While you're right, I don't even know what they could've used instead of Klingenlicht. "Flügelklinge"? (crack-translation) Does that even sound good?
"Flügelklinge" would be a direct literal translation of "Wingblade" but it obviously does not sound that good in German when spoken.
A possible compromise would be "Schwingenklinge

", but the arguably best sounding German variant would have been simply "Lichtklinge

" as "Klingenlicht" in itself may also be read as "a single light shaped like a blade" which doesn't really describe the technique.
When reading "Klingenllcht" one may also think of "Teelicht" (tea light in English), that little candle situated in a small cup of metal. ;P
I'm actually okay with the light-part, but I don't get why they cut the wing part either.
It would have been too long to fit into the HUD, technically you could say "Lichtschwingenklinge" or "Lichtflügelklinge" (which means both "Lightwingblade" in English and that way include everything the ability is about but that is still longer than "Ars Velocitatis" which is arguably the longest term in the German Translation.
As JR199913 says though, the blades forming wings, while symbolic, is strictly spoken not the central point of the ability as the actual core parts of it are blades of light. In that vein the German translation, although a little bumpy, actually describes it more to the point.
It would be a difference if the blades being arranged like wings would actually allow Ventus to float/fly over the ground while the style is active, but he keeps moving on foot making the whole thing symbolic.
Isn't there even little white feathers floating down when Ven does the finisher of that moveset? It feels like the wing part was kinda important.
I also feel like that fits Ventus very well since he is the only on the trio in BBS who learns glide. And his name meaning wind also fits with the wind theme.
Feathers can also be a symbol of both wind and light (angelic symbolism) and as such represent Ventus' two primary elements.
A "wing" (that isn't demonic/bat-like) can thus be a symbol of both the elements wind (birds, using air to fly) and light (angels, feathers).
Overall the "wing"-theme certainly fits overall with Ventus as a whole but as said above, the German translators apparently found it more important to actually describe what the actual ability is primary about (blades made of light) rather than the way they are arranged on Ven's back.