Considering who Dark Road focuses on, it's likely that Xehanort did something that made everyone aside from Eraqus give up on him.↑ Whatever they choose to do to handle the characters, please let it not be memory wipe, I despise that so much.
Considering who Dark Road focuses on, it's likely that Xehanort did something that made everyone aside from Eraqus give up on him.↑ Whatever they choose to do to handle the characters, please let it not be memory wipe, I despise that so much.
Tbh I’m the same, just a little excited but not that much.TFW you're actively trying to be excited for the series, and it's not working.
EDIT: You know what, I can at least appreciate a well-drawn generic anime character doodle. werk
Watch them start mentioning these new characters left and right in future games, even though neither Xehanort nor Eraqus never once mentioned them before. Mentioning these guys is going to be the new "may your heart be your guiding key".I'm interested in what their relationship with Xehanort is. They all must be dead or gone from the mind as neither Xehanort or Eraqus mentions them. Yen Sid doesn't either, and none of their names come up as options for one of Xehanort's 13 vessels, despite the power of time travel. If any of them were dipped in darkness I would think Xehanort would want them as a vessel.
Sometimes I feel like old man Xehanort and Young Xehanort are truly two different people.
Having multiple characters share the plot and spotlight isn't a bad thing per se and can be very fulfilling and entertaining just as having a general big cast can be.
With KH the problem is however that Nomura has proven to suck at handling this situation more than once.
- rarely about themselves as characters or their bonds with others.
Re:Mind then comes in and apparently needs a whole new Timeline to try and at least partly rectify this.
Considering Eraqus and Xehanort never mention these people, either they had a falling out and never spoke again, or Nomura is about to pull a Rogue One/Red Wedding/Order 66 and off them all.
↑ Whatever they choose to do to handle the characters, please let it not be memory wipe, I despise that so much.
Oh I'm expecting that. I won't be surprised if Yen Sid goes like "Riku, your skill ReMinds me of the Keyblade Master who fought with Xehanort all those years ago, Master {insert norse name} was much like you."Watch them start mentioning these new characters left and right in future games, even though neither Xehanort nor Eraqus never once mentioned them before. Mentioning these guys is going to be the new "may your heart be your guiding key".
Come now, this is Kingdom Hearts! Natural death is a illusion. There is no way they are introducing these new characters and not have them reappear in some shape or form in a future title. I seriously don't doubt that Xehanort will return himself. I wonder how many of these new guys were good at chess. Could they beat Eraqus and his game changing strategy? These are questions that need answering.I'm hoping there's a reasonable explanation as to why these characters aren't around or mentioned in future KH games. I would actually be all for them dying natural deaths from old age, rather than a memory wipe/trapped in the Shadow Realm/whatever overly dramatic explanation Nomura would normally do. I think if MoM actually tells Xehanort that they will die natural deaths, but before him, that might be MoM's way to prompt Xehanort to find a younger host body AND not fight with his "friends" since all he has to do is be patient to get rid of them.
Since you brought it up, who would you suggest as companions for Xehanort and Eraqus? Or no one at all?
Not getting into that last one on mobile.Subject X was "friends" with Isa and Lea suddenly when they never alluded to her?
Subject X is suddenly a thing that Ansem and Ansem SoD know about when they had zilch to say about her non-existence until she suddenly exists?
In BBS they had some reason for going to Ansem's castle that wasn't revealed. I will put that less to suddenly being there and more that it was explained too late.
Roxas cares about reclaiming a Sigil he never cared about in previous entries at all until suddenly he did?
Well he was dead for most of those and while it is out of nowhere it kind of makes sense that he wants to take his suffering and make it work for him.
Naminè suddenly remembers that Riku Replica was a thing and they have this "strong connection" no one ever actually saw/witnessed?
...Chain of Memories. He had promised to protect her, first because of her memory powers but later by his own will. I don't know if you would classify their relationship as "strong" but he decided to keep his promise to her once again.
Kairi can suddenly dematerialize Xemnas' blades when veteran wielders like Roxas and Xion couldn't because Nomura had to force his hand in making her look cheaply badass due to outrage?
↑ Whatever they choose to do to handle the characters, please let it not be memory wipe, I despise that so much.
Subject X was "friends" with Isa and Lea suddenly when they never alluded to her?
Naminè suddenly remembers that Riku Replica was a thing and they have this "strong connection" no one ever actually saw/witnessed?
Kairi can suddenly dematerialize Xemnas' blades when veteran wielders like Roxas and Xion couldn't because Nomura had to force his hand in making her look cheaply badass due to outrage?
9:20-9:30 is Xion and Roxas taking on one of Xemnas's blades each and not breaking them. 9:30-9:40 is Kairi taking on both blades at once and breaking them with 'relative ease.'I don't even remember either of these. Where were they?
Though I guess there is Chain of Memories for the first one?
...which had nothing to do with Subject X, who only appeared after BBS, during the time when Xehanort was an apprentice in the BbS when they talk about a mission they're on and look at the castle.
9:20-9:30 is Xion and Roxas taking on one of Xemnas's blades each and not breaking them. 9:30-9:40 is Kairi taking on both blades at once and breaking them with 'relative ease.'
...which had nothing to do with Subject X, who only appeared after BBS, during the time when Xehanort was an apprentice in the castle.
I believe Isa was originally meant to be dead for good after KH2, so there was really no need to explain his motives. But people wanted Axel back, and Isa had to come with him. Now, in Days Saïx was one of the more evil members of the organization, second only to Xemnas and perhaps Larxene. If they want to make him a good guy again, his behavior there needs to be explained. He had to be obsessed with something, because that is why people fall into darkness, but what could it be when it hasn't been mentioned in any of the earlier games? It was going to be clunky in any case. I think him having fallen in love is actually the least bad explanation there is, because people tend to be shy to talk about that.
—In the Final World, Sora tells Namine, "Someone else special I know won't let you down." (*T/N: Literally, "the person you miss/want to see the most will come get you.") Did he mean Riku?
Nomura: He meant that the person Namine wants to see the most would come get her, as a way of cheering her up. It is actually Riku, in the form of the one who has been entrusted with the Riku Replica's feelings, who does go and get her. Namine does feel a special connection to Riku (the Riku Replica.)
I was honestly both proud and bothered by that, they didn’t need to force that scene, she shouldn’t be able to overwhelm someone like xemnas at her current level, even Riku and Aqua who are masters will likely struggle against him in a one on one.9:20-9:30 is Xion and Roxas taking on one of Xemnas's blades each and not breaking them. 9:30-9:40 is Kairi taking on both blades at once and breaking them with 'relative ease.'