It worked for me a minute ago. I looked up the fruit apple. All in plain
that should work.
*cough*tomakerelevant*/cough*Anyways, I will forever want it. PLZ. NOMURA. MAKE IT HAPPEN IN NA AND PAL REGIONS.
Most of them.
Certain games like MGS3D will cost $50. If my recollection is correct, I think it had something with being compatible with the 3DS slide pad. I can't confirm this though as the only site where I can find this information fast is currently protesting SOPA. =\
lalalala *goes to pre-order one*at least that means I can have 3D and Theatrhythm near release date~
Callum! Buy me one <3 <3 <3 lol j/k i'm going to think about investing in one if I can. If not i'm praying for this LE to be released in NA region.
lol silly Ari. My assumption is it won't come to the Western audience. I mean it COULD, but the 358/2 Days DS never did...
lol silly Ari. My assumption is it won't come to the Western audience. I mean it COULD, but the 358/2 Days DS never did...
GUYS!!! GUYS!!!...
Its OK, I'm sure there is about a 50% chance this 3DS will come stateside
I'm just being extremely hopeful like always xD I wanted the PSP bundle and all we got was a silver PSP bundled with a decal (that I never even got for preordering what bull :< the shipment hadn't come in for the decal)
This seems likely to come here for whatever reason. I just feel it in my bones.
Hooray, now that you said this, I feel utterly confident.