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With so many versions of the soundtracks which is the best one to get. I'm thinking about 1.5 and 2.5 they seem to be complete?
Do any versions have both Hikari/Simple and clean Passion/Sancutary. or will I have to get a separate one of each game to get them both? Because its in Japanese i'm unsure of what the title listings are for the sound tracks.
In short which version or versions do I need to get if I want a hardcopy (I have them all on mp3) of all the songs.
KH and FF are the only soundtracks I like getting hard copies of cause I just love the music in them.
But i'm looking mostly for a copy I think maybe utada has them on one of her cds. That has Simple and clean and the Japanese hikari as well as sanctuary and the Japanese passion.
With so many versions of the soundtracks which is the best one to get. I'm thinking about 1.5 and 2.5 they seem to be complete?
Do any versions have both Hikari/Simple and clean Passion/Sancutary. or will I have to get a separate one of each game to get them both? Because its in Japanese i'm unsure of what the title listings are for the sound tracks.
In short which version or versions do I need to get if I want a hardcopy (I have them all on mp3) of all the songs.
KH and FF are the only soundtracks I like getting hard copies of cause I just love the music in them.
But i'm looking mostly for a copy I think maybe utada has them on one of her cds. That has Simple and clean and the Japanese hikari as well as sanctuary and the Japanese passion.