers , less flash and more faster finishers because they know people love KH2 combat. All this stuff was lacking from their handhelds games.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
>Maybe they designed this more for the fans who stuck with the franchise and loved the handheld titles since they probably expect those to be the ones the most engaged in the series still?

They clearly put efforts, based on the leaks , to make the game combat feels more like KH2 with combo modifiers , less flash and more faster finishers because they know people love KH2 combat. All this stuff was lacking from their handhelds games.

I consider the combo modifiers and finishers as falling under “the traditional combat system as its foundation.” However, I would not say KH3 has less flash than the handheld titles necessarily. Rather, we can make it as flashy or not as we want depending on play style.


New member
Jul 12, 2018
By only looking, the devs really did a good job at the combat.
You see the traditional combat of kh there with combo modifers and finishers.
the second form resembling limit form
Spoiler Spoiler Show
the faster combat, inspired by kh2.
The keyblade's transformations that we saw debuting with langering will.
the commands, kh bbs.
And other things....

It really looks like a unique combat, bringing nostalgic feelings at the same time.

Total respect for the osaka team.

sorry for the speed runners tho, who are worried about floatiness.


New member
Jan 7, 2019
New York
I find it odd that the leaker has revealed every Keyblade the game offers aside from Star Seeker. We know it's in due to the PS4 and Xbox One preorder bonuses. So is it actually the full Keyblade that comes with the bonuses instead of just the skins? Or is there more content missing from his game than we thought?


KH ☼ D&D ☼ Music ☼ Wack.
Apr 7, 2013
Somewhere, surely procrastinating
I find it odd that the leaker has revealed every Keyblade the game offers aside from Star Seeker. We know it's in due to the PS4 and Xbox One preorder bonuses. So is it actually the full Keyblade that comes with the bonuses instead of just the skins? Or is there more content missing from his game than we thought?

He hasn't shown us the ratatouille keyblade or the ultima weapon in action. He also said a while back I believe that you get a keyblade after the final fight that he's not spoiling, so we don't have any clue what that is either.


New member
Dec 29, 2018
He hasn't shown us the ratatouille keyblade or the ultima weapon in action. He also said a while back I believe that you get a keyblade after the final fight that he's not spoiling, so we don't have any clue what that is either.
He did use the star seeker in the monsters inc world he used the blaster thing


New member
Dec 29, 2018
He did use the star seeker in the monsters inc world he used the blaster thing

That was Shooting Star he used. The Star Seeker Keyblade is the pre-order bonus one you get. The blue for the PS4 version and the green one for the Xbox One version.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
I wonder if he saved his clear data after he beat since that has been required to unlock various features in past games, including Lingering Will and Data Battles in KH2FM. Guy’s not the brightest, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t save it.
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