Regarding the bit about Xehanort and Xigbar, I read it as a memory of Xehanort when they were still apprentices under Ansem the Wise. I think the person watching it just confused Xigbar with Braig, which is completely understandable. Reading it, I think it's just a flashback of AX and Braig conducting experiments to try to regain his, AX's, memories. AX collapses, Braig asks if his memories are back, and AX sees a Keyblade. Just a tiny scrap of a memory, but enough. However, knowing WHICH Keyblade it is would be most helpful at this point. If it's Terra's, it means AX unlocked at least one of Terra's memories. If it's MX's, he got one of MX's memories. Well, could be either or, really. Terra's memory of MX's Keyblade or vice versa. Could be the X-Blade as well, actually. Or Aqua's. Hmm...
Also, Neku knowing Sora's name and knowing about Dream Eaters. Curious... The last time I remember a non-KH character automatically knowing the name of the new enemies is Leon & Co in Traverse Town in KHI. They turned out to be fairly damn important (in comparison to other FF characters, at any rate). Hopefully this means Neku will be important too~ I really wanna know how he knew, though. Could be that he read Sora's mind, but that doesn't explain how he knew about Dream Eaters. Could be Yen Sid, but... I'm really hoping it was Joshua who told him. A Joshua cameo would be
perfect. *u*
I hope Quasi's enthusiasm to fight and Neku's sheer badassery means we'll at least get them as asisst characters at some point in the final product.
This 'key of sleep' thing has to be something to do with ending everyone's sorrow and getting them their 'birth by sleep'. Has to. No idea how exactly just yet, though...
Yen Sid:...If you return back to this place, then I will consider you Masters.
Little harsh, dontcha think? Eraqus just had Aqua and Terra fight bubbles and then each other. Not even a fight to the death, or anything. Yen Sid's sure going all out, huh?