That only proves you don't understand the whole point of those characters fully.On the topic of Sora's multiple selves... don't get me started. Roxas being best friends with the memories of his former self... and we're supposed to be sad when they both return to Sora?? I'm not buying it.
Roxas and Naminé (as well as Xion to a lesser extent) came from Sora but they developed their own sense of self, their own identities.
They all started out completely blank and over the course of their independent lives formed a sense of self and memories of their own, which all belong to them only and not to Sora.
Roxas isn't Sora nor is Naminé Kairi and at least Roxas being fighting to be his own person, to having his own life was a very important theme throughout the time he was an independent entity.
I actually do like Xion. I loved the Tears scene. I'm just saying that if you take a step back and look at their relationship, its really nonsensical. It's just more of the strange concept of people existing in multiple forms, and it adds to the convolution. I'm really not a fan of that whole plot point.
If Xion were a real character and not just another Sora spinoff, I would have a lot more respect for her. As for now, she's alright though.
The same goes for Namine. I just can't fully care for these characters because they aren't real people. I guess that's how they're supposed to be treated in the KH universe : S
I didn't said Roxas shouldn't be friends with her. I just don't think their fates were bad. Shouldn't they be existing together inside of Sora? I feel like it would be unnatural for everyone to be "restored"...
They are all real characters because they all have an own mind and can think for themselves. They are sentient and can make decisions on their own that can even contradict what the "original" might want.
So Roxas, Xion and Naminé ARE real people, the only difference is that they are incomplete by the broader definition of the series mythology.
Their fates were bad because they didn't get what they wanted: To be their own, full existences.
The way they attempted to bring themselves back to being human was going to, as a side effect, destroy the universe. (Which doesn't make much sense to me, if the universe is gone, than how can they be a alive as humans anyways?) This is why Sora needed to stop them. Luckily they way they actually ended up being humans again did not have this side effect, so it's all good in the hood. (They should probably be arrested for attempting the apocalypse, though...
EDIT: Also, (& I believe this was reflected upon for a few seconds in the manga,) you could say that KH2 ruined the story of KH1 since in KH1 they were trying to close the keyholes to all the worlds & in KH2 they were trying to reopen them...
Where did you get this nonsense from? The Organization bringing themselves back into full (hear: complete existences) wouldn't destroy the universe.
The way how they were gathering hearts to form their Kingdom Hearts was the crime as they unleashed heartless on worlds, turned people into more heartless by attacking or manipulating them and captured hearts that were freed by the keyblade and normally (naturally) meant to be reunited with their bodies in order for the people who originally lost them to be reborn.
By preventing that and stuffing the hearts into their self-made KH they essentially held all those hearts captive and used them.
Xemnas's true (hidden) agenda was to get god-like powers from that KH and remake the universe as he saw fit (similar to Master Xehanort).
Don't reference the manga as it's non-canon anyways.
They also don't open any world keyholes in KH2. These keyhole-like things Sora constantly opens during KH 2 are the locks of new lanes between, pathways between worlds.