I'm so dissapointed I could cry, honestly. This pin doesn't look pretty at all, and we won't even get a special case or anything. I kinda liked the 1.5 limited edition, it has a nice slipcover and little artbook/case. If they'd just done the same for 2.5 I would be dissapointed we didn't get the awsome edition Japan got, but at least it's something. This pin is stupid. It's just a pre-order bonus, not a limited edition.
I don't get why either. I mean, doesn't Square want our money or something? I rarely buy brand new games but I would lay down at least €80 for a nice Kingdom hearts collector's edition.
I hope Square will give us an collector's edition too. If they'd just make a nice case, small art book and soundtrack CD for 2.5, I bet the majority of European, Australian and American KH fans would lay down an extra 30 bucks in an instant.
They could also simply translate the Japanese collector's edition to English and sell that in Europe, Australia and America. I don't think that is too hard.
Please Square...I know we should be happy we got the remasters in the first place, but why not give us the cool extra's too? It's more money in your pocket for little effort.