wow, two YS SR+ in a row... they sure are giving it out as candy these days :Oc
Oh yeah it's actually a good Special reward, and i forgot to update the picture list for it.
wow, two YS SR+ in a row... they sure are giving it out as candy these days :Oc
Skills Table has been updated, for the moment i'm trying out a better set of texts to see which one would look good for the table, which i will put up at a later date. ;_;
What does Kearu do exactly? My HP's recovered when it activates? Since it's an attack skill, I guess it gets restored to the amount of damage I inflict?
What does Kearu do exactly? My HP's recovered when it activates? Since it's an attack skill, I guess it gets restored to the amount of damage I inflict?
Exactly what Kazr said, but as a side-tip, Cure isn't worth using if you don't plan on using a Second Chance/Counter/Cure skill combo.Cure restores 10% of your total HP, including the increment from HP Ups.
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Attack up I - II ガードアップI・II、 Guard up I · II, ハイブリッドアップI・II、 Hybrid up I · II, HPアップI・II HP up I · II アタックアップIII、 Attack up III, ガードアップIII、 Guard up III, コンボプラスI、 Combo plus I, ハイブリッドアップIII、 Hybrid up III, バーサクI、 Berserk I, カウンターI、 Counter I, HPアップIII、 HP up III, ケアルI、 Cure I, ギルトダメージプラス Guilt damage plus アタックアップIV、 Attack up IV, ガードアップIV、 Guard up IV, コンボプラスII、 Combo Plus II, リフレクトガードI、 Reflect guard I, ハイブリッドアップIV、 Hybrid up IV, バーサクII、 Berserk II, カウンターII、 counter II, HPアップIV、 HP up IV, ラストリーヴI、 Last Reeve I, HPサクリファイスI、 HP Sacrifice I, ケアルII Cure II アタックアップV・VI、 Attack up V · VI, ガードアップV・VI、 Guard up V · VI, リフレクトガードII、 Reflect guard II, ハイブリッドアップV、 Hybrid up V, バーサクIII、 Berserk III, カウンターIII、 Counter III, HPアップV、 HP up V, ラストリーヴII、 Last Reeve II,
So I have 3 questions and I wonder if anyone can answer them for me.
One, Do bonuses to attack stack up or multiply? By that I mean that if I have an Attack Up V and IV does both of them activating give me 100 * 1.6 * 1.4 = 224% damage or 100 + 60 + 40 = 200% ?
Two, Does The skill HP Scrifice raise the damage by a fixed precentage or depends on the amount of health it takes and also what is the formula if that is the case?
Three, What skill combination has the best damage output potential? I tried looking at the top rankers for damage but they all use mixed sets so I'm not sure what is the most effective one.
So I have look through the forum and can't seem to find the description on this skill anywhere. I have seen people use it but can figure why:
I have read that it benefits from the keyblade benefits. e.g. if i got a red card and put the green it will benefit from red and green keyblade boosts.
What I can't figure is why all the "good" players use it. Wouldn't it be better to use some more Attack up or combo-plus?
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Subtype: Power does exist, along with Magic and Speed, yes.Oh that is strong :O dont they make them for fighting? or is it only for speed and magic?thanks for your quick reply