Man i'm so excited but i wan't 2 to kno how many will get it today or tomarow , i'm trying to get today but the line is to bigg there were like 20 to 30 people and i seen them there this morning some were there sinc 10:00 pm to 6:00

Why what do you need me to do?TwilightSoulKey said:^^ i gots a question for you. Do you by any chance have an ATI card for your computer, if not do you have a video camera?
I got mine on reserve at EB games,best buy and places like that wont have them today,but gamestop and EB games sure will.mattdelig29 said:What stores are you buying from? cuz I went to the best buy by my house and they said they would be expecting April 1st.
Yes i will try as best as i can,if i can find somthing good to record it on but i will try my best what would be a good thing to record it on?TwilightSoulKey said:Exiled Angel, i was kinda wondering if you would be so honorable to be the first person to record sanctuary?