This thread is for 11 year old KH3D lovers! We will talk about release dates, cheats, help, and more! Make sure you come and write something once a week so we can be up to date with KH3D news
Aw, this thread is cute~
(but uh...guys be very hush hush about being 11 because you aren't even supposed to be on this site unless you are 13 or older :x)
Aw, this thread is cute~
(but uh...guys be very hush hush about being 11 because you aren't even supposed to be on this site unless you are 13 or older :x)
I was twelve when I joined in 2005. Rules must have changed.
And then there was that one person who apparently thought it'd be a great idea to make an account for her cousin.
Her 6-year-old cousin.
Yeah, you have to be 13 or older to sign up on here. Chuman was 9 when he signed up, but he wasn't supposed to. xD
I just joined yesterday and I just figured out how to post a thread about 30 minutes ago so PLEASE give me a break and thanx for being on my side "RisingDawnStar" ,are u on my side RDS?
I just wanted to know the release date and now I can't be 11 years old? people or being mean and I just made a account yesterday! I am done and I am sorry but I am going to delete my account I f anyone has a reason why I shouldn't than let me now by sending me a messageto my profil thn and bye