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Kingdom Hearts : Era of Darkness (remake)

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New member
Mar 21, 2008
In the worlds of Kingdom Hearts!!!

Back by popular demand! :D
The previous RP fell dead due to roleplayers being to preoccupied with school life and other problems. Now, it is making a comeback! By request of the past roleplayers, i am pleased to create the Kingdom Hearts : Era of Darkness remake!!! :D Anyone and everyone is welcome!


It is a few months after Sora, Riku and Kairi received the letter from the King, informing them of a new evil that has revealed itself. The three are, even now, awaiting the opening of the portal to the other worlds.
The new evil has emerged from the depths of darkness. They are known as the Souls, a fusion of Heartless and Nobodies. Their master, Jolon, leads them towards the destruction of worlds, a goal unachieved by past rulers of the shadow. But, there is something very mysterious about this new leader, perhaps a secret is hidden within the shadows...
Maleficent currently resides in the ruins of The World That Never Was, rebuilding it to its former glory, so that she may rule it, in place of the Organization.
King Mickey, Donald and Goofy are close to opening the portal to Destiny Islands.



OOC Thread - http://forums.khinsider.com/signups-ooc/150085-kingdom-hearts-era-darkness-ooc-thread.html#post5096679
Sign-ups Thread - http://forums.khinsider.com/signups-ooc/150084-kingdom-hearts-era-darkness-sign-ups.html#post5096675


New member
Mar 21, 2008
In the worlds of Kingdom Hearts!!!
Jolon sat on his throne, within the Tower of Connection in the world of Calamity. He looked up, through the window above him, towards the bright white light.

"The light diminishes with each world destroyed by shadow..." he spoke, "Soon... none will be left..."

The door to the throne room slowly opened and a young woman walked in. She had long black hair and red eyes, and wore the same silver-white cloak as he did.

"Jolon... we may have found her..." she said.
"Hmph, good... Eden"


Jan 13, 2010
Why am I here? Naxen found her self wondering, once again. She walked through the damp streets of the Dark City, staring up at the buildings' lights. They towered over her as if trying to prove her insignificance. Xemnas had denied her admission to the Organization, and now they were gone. All of them. How could Nobodies be destroyed so mercilessly?

Of course, they weren't supposed to exist in the first place. But this...fact made her wonder why she did. Why was she still traveling the different worlds? Did she even have a goal?

Yes, Naxen paused to pull the hood of her cloak over her head, once again. I will find more of them.. More Nobodies.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Hoxan sat on his old bed in his old room with a smile on his face but a sad look in his eyes. How could this have happened? Organization XIII always seemed so... powerful. I can't believe they're gone. Hoxan lied down and stared at his old ceiling. He grab at his chest. Why does something I don't have hurt so much? Maybe if I had stayed things would be different. What am I saying? I gotta stay positive! Hoxan hopped out of bed and punched the air a couple of times finishing of with a quick swing of his sword. When he re-sheathed his sword the door to his old room split in two. "Oops. Oh no!" behind the broken door were several black objects with yellow dots.

They were only shadows so Hoxan dispatched with them quickly. He looked down the hallway to see even more and stronger heartless. "Oh crap! You guys are just not playing fair." He slowly walked backwards until he bumped into a window. He looked out side to see a tall building in the city below. "Perfect!" After taking a few steps back Hoxan charged to the window jumping out of it.

Using dusks he summoned as stepping stones, Hoxan was able to get close enough to the building to make a grab at the edge. But he missed. Falling to his doom Hoxan had to think quickly. He stabbed his katana through the side of the building to reduce the impact. Hoxan landed safely but could barely stand after his near death experiance. What were heartless doing up there?


Jan 13, 2010
A noise startled Naxen, interrupting her thoughts, suddenly. She looked up to see a figure falling from one of the buildings--but skillfully managing to break its fall--mostly. The figure had fallen at least a hundred yards away, but it wouldn't take her long to reach the location. Naxen wondered what had gone on. Eyes tracing to the building that the figure had fallen from, she noticed some shadowy beings. Heartless, perhaps?

I wonder if I should check it out... As if her body spoke before her mind, she found herself walking toward the scene. Her boots continuously slapped the wet pavement, creating a kind of rhythm. It seemed to comfort her--or at least, give the illusion of comfort. Nobodies couldn't truly feel emotion...according to Organization XIII.

Yet were they even correct? Naxen often thought she could feel something resembling emotion, but was that only the memories that had been claimed to produce an illusion? Anger, hatred, sadness...lonliness. Are they really fake..?


New member
Mar 21, 2008
In the worlds of Kingdom Hearts!!!
Jolon stood up from his throne, after the leave of his minion Eden. He walked forward, into a portal of darkness, and reappeared at the bottom of the Tower of Connection. Three figures stood before him; Eden being one of them. The others were all dressed in the same cloaks. Two of the hooded characters pushed one another with agression.

"Drake! Nero!" Jolon spoke angrily.

The two stopped and turned to Jolon. Nero opened his hood, revealing his short silvery hair and piercing blue eyes. Drake looked up slightly, allowing light to enter his hood, revealing his dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Master Jolon, please explain to Nero that i am the one to capture her!"
"No! I am!" Nero demanded.
"Neither of you will do so..." Jolon said, "I will capture her..."

The two looked at one another then returned their gaze to their master. They nodded without speaking and turned to look out the Tower's entrance.
Jolon raised his hand before him and a portal of darkness opened outside the tower. All of the Pure Souls exited the tower and walked into the portal.
They reappeared in The World That Never Was.

"Eden, go ahead to the castle. Maleficent must be weak if she is to become one of us..."

Eden looked back at him and smirked, nodding and dashing into the distance.

"You two, scout the city, their may be others here, worthy of becoming Pure Souls..."
"Yes, master" the two said simultaneously before ascending the buildings and disappearing.
"Soon i will have power over the Heartless also..."


Nov 17, 2005
Reia was pushed into a gummi ship, her mother pressing a few buttons. Her father was nowhere to be seen. She was terrified. She grabbed her mother's hand. 'Mom, what's happening?' She asked in fear. 'Where's dad?' She asked. Her mother shook her head. 'I have to go find him.' She said, but she looked as if she had lost hope on finding him. 'So you have to go away for a while.' She said, gently pulling Reia's hand from her arm.

'I'll help you look for dad!' Reia said, immediately jumping out the ship. Her mother grabbed her and pushed her back in harshly. Reia was stunned by her mother's actions. 'Mom?' She asked in surprise.

'Stay here!' She said sternly, raising her voice. Reia froze in fear of her mother's anger and shock. 'You must stay here. You mustn't move. You have to go away.' She said. She smiled sadly. 'If you stay here, I'll be happy. Don't ever come back here.' She said. She hugged Reia tightly. 'Be a good girl. You'll be fine.' Her mother whispered as she trembled slightly.

Reia was pulled away from the hug and she looked at her mother, confused and frightened. 'If I leave, how will you come find me? I'll stay here in the ship so that you and dad can come back with me!' Reia said, unable to understand her mother's actions and becoming frustrated. But she stared at the sight behind her mother. Dark things appeared, coming towards them. Her mother looked back and gave a small gasp. She turned back to look at Reia.

'It's too late.' Her mother said. 'It's too late for me. It's not too late for you.' She said, and the gummi ship had started up. There were a few heartless around her mother, which jumped up and clung to her mother. The door of the ship closed, locking as the ship lifted up.

Reia started crying. 'Mom!' She banged the door of the ship. She looked at her mother, who smiled at her and had tears falling down her face. 'Mom!!' She shouted. She went over to the gummi ship. She didn't know what to do. 'STOP!' She yelled, kicking the ship. But her 10 year old strength was not strong enough just to even change its command. Reia looked outside the gummi ship again, and she saw no signs of her mother, but only darkness. She realized her mother was swallowed by the heartless, and no doubt her father was as well. Reia cried all the way the gummi ship travelled to another world.
Reia woke up, getting up from the bed she occupied. She blinked, remembering that she was in Merlin's house in Radiant Garden. Merlin was not too far away from her, and he noticed her waking up. 'Oho, had a nice sleep have you?' He asked her jovially.

She looked at him. After a moment, she simply nodded. Of course it was lie, but she slept nevertheless. It was just a haunting memory she had. She remembered the swarm of heartless that engulfed her mother. She got up and walked towards the door of his house. 'I'll be going, thank you for the rest.' She said as she left for Twilight Town.
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Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
The Gummi Ship hummed softly as it made its way through the vastness of space. Sitting in the co-pilot's chair, Giras peered out of the cockpit window, examining the stars and Worlds the ship whizzed by.

The pilot, who had taken a little more coercion than necessary, was calmly flying the ship; he didn't seem to be bothered by his strange passenger's request. Or perhaps he's had worse ferries betwixt and between the Worlds. After all, the King is a talking mouse, and his Captain of the Guard and Head Magician are a talking dog and a pantless duck. Who's to say I'm not just as strange?

Perched on his left shoulder, Giras' raven cawed, beady golden eyes seeing the Disney Castle appear on the horizon. Sheil'attahn, we are approaching the destination, as the Old One directed us. Mortavius, Giras reprimanded to the voice in his head, show more respect; Yen Sid was kind enough to prepare me for the road that lies ahead, unlike many which I could name, though they are dead or have disappeared.

"Well, here we are, Master Dorkain. Disney Castle. Watch your step as you exit, and hopefully you find the answers to your. .research." the pilot droned, and the exit hatch opened, revealing an open area in bright noonday light. Giras, after checking all of his belongings, left the strange spacecraft, and began walking towards the grandiose Castle. Overhead, the Gummi Ship took off, blasting back off into the emptiness of space.

As he made his way across the dusty road towards the Castle, Giras felt a sudden chill up his spine, a hand grasping at his shoulder. Quickly, he whirled around, the dust billowing from his movement. No one was there, yet he felt the presence of one who was.

Come now, Iron Hand. Do you fear me still, after all these years? Were we not once friends?

Slightly pale, Giras trudged on to the Castle. Not now.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Yuki was on a bench somewhere in Radiant Garden, legs and arms both crossed, with a slightly bored expression on her face. Her travels had brought her here and she had been hoping to find some heartless there, but unfortunately Leon and the others seemed to have things taken care of. Even worse, her gummi ship was in need of major repairs, forcing her to pay Cid, a gifted mechanic, to fix it. Unfortunately this left her with nothing to do.

"What's taking him so long?", she muttered to herself impatiently. Overcome by being bored, Yuki began to twirl her staff in midair and eventually decided that this was a good time to practice her magic. She then pointed her staff at a nearby wall, casting Blizzard, causing a large chunk of ice to shoot out at it, breaking off into several pieces. She looked satisfied at her capabilities and continued to try a variety of spells on the wall.

"Hey miss", she heard calling out to her. When she looked over, she saw Cid waving to her saying, "Your gummi ship is all ready to be flown."

"Thanks Cid", she said gratefully, reaching into her pocket for some Munny and giving it to him. Then she grabbed her staff and walked towards her gummi ship hoping to travel to a new destination.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Hoxan fell to his arse after his near death experience. "That... was awesome! I should... do this... more often." Hoxan said out of breath, with a smile on his face. He sat their awhile waiting for his legs to start moving and wondering what he should do next. With all these heartless walking around I won't last very long alone. I could call on some lesser nobodies, but even then I think the odds are against me. Hoxan looked up at the starry night sky. He noticed a small star flash and then vanish into the darkness around it. There goes another one.

Hoxan began to let his mind wander to the time before his life as a nobody. He thought of his home world, his family, and his friends. A tear formed at the edge of his eye and slowly grew until he wiped it away. He looked at the tear droplet against the neon lights. Maybe I should go look for them. I know they won't die that easily.


Hoxan looks up toward the noise. "Heartless? No, footsteps." By now Hoxan could stand up strait, but his legs were still a bit shaky. Using his sheathed sword as a walking cane, Hoxan hobbled away from the footsteps. He stopped around the corner. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and now his leg was starting to hurt. He drew his blade and prepared to strike down who ever was coming. When he saw the person pass by he quickly pushed him against the wall. He pulled down the hood that covered the strangers face.

It was a girl with silver hair. Hoxan put his blade to he throat, and with a big smile on his face asked, "Hi, my name is Hoxan. Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"


New member
Mar 21, 2008
In the worlds of Kingdom Hearts!!!
Eden arrived at the Castle That Never Was and ascended the outer walls of the tower. The building had almost been fully rebuilt, however a change in design was noticable at the top. It no longer peaked with an open roof, but a closed roof spiking high into the air. On reaching this highest point she broke in through the window before Maleficent, who sat on a throne, her angered expression directed at the new figure.

"Who dares enter my castle?!" Maleficent roared in anger.
"Hmm... Maleficent, Queen of the Heartless. We were right... You have been hiding here" Eden smirked.
"Hiding?! I do not fear anyone or anything, pitiful girl!"
"Oh... is that so?"

Eden jumped at her, a staff appearing her hand. She struck it at her, but a barrier suddenly appeared, blocking the attack.
As the barrier diminished, Maleficent stood up and walked slowly towards her assailant.

"You think a weak being such as yourself could defeat me, the Queen of Darkness?! Now! Experience the powers of the shadows!!!"

The entire room began to shake. Shadows crawled out from the corners of the room. A green aura surrounded Maleficent.


Jolon walked slowly along the streets amongst the towering buildings. Some were still in ruin, while others seemed in perfect condition. The occasional Heartless appeared, neo shadows and other variations that levitated and used magic, but he quickly dispersed with them and carried on towards the castle.

Suddenly, a flurry of Heartless appeared across several parts of the city. Jolon's eyes widened. 'What is that power?!' he thought. At that moment, their came a crash from the distance, and he saw a figure thrown out of the castle. It was Eden. She flew straight into a building. Crashing though one of the windows, unable to move.


He started running and soon arrived below the castle and the towering building Eden now resided in. A portal of darkness appeared before him and Maleficent emerged from it.

"Another?" she spoke with fury.
"I am Jolon, leader of the Souls. I am here... for you"
"Souls?! What more pathetic beings could exist?!"
"I assure you... We are not pathetic"

He glared at her. She gave him an unimpressed look in return.
From behind her, came an immense tremor, that quaked across the entire city. Suddenly, large chains shot out of the abyss below the castle. They rushed upwards from many directions, crashing through its walls, causing a great amount of damage. They then locked in place.
Maleficent stared at the building, damaged and almost in ruin. Her mouth was quivering and agape. Her eyes filled with fury. She turned her gaze back towards him.

"This is my dominion! How dare you destroy my castle!"

Her orb-tipped staff appeared in her hand. She quickly jolted it in his direction, a blast of darkness shooting out. He raised his hand, stopping it mid air. It quickly diminished.

"You draw power from the darkness of this world... However... so do I!" he smirked.


Nov 17, 2005
Reia stood in front of her gummi ship before hopping on and going to Twilight Town. For now, she did not have much to do. Going to Twilight Town would only make her sleep there or do nothing at all. She changed her mind to go to Twilight Town. She headed back to Merlin's house, wondering what she should do. When she entered Merlin's house, he looked at her with surprise. She nodded as a greeting. 'I'm wondering what I should do now.' She said.

Merlin looked at her pensively. 'Well, perhaps you might want to meet the King?' He asked her as a suggestion. She looked at him in interest.

'What will the King want of me?' She asked. She hasn't met King Mickey a lot, but he was very welcoming the last time she went to Disney Castle. Queen Minnie, who was also as jovial, had spoken to her a lot the last time she met her, but it made Reia feel awkward.

Merlin thought for a moment. 'Hm...I suggest you meet the King and ask him yourself. He may need your help.' He said. 'There may be a new terror brewing, and it may be worse than the heartless and the nobodies.'

She gave a small frown at his words, although the frown was not very visible. Worse than the heartless and nobodies...she nodded. 'I'll...see.' She said as she left the house again. She walked towards her gummi ship, lost in her thoughts. She decided to go after all. She left for Disney Castle.
Upon reaching Disney Castle, she immediately went to meet King Mickey. She felt uneasy. I wonder what this strange feeling is. She thought as she made her way to meet King Mickey. However, she brushed off the feeling. Whatever happens, she would just accept it.

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
The great doors creaked open, and the guard allowed Giras to step inside, while a bubbly young page led him to the Library Room. Fiery green eyes searching the area for Darkness found none; only Light existed here. Somehow this place is protected, possibly a shield of sorts. .

Faugh! We need to leave, muttered the familiar, chilling voice in Giras' mind. I have no liking for this place. Giras gave no mental reply, as he saw two large, round ears on a mouse; standing alongside the mouse had to be the Captain of the Guard and the Head Magician.

"King Mickey." Giras uttered, and the three turned to face him as he smiled briefly. "I am Giras Ralon'quel, here looking for the Keyblade Wielder named Sora. Where is he?" Immediately, the pair near the King drew their weapons, faces grim. Talking quickly in a voice that sounded like a cat being strangled, Donald sent a wave of spells at Giras, and in turn the elven magus countered the duck's ravings.

Goofy made to attack as well, but the King stopped him. "Now now, I think he's with us. Otherwise the Cornerstone would've blocked him out, right? Right Donald?" Mickey said, and Donald grumbled an agreement, while Goofy scratched his head, attempting to figure it all out.

"Here, sit down Giras. Let's talk." Mickey motioned to a seat nearby, and Giras did as he was bidden, and began answering questions.


Nov 17, 2005
Reia saw the man enter the Library Room. She immediately went towards him, trying to see who he was. She was also a little concerned about the King's safety, but she knew he is not to be underestimated. When she arrived at the Library Room, she peeked inside to see the man sitting on a seat and King Mickey on another. She knocked the door, and presented herself. 'It's been a while.' She said softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear her. 'I'm Reia.' She reminded the King.

She looked at the man. He looked peculiar, but she felt she shouldn't bother him. She felt an uneasy feeling again. If it had to do with that man, she would not bother about it. It was best to stay out of unnecessary trouble. She looked at King Mickey. 'Merlin informed me that you may need some help...?' She asked, unsure. 'And...that there is trouble...'


Jan 13, 2010
Naxen was taken by surprise when she was suddenly pushed against the wall. Before she could react, her hood was taken down. Too slow.. she told herself. So much for staying hidden.

When Hoxan spoke, she finally looked at him. Short black hair and eyes that she couldn't clearly see in such a dark world. They looked guarded, but that was to be expected--the two had never met, before. The weapon that was held against her neck, however, she thought was unnecessary. She tried not to move, being cautious of the blade, and debated whether or not she should draw her own weapon. He had the upper hand, here.

"Your home?" she asked skeptically. She wondered what made him think that he could claim any part of the Dark City. Of course, with the Organization gone, perhaps no one would do anything. "I was simply passing by. I wasn't aware that you owned this." Her words were slightly polite, but her eyes held a glare--the fact that he asked questions in such a demanding way annoyed her. It also reminded Naxen of a few of the Organization members she'd met in the past. Acting as if they deserved the answers they seeked.

"I'll leave now, if you wish." Naxen deliberately avoided giving her name, hoping that the other wouldn't notice.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
"Yes! MY home. Well I ran away from it once upon a time, but I am the last member left. So I suppose you could call it my... inheritance. And I enjoy guests so I don't mind if you stay. I just don't like people sneaking around my home. I mean how would u feel if some one broke into your home without permission? You would probably cut them up with your katana too. Right? But if you wanna leave on your accord then i won't stop you." Hoxan said with a happy tone and a smile on his face. He moved Blood Oath's blade closer to the strangers throat. "Before you go I have two questions to ask you. One: How did you find this place? and two: What do you know about the spike in heartless around here."

I doubt she is a threat but I can't take any chances here. But now that I get a good look at her... it's not the same but it looks a lot like the organization uniform. could she know something about them. "Umm, you wouldn't happen to know anything about Organization XIII would you?"

Before she had a chance to answer there was an earthquake that knocked Hoxan down once more. "What was that?!?!" Hoxan yelled. "And wh- what are those?" Hoxan pointed towards the castle that floated above the city. But he was not pointing at the castle itself but the large objects coming from below it.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Yuki entered her Gummi ship with ease and sat in the drivers seat. She started it up causing her old engine to make it's usually loud grinding noise. Yuki sighed as the gummi ship gently lifted up into the air and sped off. Her ship gently glided out of Radiant Garden as Yuki tried to figure out where she would travel to next. For several more minutes, Yuki continued to ponder on this until eventually she came across a world. A close examination of the world revealed to her a large white castle surround by what looked like a town of some sorts.

The scenery allowed Yuki to immediately recognize the world although she had never been to it. Disney Castle? she silently thought Hmm, I've never been here, though this definitely matches the description that I've heard. Well, I guess this could provide an interesting experience. With this, she steered towards Disney Castle and gently landed outside the castle. She then peered up at the large castle, I hope they won't mind if I explore the castle, after all I have heard that the king of this castle is known for kindness.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
In the worlds of Kingdom Hearts!!!
Maleficent sneered at him.

"You fool! You underestimate my power! I shall show you the true strength of darkness!!!" she yelled in anger.

She became surrounded by green flames, however, her body suddenly diminished and a small flame only remained, floating in the air. Her cackle echoed from the fire.
At that moment, the flame fell into the abyss from which the chains emerged. Moments later huge flames lisped out of the darkness, lighting even the darkness of the sky. From within the flames, came two huge taloned feet, grasping to the edge of the cliff.

Eden came to. She stood up, and staggering over to the broken window, she saw a huge black beast emerge from the glowing flames.

"I-Is that... Maleficent?!" her eyes stretched open.

Maleficent's huge dragon head appeared before Jolon. It blasted flames at him, but he quickly dodged backwards.

"Hmph... so it seems i can do nothing but destroy you now..." he glared.

Suddenly, from above, came a flash and five orbs struck down on the beat's head. Drake appeared atop one of the buildings nearby.

"I am NOT missing out on this!" he yelled.


Nero clambered across the rooftops, peering down as he jumped from one to the other, searching for any other beings.

"Wow... this city is pretty empty"

He was just about to jump to the next, when he happened upon to figures down below.

"What the?" he said, quietly, "Who do we have here?"

He saw one of the figures, pointing towards the castle. He turned his view in the direction and couldnt help but laugh slightly. Realising that he might give himself away, he quickly covered his mouth and stepped back from the roof edge. Still gazing at the ruined castle he said,

"Wow. Ha, Jolon really knows how to show his power!"

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
"Trouble, Reia?" Giras inquired, his emerald eyes peering out towards her from within the depths of his hood. "Ah, my pardons; Giras Ralon'quel." he said softly, inclining his head towards her. Mortavius cawed on his left shoulder, looking around with his beady, yellow eyes. "Forgive my feathered friend; he is a bit ruffled, not being used to this Universe. Fei'tar."

The raven familiar took off with a flap of it's wings, lighting himself atop one of the bookcases. Giras glanced at Mortavius for a moment, before turning his attention back to Reia and the King. "If there is trouble, it can be easily dealt with." he remarked, smiling softly, gripping his staff calmly in his right hand.


Nov 17, 2005
Reia nodded in respect. 'N-Nice to meet you.' She said. She wondered where he was from, hearing him say, 'not being used to this Universe'. She looked at the raven, slightly awed by it. She liked it, but it gave her an eerie feeling, just how Giras made her feel eerie. She looked at the raven, perched on on of the bookcases, lost in it's yellow eyes. She thought those eyes were better than hers which looked like pools of darkness. But those yellow eyes also reminded her of the heartless.

She looked at Giras, who spoke with confidence. She did not give off any expression, but she did think it was a bit amazing that he would feel so confident, unlike herself, who was scared of the heartless. She was not confident at all, but she didn't want to back down. 'I'll do my best to help, King Mickey.' She said. She glanced at every movement the raven named Mortavius did. It was the first time she's seen a raven up close, and the first time to see that someone owned a raven. Sometimes she darted her eyes away from the raven when she thought it knew she was looking at it.
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