i havent been on in awhile but listen to this. the irt world u go to in kh2 is travers town in fact one of the last worlds is twilight town.in the pride lands you chose wheather to be a cheeta sora or a elaphant.diz is ansam brother and the mayor of twighlight town.marluxirne is back with more flower power and he is the leader of the org.bhk name is sora u know what that means.he weids wepons called twin dragons not keyblades. there r at least 30 worlds and sugboat willys is a book.u use kaire her wepon is her heart and as u know u can use riku.kaires father is ansem.i cant think of anthing else all u non belivers i swear to u this is true. my friend used to have a early version of the game.they spoke in jap but it was tranleted.in the army battels u can run away just thought of that.this is not a lie.this is all confirmed.he ordered my friend and it lasted for 6 monthes until he got to a certain point i guese thats where it stoped.
THIS IS NOT A LIE i want an apolgy when the game comes out cuz non of u people will believe me
THIS IS NOT A LIE i want an apolgy when the game comes out cuz non of u people will believe me