LOL IF the credits show some non-kh3 shit like kh1 and 2 Imma go hog wild
LOL IF the credits show some non-kh3 shit like kh1 and 2 Imma go hog wild
Now I hope it's not a KH3 scene. I would laugh, SO HARD.LOL IF the credits show some non-kh3 shit like kh1 and 2 Imma go hog wild
What? Latin: unus ("one") cornu ("horn"), Unicornis is the latin word for Unicorn (both in nominative and vocative cases)
Like how Anguis is the latin word of snake, Leopardus for Leopard (by your logic Leopardus is just Leopard with "us" at the end which is 100% wrong), Ursus for Bear, and Vulpes for fox/vulpine.
LOL IF the credits show some non-kh3 shit like kh1 and 2 Imma go hog wild
OK, but that still doesn't help the fact that the majority of people playing will probably think that they just picked the creature and slapped "us" or "is" at the end of the animal name. Clearly I didn't know it was a latin word, but... so? Just because in latin it means the creature it is, does that mean it sounds like a good name? No. It doesn't sound like a good name to me. I will try and not let those horrible names affect my enjoyment of Back Cover, but I just really hope that those characters never ever make it beyond Chi.
It's not like it is their real names. They do have real names that should scale around your ideas of what makes a good name. (Unless you think Ava is a bad name for Vulpes, then idk what to tell you) At least the Latin names are real. Xehanort is a made up name with no meaning unless you unscramble it, and it is a pretentious meaning at that.
lol you make this sound like it was the worst decision ever made. I don't see how you didn't realize they were Latin, though.
I never read/spoke anything in Latin?
I didn't know they had real names, but I guess when I play Back Cover I will discover all of that. I think my initial dislike stemmed from me not even liking the idea of Chi and it was just made even worse when I saw a name that I despised (ie Unicornis). I'd rather a cool name like Xehanort that doesn't have a meaning to something that has a meaning but sounds dumb to me.
mickey's house of mouse final final prologueIt's gonna be Xion on DI beach, who will slowly rotate around to transform into Sora, then into Riku, then into Xehanort, then into Xemnas and finally Goofy.
It will then say "Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts:"
Followed by: "365/Birth By Distance: Coded 0.2 A Fragmentory Back Dream; Drop of Memories/2 Sleeps 3 Unchained Remix Cover HD 2.5 Final Mix, Re: Days*sqrt(Coded) For the Prologue 2.99"
i'm surprised in the number of people who choose DDD last, i'd assume 0.2 for last because it's been hyped by the fanbase and is a true taste of III, would make sense to savor it.
lol nobody has free time anymoreWhy would anybody wait when we've been waiting years for BBSv2? Now that we have 0.2, of course people are going to play it first.
Most people here have already played KH3D and know what it is all about so it is a waste of time to play through it first if there are more interesting games to go through.
Nobody has the time to savor anything, anyways. Your average fans is probably in their 20s going to school or working and that means very limited time for gaming, so going through the shortest bits first also makes just more sense anyways.
As much as I'd like to battle Frollo and Pi-Face, do we have any reason to believe extra content like that is even possible? This isn't DDD Final Mix, nobody has free time anymore
i'm one of those strange "best for last" people, and i also have hope in extra content for 3DHD *cough*shominamotoclufrollobettermultiplayer*cough*