o lolz there gonna be good im a little more excited for 358/2 then BBS but both will be up there
I think 358/2 days will be wi-fi.What do you think?
o lolz there gonna be good im a little more excited for 358/2 then BBS but both will be up there
ya def i should like for battles hopefully
sora, roxas, or axel i wanna try axel with is awesome flame wheels(no the dam pokemon move)
heck ya fusion no drive (no reference to DBZ) like roxas and axel roxas with the bond of flames and the XIII jacket and fire is upgraded every fusion level up
ya like that but i hated limit that would be taken out
well i think that we should stick to talking about BBS since this is the BBS thread, not 385/2 days.
So, forgive me for breaking the OH SO aweome console discussion, but from what I've noticed, this game will not be directed nor be co-directed by the always so present Tetsuya Nomura. Me, finding Nomura's direction lacking once in a while (which is called Kingdom Hearts II), thinks this will be an excellent oppurtunity to see just where the boundaries of this franchise are.
Not that I know anything about this new director, but I'm hoping for something different.
i hope that they have like an arcade mode that lets you rebattle some of the bosses in the game or something.
I think they should have something you ca unlock in BBS that lets you fight any of the previous bosses from BBS and CoM with Terra.