came across this and was wondering if anyone else had seen it or knew anything about it.
Nintendo Wii: Kingdom Hearts Wii Bound? « Sickr
Nintendo Wii: Kingdom Hearts Wii Bound? « Sickr
Two words?I got 3 words for you: Console War.
I don't see how KH would be difficult on a Wii.
Square likes working with Nintendo too.
It could be on any console.
Two words?
But yeah, they'll probably keep it "PS3 only" for this very sake.
oh noes i ish not a tru philfail fan D=Note that you couldn't get the Hercules reference :'(
You know me. I'm probably one of the only ones here that thinks it would be a good decision to put it on the Wii. But i won't be too upset if it isn't.
How would it be a good decision? While I wouldn't mind a spinoff, it just wouldn't work with the classic KH battle system. KH is technically menu based. How would that work on Wii? I'd only go for it if it was 2 things:
1. Spinoff
2. Gamecube and classic controller compatible.
if KH3 comes out for Wii id shoot myself
even though i have one, the fun of it was amazingly inaccurate combos and flips etc.
Most likely not, mostly due to possible controller difficulties and also because most of KH was on Sony consoles.
I mean can you imagine playing a game like KH3 on a wii controller? Considering its a bit of a hack and slash game would probably make it unsuitable for use with such controllers.
It's just probably common sense that it would be on PS3
My little sister heard about this and went ballistic. Unfortunately I quickly destroyed those childish dreams by informing her the Wii was an inferior console that could not handle the graphics that Kingdom Hearts 3 would dish out. She then proceeded to cry which I found amusing enough to laugh at.
It is doable. All you have to do is play No More Heroes to figure that out. The controls would probably be similar. Now that that is said, I don't Square would release it straight to the Wii. At the most they'd release it multi-consul. However the most likely out come is it being PS3 exclusive. Their trusting the PS3 with two of the three Final Fantasy XIIIs that is suppose to be released (and really the only two that matter). Of course as the release date approaches there will be a fan surge of purchases of PS3s because of it.