My hormonal response:
- Aqua's chest
Ha, I'll be playing BBS for the first time, tooFinally being able to play BBS. Actually no. I should say, finally being able to play BBS AND Final Mix.
Oh and the secret bosses. There is something I like about those that make me want to play those game even more.
Ha, I'll be playing BBS for the first time, too. Then again, all the games will be new to me, save for KH2, COM and Days.
Ironically, I originally bought a PSP Go mainly to play BBS -_-
I definitely know what you mean, it's hard to resist. I did the same but always refrained from watching BBS.Problem is that I never expected there to be a collection of sort so I just watched all the games on Youtube. A thing which now I greatly regret.
From previous experience, that's definitely easier said than done :tongue:The only thing I want to see is the announcement and release dates on this site. I will not even look at the trailer.
I'm assuming KH2 and BBS will be the final mixes too because I have wanted to play KH2FM since it came out xD.
I definitely know what you mean, it's hard to resist. I did the same but always refrained from watching BBS.
However, when you look for KH on the internet it can be impossible to avoid spoilers like Vanitas' face :frown:
After playing KH, KH2 was the only spoiler free game I played. I plan to do the same for KH3 or should I say I will try to do the same thing for KH3. It's going to be so hard. The only thing I want to see is the announcement and release dates on this site. I will not even look at the trailer.
coded has some of the best interactions and dialogue in the series. I'm pretty excited to see what they'll do *U*
Unlike Days where most of the scenes were with RAX on that godforsaken tower, coded has to include a larger variety~
BBS:Anything in particular you guys are looking forward to most from these three titles in HD? :3
Yup. All heartless were recoloured in the Final Mix editions of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Birth by Sleep.Sorry to ask but... Why is it that everyone who looks at this picture automatically notes it is from KHIIFM? Is it the color of the Heartless?