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Fanfiction ► kingdom hearts 3

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Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
Chapter 1

Sora lay on the beach thinking of times past, he sifted his hands through the sand. The sound of the ocean was like a calling, he could feel his eyes getting heavy, suddenly, he smiled. Finally, he thought, the worlds are finally at peace.
“ Sora, your falling asleep!” Kairi yelled in his ear.
“ Lay off Kairi, I mean come on I have been gone for over a year and you wont let a fellow rest?” Sora protested.
“ But..” Kairi was suddenly cut off. Over the water a black mix of darkness appeared. It twisted together forming a hole. Two men stepped out, both wearing black robes. One man was tall with black hair, his eyes the shade of green. The other had his hood over his face, his body was long and thin. Sora had a bad feeling in his gut as the two men approached him.
“ No! it can’t be!” He screamed.
“ Sora, its organization 13!” Kari pointed out.
“ Very good little girl.” the man with green eyes chuckled as the closed upon Sora and Kairi.
“ I thought we got rid of all of you?” Sora questioned.
“ RID of us. HA, pitiful fool. The organization thirteen you defeated was just pawns in our little game.! Do you think those fools could have supported their plans all by their selves? Were over-seers of the organization.” the man with green eyes explained.
“ who are you?” Sora asked.
“ My name, I bet you can guess! Don’t I look familiar?”
Sora pondered in the back of his mind. Who did this nobody resemble?
“ Riku!” He asked
“ Wow you hit the nail on the head. But its not Riku, its Kurix.” He explained.
“ HOW?” Sora questioned Kurix.
“ Ah, that is for another time my boy! But before I go, I think ill take something’s that belong to me!” he laughed in a cold hearted way. He reached toward Sora and Kairi, suddenly Roxas and Namine appeared. He took them by the arm and swiftly disappeared into the darkness.
“ No!” Sora yelled as he attempted to chase the evil men. He fell to the ground.
“ Not again, not again!” He screamed as a small tear ran down his cheek.
“ Hey Kairi, Sora!” Riku yelled as he ran down the dirt, road leading to the beach. “ What happened here?” Riku asked
“ The organization, there back!”
“ What! How?” Riku said dreadfully. A few moments later, after Sora and Kairi explained what happened, Riku stood up, looked out to sea, and said “ Looks like where on another adventure! Come on guys, we have to save Roxas and Namine!”
“ Riku, I haven’t seen you so upbeat about something in a long time. Could you answer me one question?” Sora asked.
“ What?”
“ How do you have a nobody?”
“ Well you see, I…I don’t know!” Riku informed him.

Days later while Sora and friends thought of how to get off the islands, something big crashed on the beach. Sora and the gang ran to examine it, it was a gummi ship!
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Saixs' WRATH

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In Hell
Damn that was great:eek: . I want to here the rest of it, so please HURRY. Although i doubt that is going to happen in KH3.


Young King
Mar 3, 2006
Rolling papers...
one cretic, when you are writing for an org. member try to sound more official and don't say stuff like "we are like the generals" also, don't be so striaghtforward, org. members like to beat around the bush and sort of talk in riddles (except for Demyx) other than that I enjoyed it :^)


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
There's too much dialougue. Try to shorten conversations and actually describe what's going on in detail and depth.


Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
okay it ook some of ur advice and decided to revise my first chapter so here it is!

Chapter 1

Sora lay on the beach thinking of times past, he sifted his hands through the sand. The sound of the ocean was like a calling, he could feel his eyes getting heavy, suddenly, he smiled. Finally, he thought, the worlds are finally at peace.
“ Sora, your falling asleep!” Kairi yelled in his ear.
“ Lay off Kairi, I mean come on I have been gone for over a year and you wont let a fellow rest?” Sora protested.
“ But..” Kairi was suddenly cut off. Over the water a black mix of darkness appeared. It twisted together forming a hole. Two men stepped out, both wearing black robes. One man was tall with black hair, his eyes the shade of green. The other had his hood over his face, his body was long and thin. Sora had a bad feeling in his gut as the two men approached him.
“ No! it can’t be!” He screamed.
“ Sora, its organization 13!” Kari pointed out.
“ Very good little girl.” the man with green eyes chuckled as the closed upon Sora and Kairi.
“ I thought we got rid of all of you?” Sora questioned.
“ RID of us. HA, pitiful fool. The organization thirteen you defeated was just pawns in our little game.! Do you think those fools could have supported their plans all by their selves? Were over-seers of the organization.” the man with green eyes explained.
“ who are you?” Sora asked.
“ My name, I bet you can guess! Don’t I look familiar?”
Sora pondered in the back of his mind. Who did this nobody resemble?
“ Riku!” He asked
“ Wow you hit the nail on the head. But its not Riku, its Kurix.” He explained.
“ HOW?” Sora questioned Kurix.
“ Ah, that is for another time my boy! But before I go, I think ill take something’s that belong to me!” he laughed in a cold hearted way. He reached toward Sora and Kairi, suddenly Roxas and Namine appeared. He took them by the arm and swiftly disappeared into the darkness.
“ No!” Sora yelled as he attempted to chase the evil men. He fell to the ground.
“ Not again, not again!” He screamed as a small tear ran down his cheek.
“ Hey Kairi, Sora!” Riku yelled as he ran down the dirt, road leading to the beach. “ What happened here?” Riku asked
“ The organization, there back!”
“ What! How?” Riku said dreadfully. A few moments later, after Sora and Kairi explained what happened, Riku stood up, looked out to sea, and said “ Looks like where on another adventure! Come on guys, we have to save Roxas and Namine!”
“ Riku, I haven’t seen you so upbeat about something in a long time. Could you answer me one question?” Sora asked.
“ What?”
“ How do you have a nobody?”
“ Well you see, I…I don’t know!” Riku informed him.

Days later while Sora and friends thought of how to get off the islands, something big crashed on the beach. Sora and the gang ran to examine it, it was a gummi ship!

so i switched some things around and i hope you like this better!

now here is the second chapter

Chapter 2
Sora, Kairi, and Riku stood in aw as Mickey, Donald , and Goofy emerged out from the ship.
“ Wha…what are you all doing here?” Sora asked.
“ The organization is back.” Mickey stated.
“ We know, a man named Kurix paid us a little visit.” Sora explained. “ He said that he was over the other members and he also said that he was Riku’s nobody!”
“ Yes we know that, he came by the castle, The king tried to defend it but he failed. Kurix frozen Minnie, stole her and left! Garwsh Sora, what happened to you?” Goofy explained, what had happened to Sora? His shoes were untied, his jacket was inside-out, and his hair was messier than ever.
“ He, he took Roxas, and Namine! Everything has been a big mess.” Sora told them.
“ Listen, we have to get back on the gummi and go to radiant garden ( Hollow Bastion for those who have not beat Kingdom Hearts 2). We have to recruit some of its members for this battle.” Said the king.
Sora thought, Leon, Tifa, Cloud, Yuffie, Aerith, Cid how he earned to see them again.
“ What are we waiting for? Come on guys, all aboard the gummi ship.”
The six of them entered the gummi. Sora looked back for the fear that this would be the last time he saw his island. He wiped away the tear and entered the gummi.

When he emerged inside he found an ambush. Nobodies all around, he pulled out his keyblade. He slashed two of them and was stroked on the head by another. He back flipped and hit three as he went, they attacked him more. He hit another and finished the rest with a slice from his keyblade. Sora walked over to a seat and drifted off to sleep.
“ I’ll come back, I promise!”
“ I know you will!”
“ I was jealous of you!”
“ We’ll go together.”
“ Your home!”

Sora sat up shook his mind of memories past. He looked around the gummi. Kairi, Goofy, Donald, and Riku were fast asleep.

“ So Mickey, what’s happening? Why is the organization still around?” Sora pondered.
“ To tell you the truth, I don’t know!”
“ Why are they attacking us?”
“ Well at first I thought they just wanted to recreate Kingdom Hearts, but know.. Well I don’t know Sora, I just don’t know.”
“ You miss her don’t you.”
“ Every minute.”
“ Don’t worry, I know what its like to have someone you love be missing to.”
“ I just feel as if I failed my Kingdom!”
“ Na, you were just off a little. We’ll get em.”
“ I hope!”
Just then Kari and Riku began to wake.
“ Hey everyone get up, I… I…I think were here.” Mickey informed the gang. Everyone shot up immediately. Mickey landed the gummi in the middle of the town. When the gang stepped outside they stood in aw. The entire place had been destroyed, nothing left but half of buildings. From the corner five figures ran up towards them. It was Aerith, Cloud, Cid, Leon, and Tifa.
“ I had a feeling that we wouldn’t be apart for long!” Leon stated.
“ What happened here?” Sora asked.
“ It was organization 13!” Aerith explained.
“ Well at least one of them, hr came and destroyed everything. It was awful!” Tifa informed.
“ Where’s Yuffie?” Goofy asked.
The five friends stood with a expression of great sadness.
“ Sora, Donald, Goofy. She is gone! She didn’t make it. The one with black hair kil…killed her.” Cloud informed.
“ NO!” The gang said.
“ This is awful!” Kairi stated.
“ Wa… Wa… Wa, HA. Pitiful fools, you’ll be joining her soon.” Kurix appeared from the darkness. “ It was so funny how she died, begging for her life, poor girl didn’t even have a chance.” He smirked with an evil grin.
“ SHUT UP!” Leon screamed.
“ I will soon, but you see I wanted to show Sora my power!”
Kurix Jumped up and hit Sora with the keyblade that Riku had when Xeanhort’s heartless possessed him. Sora stumbled back rubbing his shoulder.
“ Like it? I thought you would, I just wanted you to know that this battle wont be an easy one!” This was Kurix’s last words before he disappeared into the darkness.

Later, at organization headquarters, which they obtained after killing Maleficent. Kurix was speaking to the hooded man that was with him at the beach.

“ Ha, after bringing back dead Organization members with this keyblade, I will be unstoppable. HA HA HA HA HA!” Kurix snickered.
“ But what if they get out of control like last time?” The other man questioned.
“ Huh, Semnax my good friend, look how good of a control I have over those two nobodies, Roxas and Namine!”
“ I don’t know I believe that they are plotting against you!” Semnax informed,
“ Plotting, against me. Why that’s absurd, as long as they are under the control of my dark keyblade, they don’t even have a mind of their own.”
“ Fine then show me!” Semnax demanded as he took of his hood, he had orange eyes and long black hair that was slicked back.
“ Roxas! Namine!” Kurix beckoned them. “ I need you to go and capture Sora silly little friends!”
“ YES!” Namine and Roxas said in unison.
“ Shouldn’t you resurrect the organization members?” Semnax suggested.
“ I suppose!” Kurix said as he raised his keyblade. Suddenly the twelve dead organization member reappeared in front of them. He sent twelve dark spores that released darkness into the organization.
“ May Axel come with us?” Namine asked.
“ Sure! Now off with you!” Kurix told them.

Now just so you can tell semnax and xemnas are two different ppl!

well hope you like it!
more coming soon!

by the way here is a spoiler for a upcoming chapter


Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
okay so here is the third chapter.

Chapter 3
Sora was relaxing in a chair in the only building left standing in Radiant Garden. It felt good to be away from chaos.
“ Get up!” Kairi came running into the building.
“ What is it?”
“ Roxas and Namine are outside!”
“ They are?”
“ You guys come on!” Riku said running into the building. Sora Riku and Kairi ran outside to find it deserted. Everyone was gone.
“ What happened to them?” Sora asked blankly.
“ Roxas and Namine and Axel came, they said they wanted to capture us! They started fighting and…”
“ They really did capture them! What are we gonna do. Do you think they killed them?” Riku questioned.
“ How are we suppose to know?” Sora pointed out.

Meanwhile at organization headquarters, Roxas was putting the prisoner in the cell with the Queen. He, Namine, and Axel walked back.
“ What if he kills one of them?” Namine questioned.
“ I don’t think he will, I think he just wants to get rid of any help Sora and his friends might acquire.” Roxas explained.
“ But what if he does?” Axel questioned.
“ Listen if we want to help Sora, we have to keep under-cover and learn more of the organization’s plans!” Roxas told them.
“ Okay!” The two others said unison. They walked to the meeting place and heard voices.

“ Kurix, what if Sora learns of what powers his keyblade holds? What if he learns that he and Kairi can share there hearts with there Nobodies?” Semnax said smiling as he glanced near the door.
“ As long as are organization is under control, he wont.” Kurix said in a cold voice.
“ But what if he does? What if he learns that he can re…”
“ Who’s there?” Kurix yelled over Semnax. He looked towards the door and saw three sets of eyes. He jumped down from his seat and ran to the door. He stared in the face of Roxas, Namine, and Axel.
“ You! But how?” He asked the three.
“ Did you actually think you could keep us evil? The people who we came from had strong hearts. You couldn’t keep us that way!” Roxas explained.
“ This is going to ruin all my plans… Wait how did Axel resist my spell? His heart was completely destroyed. Even if Kingdom hearts opened he would still be a Nobody.”
“I know the difference from right and wrong even if I’m a nobody! Axel said before the three disappeared into the darkness.
“ How are we suppose to go through with our plans now? Kurix screamed.
“ My dear friend, people can be apart of the organization without being a nobody. Just as long as their heart is full of evil!” Semnax explained.
“ Yes your right, but know those three wont be nobodies anymore!”
“ Who cares? “
“ I like your attitude, and to think you originally came from that idiot Ansem the wise.”
“ Yes I know!”
“ As long as Sora doesn’t know the other power he beholds, I believe we will be alright. Kingdom Hearts is almost ready and we need more Heartless.”

“ Kairi, Riku, I think we should go now. Morning over our friends will not get us any closer to finding them!” Sora told the two.
“ Where should we go?” Kairi asked.
“ I was thinking Twilight Town.” Riku said. A black mass appeared in front of the friends, a person with a black robe on came out from the darkness.
“ Go away!” Sora yelled.
“ Do not worry, I am here to help you!” the hooded girl explained. “ In a minute three people you know will emerge from Darkness, they will tell you that they wont harm you! Believe them, for they are good.”
“ How can we trust you?”
“ Because I am a close friend of yours also!” She told them as she disappeared into the darkness. Directly after she disappeared three more appeared. It was Roxas, Namine, and Axel.

“ Sora! I am sorry we captured you friends, but we had to so we could learn the organizations plans!” Roxas explained.
“ Its okay, I’m just glad you aren’t evil!” Sora told him.
“ You trust us?” Axel asked.
“ Yeah Sora I don’t think we should!” Kairi said.
“ I feel you in my heart…I feel your truth.” Sora said to Roxas
“ Sora, while we was under-cover, we found out that we can become whole, well at least Me and Namine.”
“ How?” Riku asked.
“ WE can share a heart, you can use your keyblade!” Roxas told him.
“ I’m not sure!”
“ Trust me, once we become whole, we can help you defeat Kurix!”
“ Okay!” Sora said as he raised his keyblade. He stabbed his heart and it was released from his body. It split into two pieces and lowered itself, a piece for Sora and a piece for Roxas. As the deed was finished, Roxas’s robe disappeared and color came to his face.
“ Roxas are you okay?” Sora questioned.
“ Thank you Sora, thank you for letting me be whole.” Roxas thanked in a serious voice.
“ Are you ready Kairi?”
“ Yeah.” She said as he repeated the ritual bringing Namine to life.
Namine began to cry.
“ Oh thank you Sora!” She screamed as she gave him a big hug.
“ Listen if Axel wants to be whole, I’m… I’m willing to share my heart with him.” Riku announced.
“ Riku… are you sure?” Axel asked.
“ Yes, you deserve to be a whole person more than most.” Riku explained. Sora again repeated the Ritual. This time Axel gave thanks to Riku.
“ Come on you guys, I think it time to go to Twilight Town!” Sora yelled.
“ YEAH!” his friends yelled back. It made him smile knowing that three people, who deserved to live more than most, was alive. Suddenly the six were ambushed by Heartless. Sora bashed two with his keyblade., while Riku and Kairi used theirs in a double attack. Roxas pulled out his two keyblades and thrusted them into two. While Namine made a long pole appear with electricity shooting out the ends and electrified four. Sora finished them and laughed, and the others joined in.
“ Wow Namine, I didn’t know you had such a cool weapon?” Roxas said strangely.
“ There’s a lot of thing about me you don’t know Roxas!” Namine said with a smirk.

okay i now your all like " Naime has a wepon? well i had to give her one so she could fight

hope you all like it


Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
GLad you all like it. i will put another chapter up some time today. i thought of the idea for this like right after i beat kh2!!
okay heres is some spiolers for the next chapter

SOme one will die

some one else wil die

some ppl get locked up

sora gets mad twice

some gos missing

um i think thats all :)



Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
Here is the fourth, i wish i put more time into this one since it is a VERY important chapter.

Chapter 4

“ YOU DID WHAT?” Semnax screamed.
“ I locked them in the dungeon.” Kurix explained.
“ How many?”
“ Just five!”
“ They disobeyed me!”
Semnax’s jaw dropped. “ They disobeyed you and you locked them up? I told you your plan wouldn’t work.”
“ The others obey me!”
“ Whatever, I just hope when kingdom hearts opens you’ll have better control.”
“ I will!”
“ Yeah, right. So who did you lock up?”
“ Vexen, Demyx, Lexaeus, Luxord, and Xigbar.”


“ Sora, were here!” Namine announced.
Sora, just being startled from his sleep from a rather bouncy Namine, walked to the door and stepped outside.
“ At least one place is still safe.” Sora proclaimed.
“ Its probably safe because this is the way to organization headquarters.” Riku figured.
“ Yeah, that’s true.”
“ Sora? Do you think that Hayner, Pence, and Olette, will remember me?” Roxas asked.
“ I don’t know.” Sora answered back.
“ Well I know that the Hayner, Pence, and Olette I knew weren’t the real ones, but it was still them!.”
“ SORA, RIKU, KAIRI!” someone yelled. Hayner, Pence, and Olette ran towards them.
“ We thought we’d never see you again!” Pence told the group.
“ Same here!” Sora said.
“ What are you doing here?” Olette asked.
“ Last time we came here, there was a group called the organization running around, they were trying to do something bad. We thought we defeated them but.. We didn’t. Now we’ve came back, and were gonna finish them off for good.”
“ Wow, who’s your friend? He looks really familiar.” Hayner questioned.
“ I’m Roxas.” Roxas announced. Suddenly darkness spread and one person walked out.
“ Yes, we all know who you are.” Larxene said. “ But I think its time you and your Nobody girlfriend come with me.”
Hayner, pence, and Olette ran and hid behind a wall.
“ Were not Nobodies anymore!” Namine shouted.
“ Well I guess we’ll just have to fix that.” Larxene screamed before she shot out her weapon. The knifes went right for Namine. She pulled out her pole and hit them and they returned to Larxene.
“ Well it looks like we have another electric person here. Although I prefer thunder. ” Larxene yelled.
Larxene shot out five Thunder balls from her fingers, Namine dodged all of them. Namine used her pole and hit Larxene in the face. Larxene grew angry. In a final attempt to destroy Namine, Larxene summed up all the strength she had and surged it into her knives. They all missed Namine, but one strayed right through the heart of one of her friends. Kairi fell on the ground. But just as she did so did Larxene. Larxene was fading away, and with her last breath she mummers. “ I’m sorry.”

Sora, just realizing what happened, ran to Kairi. She wasn’t going to make it. Sora leaned over her.
“ Come on Kairi, come on. don’t die on me now. Just don’t! Please!” He yelled. He felt warm tears running down his face, they fell onto hers.
“ Sora. I Lo…I lo…” Kairi whispered before she died. Her face was pale. Sora laid his head on her chest. He couldn’t feel a heart beat. He rose up and turned around. The other gathered around him, with there back turned on Kairi.
“ I cant believe that she’s dead.” He sobbed through tears. The other began to cry. Even Axel.
“ It will be okay Sora!” Riku whispered.
“ NO, no it wont. She’s dead. She was the only person I ever really loved… I’m gonna kill the organization.” He said wiping away the tears. The gang turned around to find Kairi gone.
“ No. what happened to her?” Sora yelled.
“ It was them.”
“ Organization 13 is gonna DIE!” Sora screamed.
end of chapter 4

REALLY SUPRISED RIGHT. and to this straight. Kurix is insane, he locked up the ogranization members, except for Zexion, Xemnas, Saix, MArluxia, Xaldin, and the now deceased Larxenen. none of the locked organization member will show up till the very end!!

Kairi is dead( i have plans for this later in the fanfic) Sora is pissed. Semnax is also Pissed. and if you didnt catch this in chapter 3, Semnax is Ansem the wises nobody.

any questions?
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Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
okay, i was gonna wait for this chapter, but i decided to treat you guys to a sneek peek.
REMEBER ( Beware of SPOILERS!!!!)

Chapter 5 (sneek peek)

“ NO! I’m gonna kill you!” Kurix screamed as he pulled out the dark keyblade. Semnax punched him in the face and knocked him out.
“ Sora, listen, Kurix is trying turn you and your friends evil so you can help him take over the universe and all the worlds that come with it.” Semnax told him. Before Semnax could say another word he was attacked from behind. One hit from Kurix’s dark keyblade and Semnax was dead.
“ You have killed one of my friends for the last time!” Sora yelled. Sora thrusted his Key blade towards Kurix, who dodged it and laughed.
“ Xaldin!” Kurix screamed.
“ Yes master?”
“ Kill these intruders.”
“ Yes master.” Kurix disappeared in the darkness as Xaldin began his attack upon Sora and the gang. Sora flung himself at Xaldin but was stopped by Axel.

ok here it is, a little confusing, but hey its a sneek peek!

i think this is one of the best chapters because alot of things happen! I MEAN ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Apr 16, 2006
In the corner.
okay but im kinda ticked, i posed this here for ur enjoyment, and if you read it at least take the time and review it plz!

if i dont get at least 6 reviews i wont post anymore of the story, except for those who want more and ill privatly send it them!
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