Kingdom Hearts: A New Abyss
The last thing I told her was that I hated her before she fell into the abyss of Kingdom Hearts but I know now my mother was a kind hearted woman and my dad…well, he’s too busy to know what’s going on. My name’s Akio and I am the son of Kairi and Sora but now my dad’s not showing up. I’m worried about him. Where is he when Destiny Islands is in danger? Where was he when mom needed him most? I must find her instead of my father doing it. He’s obviously too busy fighting those heartless…but before I could act, I was too late...
Recently, Kingdom Hearts has been swallowing worlds. It is almost like a black hole but it is moving and now Destiny Islands has suffered under its wraith. Now the keyblader's child, Akio, finds himself alone like his father once was when he was 14 himself. Akio, however, is "nothing like his father" according to the other people of the town. He's selfish, gets into fights but the one weakness he has, is his heart; it is too small to be his parents' son and recently he has been taking those comments about himself towards others. It is unfair because he has yet to prove himself like his father did. Before he could, however, he finds himself in an alley in Traverse Town, after awakening from a dream. The dream of the keyblade choosing him. The dream of the sword, shield and the wand. The dream of being a hero.
Akio, eventually finds out what happened to his old home and stops at nothing to bring it back. He knows one thing, however; he loves his mom and he'll get her back....even if he would face the darkness.
He now tries to find a source of wisdom to ask how to bring his mother back from the dark abyss of Kingdom Hearts but one thing is on everyone's minds; who has caused Kingdom Hearts to be disrupted like this and why?
Appearance(picture preferred):
6 lines minimum
PLEASE message me if you have ideas on plot; best way to plan ahead.
No powerplaying
No bunnying
Try to make posts necessary to the plot
Try to make it darker and interesting.
Romance: PG please (nothing gross)
Communication is key
1 Keyblader for now
Say, "The darkness is sometimes the kin for us" in your post to prove you have read the rules.
Have fun ofcourse!
My Sign Up
Name/Nickname: Akio
Role/Title: The boy searching for his destiny/The Keyblader
Age: 14
Bio: Akio, throughout his whole life has been trying to be equal to his parents and the residents of Destiny Islands always compared him to them. He is always annoyed at his parents for being so perfect while Akio is keyblade-less and selfish. What doesn't help is the fact that Sora has been busy over the past 10 years because of the constant darkness attacking worlds. During his life, however, he has found a father figure in Riku, who taught him how to use dark magic, just in case he turned towards the darkness. They instantly connected because they both were neglected by the people they love at one time in their lives. On the other hand, Akio had enough of being neglected and being told he should be better;when the next door neighbour saw him walk from school with a black eye, the old man spat on his face. "You will be nothing like your father. You're a no good troublemaker! Who will protect us when he's gone!" As a result of this, Akio snapped at his mother, wishing he wasn't born and he hated her and Sora. Afterwards, the boy ran to the beach and as he stared at the water, debating whether to suffocate himself, he noticed a whirlwind of dark matter in the sky, clogging up the daylight and turning the islands to night. He felt a massive hatred towards the islands and the people on it such as the perfect boy, who always attracted the girls and Sora wishing he was more like him. This perfect boy, was ironically Riku's son. He then saw Kairi run towards him but as she stepped towards him, a hole emerged below them instead of the golden grainy sand. Insticts took over his mother, as she pushed him out of the way and she fell through with a look of sadness on her eyes. A tear swelled on Akio's face but as he fell into the water from Kairi's push and having a dream of becoming a keyblade bearer, he found himself in an unfamiliar street on a new world (Traverse Town).
Personality: Akio always thinks negatively but does take criticisms from people he respects. He doesn't think much of himself but he always thinks of himself. He doesn't like to commit himself for the security of others. When he is in a good mood, he does care about the people he loves the most but as terrible things happen around him, he takes it out on them; even hits them.
Powers/Strengths: The boy is agile but his strength is low. Sora taught him very few magic skills because he was always away (Fire/Blizzard/Thunder). Riku, however, was able to teach him Dark Fira and other dark orientated attacks.
Weaknesses: Hot temper, weak in strength, small, can easily be mislead, mistrusting towards friends.
Dreams?: He wishes to be strong like his father and become a better soul but he thinks he can't be as courageous or be as kind as him. He only wants to save himself.
The darkness is sometimes the kin for us.
Characters Needed:
Akio: sorabrawl
The Perfect Boy (Riku's son):
The Girl of Destiny Islands (Love interest of both boys):
Darkness (Controller of Kingdom Hearts):
Optional Characters:
Darkness Minions: