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Chapter 3 : the uncomforting truth
Their footsteps echoed loudly around the cavernous interior of the stunning mansion. It had all been set up so nicely in the past, and Regan would wander around it countless times looking at paintings and admiring the beautiful decor. He stopped and wondered where that side of him had gone.
'He must've come here', whispered Vires, thinking to himself. Regan turned to face him.Wondering what would interupt their mission further.
'The King! He must have come here, just think Regan, We are walking in the footsteps of THE KING! " Vires exclaimed jumping up and down in what Regan guessed was a sense of honour. Regan stopped Vires and clipped him round the head.
"I can't believe you! We could go and see the King anytime, now shut up,no more words" He shouted. Vires chose to die by being strangled.
"Could we go and see him... now?" He squeaked. Regan calmed himself, took deep breaths.Vires winced at the site of an oncoming lecture
"No...we are doing something." He whispered through clenched teeth.
"Well then lets do it! and buddy I swear after we get through this i'm going to buy you a whole cart of sea salt ice-cream... well maybe not a whole cart. But pal everything is going to be smoooooth sailing from now on." Before Regan could get his hands around Vires' puny little neck the mansion filled with hollow laughter that carried on for a few seconds.
"Vires, you think your so funny, don't you?" The voice chuckled. Vires placed his hands on his hips and stepped forward.
"Why yes, I do, and i'll tell you something for free, your in our way, so get OUT of our way... or me and my friend here will make you move, by order, of the king." Vires shouted back, still play acting.
"Meaningless waste of breath, the king is dead." Vires was silenced, he realised that this wasn't a joke.
"Yes ... he didn't put up much of a fight." The voice laughed evilly. Regan could feel his old friend anger bubbling up inside of him. Crawling up his spine. Welling up in his eyes. He felt loyalty to the king, that he could not let him down. He hadn't felt this in a while.
"Liar!" Regan grunted. His feet twisted round, and with his palm facing the heartless released a bolt of lightning straight at it's head. No luck, the bolt crashed into the wall and shook the whole mansion making dust fall from the ceiling.The heartless dissapeared for a while leaving an awkward silence. Vires held the guns in his pockets cautiously as to not whip them out in fear. The next sound came from behind them, a voice that stole their breath.
"Still as weak as ever Regan" The heartless cackled as two more rose up from the floor infront of them.
"Aww, poor Regan they said, never to get his friend back, destined to drift through the darkness, alone" He grinned, amused with his own antics.
"Tell me, what do you think friends mean in the endless darkness, I'm sure you will look into that, friend" A tear dropped from Regan's blue eyes. He looked at Vires' innocent face, dreading what the heartless would say next.
"We move onto Vires, wielder of the keyblade. If only he'd get it out once in a while he might be worth a quarter of it's last master, or is it too powerful for him Regan?" Vires hated to have his feelings confirmed by a monster but if this was true, and if the keyblade was a powerful weapon, then Regan had been holding him back. It's voice interupted his train of thought once again.
"I wonder Regan...wonder if he ever thinks why he can't recall back two months of his own lonely life." Vires' body froze up, and his heart flinched.
"After all you two are best friends, aren't you?" The necromancer jumped off the banisters of a set of stairs with ultimate precision and put his face in Regan's and whispered something inaudible to Vires.
"I do wonder, Regan why you don't ever think why he looks so much like the late King Sora."
Regan's head dropped. I must not let myself fall into despair he thought, everyone is counting on me. He picked himself up looked at Vires and at the two heartless behind him.
"Kill them." he hissed.