yeah, that is cool, thanks for letting us know.
i saw the extended trailer from KH2:FM, so i came to this site, read up, and now i dont want to put any more time into the normal KH2......damit i maxed my stats out and everything.....and now there is a better fing game that has TONS MORE!! sephiroth, bah! paradox tournys, psh, i want to fight the knight, and leaxus, and zexion, and marluxia, and all those new battles! NOT FAIR!!!
ok well if they knew anything about business, then they would put it out world wide and they would make MILLIONS MORE, duh! did YOU ever think of that, hm?
hey you might want to see this i dont know if its real though
Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + PS2 Game, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + Playstation 2
I think that they could have made more money if they would have released it in the US first, because the fan base is bigger out here anyways. We bought way more copies of the game than Japan. That was the dumb business move.
They have to spend money getting the original English voice actors all back together.
They have to spend money adding to the original KH2 game for US and PAL Regions.
They have to spend money remaking RE: COM with English acting/translations.
They have to spend money translating the game's text and code into multiple languages, again.
They have to spend money in production and shipping of the game itself all across the world
They have to spend money advertising it all over again in multiple regions
They have to compete with the original KH2 and COM that have already dropped in price.
They have to sacrifice fan loyalty in the country of Japan who expected the game to be a special edition for them, meaning potential sales loss of future titles
They also have to risk the special market that is Play Asia.
And they would have to do all of this, while Square Enix is busy with multiple other Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts projects
Simply put, Final Mix+ sales < Final Mix+ re-production
i saw the extended trailer from KH2:FM, so i came to this site, read up, and now i dont want to put any more time into the normal KH2......damit i maxed my stats out and everything.....and now there is a better fing game that has TONS MORE!! sephiroth, bah! paradox tournys, psh, i want to fight the knight, and leaxus, and zexion, and marluxia, and all those new battles! NOT FAIR!!!
and yet here's another KH Fan that says something, that he doesn't understand.
1. If they did bring it over here, and not waste money, they would make it so it works with the USA PS2, and then just put subtitles, so we know what they are talking about. Who cares about the voice acting. I wouldn't mind hearing the japanese language in the game, just put the subtitles and there ya go.
I hardly care for the voice of each character, gameplay all that matters to me. Gameplay is probably the only thign that I care about games. So otherwise forget the english actors, just put subtitles, and I would buy it.