Still haven't gotten around to see it but I'm a bit glad he's "trimming the fat" really since I hated most of kh2's worlds.
Hard to believe it's nearly over. ;A; It's been such a long time now.Indeed, since Amano is "trimming the fat" I wouldn't be surprised if the next volume is the last. All things considering, TWTNW really wasn't all that plot heavy, even for an original world. They just shoved ten thousand boss battles into it, had a three minute plot break here and there, then jumped right back into the action. The KH2 manga has been going on for so long now this is like, the end of an era. ;~;
*chants bbs also&Now I'm excited once the manga comes out to find out if this is the last one and if it is...what will he be working on next O_O?? *secretly chants "Birth by Sleep"*