In terms of who I liked (strictly voice quality, not the translation choices):
- Young MX: seems like a reasonable voice, if old MX has a deeper voice in English, so should YMX. I'm not in love with it but I think it has a lot of potential.
- Sora: I can hear what some people are talking about as it sounding "forced" with the higher pitch, but it doesn't bother me that much and I'm not too concerned about it.
- Riku: Gallagher's on his A-game.
- Roxas: McCartney too.
- Lea: I also have found Quinton's delivery to be inconsistent at times, like he seemed to have a different take on Axel in Re:CoM and I sometimes wonder if he's aware of that (I don't think it's because Axel hadn't progressed as much as a character as he had in KH2). Even so, I like what I've heard. I actually enjoyed his softer approach to "What happened to me?" He's talking to himself, not an audience here, and he was just reborn so I would kind of expect that.
- Quasimodo: I know it doesn't sound quite the same as in the movie, but I do think that's the original VA. He's just older! In the same way as Aladdin in KH doesn't sound the same as in the movies because Scott Weinger is older. It doesn't bother me.
- Hugo: Good to hear Jason Alexander!
- Goofy: Oh man, that scream, perfection.
- Yen Sid: More or less what I expected.
- Xemnas: Just yes.
- Clu: That's not Jeff Bridges, it's his replacement from Tron Evolution I'm pretty sure (if it's Bridges, then he sounds a bit off lol). Still, the guy does a hell of an imitation. I'm nervous about his delivery on the final confrontation scene, though.
Who I wasn't crazy about:
- Kevin Flynn: Ok, this is a bit unfair since it's only a few words lol, and I DO like Clu so there is no reason to expect Kevin to be bad but... just can't get over this line, the delivery is terrible. Maybe because of how it's presented, as others have suggested, with the English cut not fitting well based on the Japanese trailer. And I'm sure I'll come around but yeah.
- Sam Flynn: That's not Garrett Hedlund and if it is I have to ask what the hell happened lol. The "Are you a prisoner?" line just sounds ugh. So dude-broish. Stop trying to channel the dude-ness of your father, it's not going to work.
- Pinocchio: I'm guessing his VA from before got too old, but I'm just too accustomed to it. Can't pinpoint it but I just don't like the sound of him.
- Mickey: I've never gotten used to Bret Iwan unfortunately, I was too spoiled by Wayne Allwine. To be fair, he really doesn't deserve to be on this list since he does do a good job of impersonating. But it sounds like just that to me- an impersonation rather than... almost Mickey's natural voice, I guess. There's something in the back of my head that's always saying, "That's not Mickey," and I wish I could get into it more...
- Frollo: He technically doesn't deserve to be here either. Corey Burton's delivery is solid, but I can't get over how much it sounds like Hook. That and you just can't compare it to Tony Jay, wish they had at least tried getting someone that sounds like him.
- Victor: He edges this out. It does sound like him, but maybe I'm being forgetful, sounds way more nasally than he should.