ive been thinking about this. a lot. i read that quite a few people think sora will turn evil, and until yesterday i was like WTF? but yesterday i realized something. sora has ventus' heart. how would this make sora evil? well, we know its ventus' heart, but we dont know how much of it. is it all of it? vanitas and and ventus both, the full heart? if so, i think he could turn evil. now let me explain why i think this. ventus was originally master xehanorts apprentice. isnt it possible that vanitas' personality was the original personality? that ventus knew of xehanorts plans (except the part were he was gonna take his body, lol. and this WAS his original plan for ventus) and that ventus was going to help him? what if the shocking ending is ventus' heart wakes up , but its the original ventus. and he somehow takes over sora and goes back to xehanort? we were never really told how one half of ventus was so sadistically evil and the other was horridly nice. i mean, it could have been the fact that one was light and one was dark, but who knows?