KH1, yeah.
Gameplay wise, everything was simpler but more effective imo, and you could set them up to be different roles (Goofy could hit hard, but he also had almost broken support abilities that made him a viable tank/healer, and Donald could reach ridicolous levels of magic power, making him an infamous glass cannon).
In KHII, they're basically Drive/Limit fooder.
The thing I miss the most was the Triangle button used to set up a strategy on the battlefield (that's why, even if KHII's gameplay is definitely better and more balanced than KH1, I still don't like it as much.)
Story, I pretty much think the same way as anyone else.
I feel like in KHII D&G are already established lifelong pals of Sora, and they didn't deserve anymore spotlight than to be chums with him and act worried at times. Oh, and screaming things in unison with him.
Which I don't necessarily think it's bad, it's just less charming.