THAT WAS AMAZING! I knew the world scale had to be better and bigger than they were showing in trailers and I was right, this shit is massive. On a side note!!
EDIT: Those combo spells with DONALD OMG I love that way more than I feel like I should
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They call that area The Big Olive, the Air-Herc billboard was up, and that he hit that Herc doll Hades had on the pillar and it actually moved!
The whole area looks amazing and I'm so SO happy that they fleshed the worlds out so much. Good to see Arial Dodge and Glide used in a better way than he did in other vids too. He's my hero. On a negative note: Still didn't get to see the name of the Olympus Keyblade. HMMMMM.
EDIT: Those combo spells with DONALD OMG I love that way more than I feel like I should