Damn it, this answer is late

I was going to answer a few days ago, but I was on vacation and didn't want to write this on the metro in DC, so I waited until I got home to my laptop to write it

First off, I'm not putting in DDD, since I haven't played it and I have hardly watched any cutscenes, so it wouldn't be fair to give an opinion on it so soon. Otherwise, here's my list:
1.Kingdom Hearts (final mix)
This is almost every ones number one pick, and for good reason. On top of a good atmosphere, memorable and relevant characters, a simple story, charming theme, and likable main cast, this game didn't have much to hate on at all. Its premise was simple enough so that people not familiar with either two properties could still get attracted, and even introduced (such as me to nightmare before christmas and final fantasy), to this new fantasy world, but also mysterious enough so you could always be left asking questions. Not to mention some of the graphics in the first game had a homely charm to them. I don't know what it is about Traverse Town being perpetually nighttime, but it left me feeling so much more homely than the "hub" world of Hollow Bastion in KHII. Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone wanting to get hooked into the series, since this game left me hooked as a kid and I know that some of my friends in high school over the years have also gotten hooked as teenagers as well (although I don't recommend them to do proud mode right away!).
2. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
On top of the beautiful new graphics, the stellar voice acting, and wonderfully touching story, I really don't see why people hate this game so god damn much! I know that people have troubles with the battle system, and while, like the BBS system, I really grew to enjoy its complexity while other people grew to hate it, I must admit that, especially for a new person, it is a bit odd. However, I really really like the voice acting in this title, like it totally blew any of HJO's previous work out of the water when I played through it, and Sora's personality is so much more believable in this title than in others, hence why his personality in this game is definitely the one that I prefer over any other Sora personality. However, the worlds, especially for Riku's story, do get tedious and boring, and I can understand why the lack of exploration like the original can be off-putting for new players and old players alike. So, while it does have more flaws than the original, I found it to be a really great title nevertheless, and I will be damned if any one person can take that opinion away from me.
3. Kingdom Hearts II (final mix)
Despite the game losing its charm that it did when I first played it in 2006, I have to say that I do still enjoy playing the title to this day. However, it has way more flaws than the previous two games, and some of them, I have to admit, can be game-breaking to certain people 'coughcoughIGNNEWSTEAMcoughcough.' Now, onto why I don't like some aspects of the game: despite the game, for the most part, being ridiculously easy, some parts are really really hard. For example, did they have to include the assault rider heartless so f***ing close to the beginning of the game? Those bastards cost me SO many deaths. But on top of that, most of the game is left far too easy unless you go to critical/proud mode, a problem the original never had. Because of this problem, the variety of attacks that increased since the first game are posed unnecessary due to the fact that this game is WAY more of a button-masher than kingdom hearts. Seriously, you can go through the entire game with just valor form, shortcut for cure, and the x button and you'll pretty much make it through without dying. However, there is things that I liked; despite the tutorial that was WAY too long, Roxas' story was actually pretty strong all the way through; even though his story is slightly stepped on by the presence of Days, it still stood strong in the game back then, and, in my humble opinion, it still stands out strong in the game today. Plus, the game had Ansem the Wise and Namine in it, two of the best characters in the series. Also, RIKU AS A PARTY MEMBER ARGGGHHHHH.
4. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (final mix)
When I first played through Aqua's story of this game, I was sure that this was going to be higher on the list. Sure enough, Terra basically dragged it all downhill for us. Why is it so hated among me, though? Is it because of characters like Vanitas, Eraqus, and Xehanort? Nope, I found that all of those actors for those characters did excellent, and each character was intriguing in their own right, to say the least. Was it Aqua? Not necessarily, since in the secret ending and the Final Episode she REALLY pulled herself together and become really awesome! Was it Ventus? Hell, even I can't blame Ventus. I mean, Jesse McCartney is the only one of the three main voice actors for the trio that seemed to be trying the whole time, and, for what it's worth, he did really well! Plus, Ventus' story with Vanitas was cool to watch unfold. It was all f***ing Terra. On top of the abysmal voice acting, horrible writing, cliched attempts of trying to build character with Ven & Aqua even when he showed no signs of connecting with them at all, and his gullibility, Terra's playthrough was really a tipping point for me since I hated the character so much. Seriously, that's the best his voice actor could do? Good god. However, I did give my share of praises with the title too, on top of the excellent gameplay, so I guess i can't completely dump on it.
5. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (movie) & Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (movie & game)
So, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days fits very close to BBS and Re:Coded on this list for one reason: its movie is not worth the price of admission. Sure, I walked out near the end feeling bad for the characters, but as far as a movie goes, I have never come out of any Kingdom Hearts thing feeling so drained of all energy and will for life after sitting through that whole movie straight, all 3 hours... until the Re:Coded movie came along. The Re:Coded movie & game fails in the one concept of the game that it tried so hard to be: relevant. At the end of Castle Oblivion in that game, it tries so hard to be relevant to the series and such, but in reality it is just another lazy, wasted effort at trying to relive the glory of the first game. In the end, I am not saying that I didn't have some good times in either movie, it is just that it was certainly not a good idea to watch the whole thing in a row both times, certainly not a good idea to talk about it for this long, and certainly not worth watching the Re:Coded movie for that little information on the next title. Plus, I heard that the gameplay for 358/2 days was pretty bad (although the Re:Coded gameplay was pretty good!). There is positives, however; 358/2 days did have interest near the end of the movie, and me and my brothers did feel like it was a story that needed to be told in the end (despite it being quite the contrary), Riku was cool in that movie, and the added fight scenes for the Re:Coded movie was a much-needed bonus (although the castle oblivion part was so mind-numbingly boring that the fun of eveything else was sucked out as soon as the movie got there). So, it's not like it's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, it's just not something I'd plan to do for a while.
Wow, that review went on for a long time! If you read it all, thank you so much, feedback would be very much appreciated! :3 laterrr