Well, I looked back over at where I had stopped on Destiny and Fate before I became so sick and I never did realize how close I was to finishing Chapter 7. So, I decided to go ahead and finish it and here it is for your viewing pleasure. Sorry, if it might not be up to the same level as the other chapters, but I had to write part of with a 100 fever, so I hope that you guys understand.
Chapter 7
The Silence is Broken
Before Ace even began to look around himself on the next floor, he had already sensed the presence of another lingering spirit and he was sure that this one was a lot stronger than that girl had been before he finished her off. He had a feeling that he probably wouldn’t be leaving this battle without at least a couple of marks since he had already lost a great deal of his power when Ace’s memories were shattered. Well, that would only be his problem until he finished off the rest of the spirits here. After that, it would be Ace’s problem to fix, he would have to be the one to put the pieces back together and there was no way that Shade was going to help him with that.
At that exact moment, the figure of another black-cloaked spirit appeared in the room, except that this one seemed to be fairly muscular compared to the girl so it was a pretty good guess that this one was a guy.
“So, who are you?” Ace asked as he waited for a moment, but he never did hear the spirit respond. “Come on, speak up. I really want to know your name before I give you a taste of the second death.” Ace asked, beginning to become a little impatient with this spirit.
“My name is Lexaeus even though you will not be alive long enough for it to matter.” The figure said as it pulled the hood back to reveal a man with brownish hair that seemed to have a face that could have been chiseled from rock because of the hard lines and edges. At that moment, Lexaeus summoned his weapon of choice, which seemed to resemble a giant red and black tomahawk.
“Oh, so you do actually have something to say then. Well, I can’t wait to see if you can back up that claim of yours.” Ace said, smirking confidently as he his hands once again glowed with darkness, even though it was weaker this time. After a moment, the darkness took on the form of two katanas that rested in Ace’s hands as if they had been made specifically for him to wield.
“So, you too are a being of darkness...This fight shall be interesting.” Lexaeus said in a clear and strong voice as he raised his tomahawk above his head and then swung it straight down into the floor. As the heavy weapon connected with the floor, the floor began to crack and even shatter in several places.
Ace felt his confidence shatter just a little like the floor had, as he saw the kind of strength that this spirit had.
‘Okay, now this might be a slight problem.’ Ace thought as he tried to build the confidence back up that he had lost. As he felt his confidence coming back, he felt a smirk appear on his face as he looked back up at the strong warrior in front of him. “If you really thought that you could scare me with something as weak as that, then you are sadly mistaken.” Ace said as he suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Lexaeus as he began to attack with both katanas as quick as he could.
As Lexaeus saw Ace disappear and then reappear in front of him, he kept his cool the entire time. He easily blocked each attack with a slight movement of the enormous tomahawk and then as soon as he felt Ace slow down his onslaught, he retaliated with his own swing.
Ace saw the heavy swing coming towards him and brought both of his katanas in front of him to block it, but it was all in vain. The attack shattered both of the katanas into hundreds of pieces and then connected with Ace’s chest, causing him to be sent flying backwards through the air. As Ace felt the attack connect with his chest, he could have sworn that he heard several cracks and pops in his chest from the pressure of the attack but he didn’t have time to think about it as he felt himself hit the wall hard. He coughed a little as he fell away from the wall and landed on the floor.
He struggled to get up and managed to after a moment. He was breathing a little rough as he wiped a small stream of blood away from his mouth. That attack had been so strong. It was almost like being hit by a boulder or something. Ace grimaced a little at the pain coming from his chest. He placed his hand over his ribs and it glowed dark for a moment as the darkness seeped through his skin and began to slowly heal his chest injuries that he had sustained from that attack. He knew that if he got attacked like that again then he would be a dead man and he still didn’t like the idea of dying a second time.
Lexaeus hefted the gigantic tomahawk onto his shoulder and took a few steps towards Ace. “I expected more of a challenge. You who wield darkness, you cannot even manipulate it to its full extent.” Lexaeus said as he stared at Ace as Ace continued to heal his wounds.
Ace laughed a little. “I can’t manipulate darkness to its full extent, huh? Well, why don’t you ask that little girl that I killed earlier about how powerful I was? But, as for why I seem so weak; that little girl had to come back again one last time and shatter the source of my power. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask her as soon as you see her. Also, think of this as a little present from your former comrade.” Ace said as he summoned several daggers similar to Larxene’s from the darkness and threw all of them at Lexaeus as he then leapt over Lexaeus and tried to get some distance from him.
Ace then saw Lexaeus take out the daggers one by one without much difficulty. It didn’t seem as if they went very deep into his body or anything.
‘What is this guy made of? Rock or something?’ Ace wondered as he used the darkness to summon two new katanas to his hands. Ace gripped the two katanas as he began to think about how to get past this behemoth’s defenses. He knew that Lexaeus had inhumane amounts of strength and that was the main problem. Ace’s body had never exactly been the best when it came to physical power; it was more of a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none body. Well, he guessed that he would just have to make do with what darkness that he had left.
Ace grinned as he decided to try something that might just work. He disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared in front of Lexaeus, but only for a moment. Ace knew that Lexaeus would try to hit him with that heavy tomahawk as soon as he saw him. As soon as Ace saw the swing headed for him, he disappeared once again without attacking and reappeared behind Lexaeus. As soon as Ace appeared behind the giant, he began his first onslaught against Lexaeus’ back. As soon as Ace saw Lexaeus flinch, he knew that the giant would try to swing the weapon behind him to hit Ace. Before the tomahawk hit, Ace disappeared and reappeared once again, but this time in front of Lexaeus before he continued his onslaught once again. After a few moments, Ace noticed Lexaeus flinch again and knew that the attack would come in just a second, so he disappeared again, but this time for a slightly different reason.
Ace reappeared once again, but this time in mid-air above Lexaeus, with that grin still visible on his face. “This is the part where you plead for mercy, but too bad for you, I’m out of mercy right now.” Ace said, still grinning, as the floor under Lexaeus glowed with darkness. Suddenly, multiple lances and spears appeared in the darkness piercing through Lexaeus’ entire body and propelling him up into the air. As Ace saw Lexaeus’ massacred body finally reach the same height as him, his grin became more sadistic like Larxene’s and he did a quick roundhouse kick into the only place on Lexaeus’ chest that wasn’t already impaled by spears and lances and sent him flying through the air, pinning him to the wall in a parody of what Ace had done to Larxene.
As soon as Ace saw that there was no way that Lexaeus would be able to move or anything, he began to float downwards and landed on the ground. He began breathing a little hard, he had definitely wore himself out somewhat when he summoned all those lances and spears but he couldn’t think about that now, he still had to finish this. He walked over to where Lexaeus’ shredded body was still pinned to the wall and summoned the same lance that he had used to finish off that annoying girl from before. “Give that little girlfriend of yours a message for me when you see her in the afterlife. ‘Too bad that you were so weak, we could have had some more fun if you didn’t break so easy.’ ” Ace said, imitating Larxene once again as he finally plunged the lance through Lexaeus and saw him disappear as well.
As Ace walked away towards the next room, he made sure this time to keep his concentration on everything around him, so that this spirit couldn’t do anything like his former comrade did. After he was sure that this spirit wasn’t coming back, Ace walked through the door into the light once again ready to confront the next spirit.
Hope that you guys liked it and I'm sorry, but I don't have a preview for the next chapter since I just now got this one finished.