Interesting and, mostly, fun looking trophy lists. I love some of these trophy titles. Summer's End, Reunion, Nobody Know-It-All, The Vessel, The Dormant, The Seeker, A Mere Shell, Time's Teller. They're all great.
Mushroom Master | Satisfy every member of Mushroom XIII. |
| Corroded by Darkness | Activate Antiform 13 times. |
They just had to include the number 13 in the trophies didn't they?
Some questions on the trophies:
Where are the difficult 100 Acre Wood mini game trophies? I love those mini games and the trophies for them in 1.5 were fun to get.
I know about the Mushroom XIII but not specifics. Can anyone give me a brief summary on them?
Are the puzzles like the stickers in BBS?
What are the Break Time trophies about?
Motherdiddlying gummi ship missions... MOTHERdiddlyING GUMMI SHIP MISSIONS!!!
Yeah while I didn't find the gummi ship missions in 1.5 to be too hard (only 2 of them gave me a difficult time) at least they didn't require a certain letter grade for the trophies. :/
Just super glad there's no Level 99 trophy for BBS FM. I think I'd rather do the Level 99 trophy for Riku in Re:CoM again, to be honest. (And that was terrible too!)
I agree. The Riku leveling got really tiring in the last 20 levels or so but it wasn't too bad. In BBS it is way harder. Ven is my highest leveled character in BBS and he's only at 63 I think (and that took a LONG time).
Poor Monstro, never remembered as a boss.
For real, MX and ME got their own trophies why not Monstro?
This is good. I can skip straight to Proud in my first playthrough!
I thought this too. Now Beginner and Standard probably won't be played on my game. Except for the difficulty trophies in 1.5 I haven't played a KH game on less than Proud difficulty since KH2 came out in 2006.
As to the KH2 trophies: how many Anti Form transformations would you say you average in a normal game of KH2? I'd say something like five or six for me, before I get Final Form. It's certainly not 13. :/ This is going to get messy. Better start Drive grinding much earlier than usual...
Only 3 or 4 for me. xD Looks like Two Become One will help with that but it's still a lot more transformations into Anti-Form than I usually do.
1st impression: now why is it we get more gold trophies from the non-playable games than the ones that are playable in these collections?
This is what I was thinking. Why do the Re: Coded scenes have more gold trophies than BBS?
2nd impression: I'm probably gonna still do a Beginner playthrough just for some of the boss/side-quest trophies. I never did actually clear Hades Paradox (never even reached the FF team, much less beat them!).
I never beat the Hades Paradox cup either. I remember I used a Game Shark to get Sora to level 99 and the Ultima Keyblade and I still couldn't win. xD