They were hostile yes but that doesn't make Ventus running after and beating the tar out of them the appropriate reaction. If Grumpy had like thrown something at him or at least made some kind of attempt to strike Ventus then it would be justified, at that point it's just self defense. As it stands Ventus is supposed to be a good guy, a hero, who is defined by his kindness. There is standing up for yourself and then there is being a bully and what Ventus did was flat out bullying. Let's put this into a slightly more real world go into a factory to ask the people there some questions but they accuse you of being a thief and refuse to talk to you. So you pick up a metal pole and start beating the ever loving crap out of them until they no longer have the strength to fight back and are forced to answer you. You would go to jail for something like that because it's just horrendously wrong. That's basically what is happening here, the Dwarves don't have to be nice and trusting but Ventus still needs to act like a decent human being or someone needs to call him out on his crap. Especially when the big crux of this world for Ventus is hypocritically judging Terra for doing basically the same thing.
Interesting point to be sure.
Tbh I never looked that deep into it, classifying it as just yet another excuse to have a "battle" of sorts (which Nomura apparently loves to add, if the interviews around DDD are anything to go by).
So I just filed it in under the other examples of the series as i.e. beating up Lock, Shock and Barrel in KH 1, capturing them in gift boxes in KH 2 or beating up the Hyenas in KH 2 Pride Lands to get information out of them.
You want information => the one who's supposed to give it is uncooperative => have a sort of "mock battle" to get them to divulge information isn't really a new thing to the series.
*sigh* Wow, okay. As I was typing that out, I realized this: Ven is literally behaving with the petty belligerence a 6-year-old. This behavior isn't happening in spite of that pure-light heart of his, it's happening because of it. Childlike heart equals childlike mentality and maturity. Unfortunately, Ven has the appearance of a teenager, and that alone is enough to make this characterization REALLY grind people's gears even if there's an actual reason for it. Little kids can already be pretty annoying with their immaturity, and this annoyance is just amplified when you put this kind of childishness into a character that, by all appearances, SHOULD be more mature than that.
tbh I can't even write this scene off as Out of Character now. Little kids can be very kind, gentle, and excitable (like Ven), but they also sometimes act out because they're immature and don't know any better.
As for whether the writers actually intended to get this kind of message across with this scene, who knows. Could've been their intent all along, or this might've just been completely accidental a la KH2 but just happened to conveniently work with the rest of the canon. >__>
Bingo, that's also a thing one has to take in mind, although in case of this retrospective here I think Blackdrazon is impersonating a first-time player who doesn't know all the finer details yet.
Both the part where Eraqus reveals that Ven has lost almost all of his memories and the issue of Xehanort revealing the white-washed version of how Ven's heart got damaged are in Terra's story, which for the latter one I now actually realize gets spoiled when playing Ven's story first due to the flashback with the Heartless where it is
shown that it was not an accident as Xehanort claims but deliberate abuse/torture because Ventus wouldn't "function" as Xehanort wanted (aka giving in to the Darkness).
It might have been intended. Ven DOES act way younger than his appearance. He seems more like an 8 year old than a 15 year old, but we all know why.
I remember a while ago on Tumblr some people were arguing that it's ok to ship Ven with Terra and Aqua because he's basically the same age as them. He's really REALLY not. Probably in actual age and definitely not mentally.
Indeed, and if you play Terra's story first you can also already
understand it due to knowing what happened to Ventus (heart damage + severe memory loss), but when starting with Ven at this point in the story when being a new player you don't know why.
People also ship Axel with Roxas which is, strictly spoken on real world terms, also not okay.
14/15 is in many countries around the world (including Japan I think) official age of consent, but when taking into account that both Roxas and Ventus are mentally younger it may indeed cause some eyebrow raising.
Also, the claim that Ven is basically the same age as them is even factually wrong. While no explicit ages are ever given it is made clear in the reports that Ventus is significantly younger than Terra and Aqua, the age gap between him and the other two is definitely bigger than between Sora, Riku and Kairi.
If we go by the usual/default assumptions of Ventus being 14/15, Aqua being 18/19 and Terra 19/20 that's still an age gap of four or five years just going by
physical age, mental age not even included yet.
Sure, it may be more "acceptable" to some shippers due to the age gap between Axel and Roxas/Xion being even bigger, but in the end true shippers are not really deterred by anything such as supposedly problematic age gaps anyways.