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KH Novel Translations - Official Thread

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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Yeah, that was it! But I'd only seen a really short part of it. Ahh it makes much more sense now. The word Xemnas used for 'friend' there was the exact same word Xigbar used, too ('tomo' instead of the more usual 'tomodachi', or the even more frequent in terms of these guys 'aite' or 'tsukiai')... ok so I suck. Sorry -_-

It's okay ^_^. I just wanted to be sure is all, since I've seen a lot of things, and I argue that Xion never existed in anything KH related, so to hear that, I kind of wanted a confirmation. And Terra called them, at least, to Ven, "tomo", correct? Wanting to make sure of that one. Considering it can work in favor for arguments.

If Nomura has explicitly stated that, I believe it. (May as well believe it, cause you only ever have well grounded reasons for saying anything!)

It was stated somewhere officially. But, by his mouth, he explicitly said that he didn't know how much he left out of KH2 until he created the novels. Needless to say, those scenes were meant to be in the game. It makes me wonder why he left them out in the first place [which is a shame].

In the novel, Axel only ever goes into the virtual world three times. He does not stay there for very long at any time; the scenes are covered from the moment he goes in to the moment he goes out. He is acting completely separate to the dusks, not even knowing that Vivi was a dusk and having to work that stuff out for himself. The only time he ever asks them to do something is when they destroy the barrier around the mansion for him, and that time, he asks them 'will you guys work for me?' as if he isn't sure they'll follow his orders.

But... I think I had this wrong, too, sorry! Thought Axel had something to do with stealing the photos, but I looked at some game scripts and I couldn't find anything. Guess I was thinking of that scene from the manga, then. I am so sorry, having a stupid day. ;__;

Awwwwww *huggles*, it's fine. The manga was what I was actually thinking about when you mentioned it, so I got a bit confused there for a moment, and wondered if that was suppose to be written or be in the game as well. Glad that the novels still have validity.

Oh, ok. Makes sense. And then they took him too far and made him too gay and now they have to add a Xion in somewhere to fix it? :D (it's my crack theory.)

I love the organisation. I'd love to see some character development on Xigbar and Zexion and Saix and... all of them, really. I feel just the same as you; if Xion character building takes over this game, I will be so pissed. But you know how the japanese are; I guess Days is aimed more at girls, who care about the backstory (and Roxas' voice actor) and the giant dating sim that is organisation 13, so they felt they had to put in a weak self-insertable female character to be loved and saved by the cute male characters.

Well, if you like AkuRoku, there really isn't a reason to worry about it, in my opinion. Axel doesn't give a damn about her [and neither does anyone else], in KH2, and if he was memory wiped, which would still be a bad move in my opinion, then he forgot her. What I don't like is that she suddenly disrupted the friendship dynamic, the duo, and a spot where Axel and Roxas held their meetings as growing BFFs. We kind of always gotten that this was where they bonded to be companions, and their hang out, kind of like the TT gang's. To copy and paste someone in there out of nowhere was kind of "WTF" when we were just looking to see how Roxas and Axel's friendship formed since we never got a good explanation in the game. And a very bad way to bring Xion in. I just hope Days is all she will appear in, and then fade away never to be heard from again.

The fact that her story is Roxas 2.0. makes her all the less appealing.

I keep wondering how the Japanese are taking all of this.
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New member
Aug 13, 2007
Trapped in Internet. Please send help.
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

I wish I could know how the Japanese are taking this.

Yeah! =D That would be so awesome to find out. I wonder if they're just as upset about Xion as we are... Or if they get into 10 page arguments about things like people do on KHI.

I don't like Xion. No. Not her. I don't like her character insertion. Her existence. The idea of her. It's contrived, forced, and I understand Nomura has pulled things out of his ass before, but this one is hard to swallow. This is the Organization's game, not hers. And Lord forbid if all we see is her, and the characters talking about her, I swear I will guarantee that I'll get my money back once I return the game. We have limited screen time as it is, 12 characters that needed development. Adding one more, and make her suddenly above the rest when she popped out of nowhere among established characters pissed me off to no end. And it's what turns me off about Days. If I wanted a 14th member, I would have gone to Fanfiction.Net. And they should have kept her entrance on the down low. I mean, throwing her suddenly in the clock tower, breaking a dynamic [however you perceive it], with Riku, Roxas, Axel, and Naminé, and all other important characters is a crap move to introduce a retcon that destroys what people were most comfortable of. This is fragile. So that's why I'm not surprised why the fandom is weary. Notice how Xion, when she wasn't shown this way and still cloaked, was fine. And then they show all these scans, and hell breaks lose. Naminé was never presented this way.

And as I said before, people forgetting about her is the biggest cop-out, merely because they know she doesn't make sense, they know she came from out of nowhere, and they know she's random, so they have to fix it by the simple method of memory wiping. Them doing this is basically admitting that it is bull.

I seriously...don't know WTF were they thinking. Even if they make her important [now], and try to fit her all in, I'm still not going to fall for that.

And I hate all this focus on the Kairi clones. I mean, couldn't there be any type of other girl that doesn't look like Kairi, older or not, to be of importance? And they are all the same: cookie-cutter females. They had Olette and Larxene, but they barely scraped screen time. It's ridiculous. If you have limited female characters, why not expand them, and keep them? You have them at your disposable, so instead of creating a new one, get to the others that have potential. Be creative. I've shrugged off bad writing before, but this one...no.

I'll pretend she never existed like all the rest of the characters do when in KH2.


Excuse my rant xDD.

More than 12, there's also Naminé and DiZ to some degree. They're certainly less important than the Org., but they have a place somewhere in the game too, and they're still more relevant and interesting than Xion. And I was looking so forward to seeing how the Org. treated Naminé and finding more reasons to dislike DiZ.

I know. Just... Everything you said, totally. They didn't need her, the whole story got along just fine without a random Kairi-clone with a keyblade, why do they feel the need to bring her in at all? Is it just because they thought otherwise the game would lack action? Because they didn't feel like coming up with backstories and personalities for the characters we actually care about? Or just for the hell of it, because they like watching us suffer?

Unfortunately, now a Mary Sue undoubtedly pulled right out of the darkest corners of Fanfiction.net is cannon, and there's nothing we can do about it. As sad as it is, we're stuck with her. But if they're going to force on us a [retcon] of this magnitude, the least they can do is make it make sense. I hate the idea of her, and I really hate that she will inevitably steal precious screentime away from the characters I do want to see, but what I'm really worried about is that they'll introduce her, tell us that she's oh-so-important and relevant and and crucial to the plot, and give her the spotlight, where she will proceed to... Do nothing. No character development, no plot development, just a Kairi-clone-Mary Sue with a keyblade that they can do whatever they want with, whether or not it's internally consistent or makes sense. If they're going to put her here, their explanation should at least be logical. And also unfortunately, the only logical way of removing her from the story again that I can see is to go with the memory-wipe cop-out. If they're going to give us a excuse for why a character that shouldn't exist is the first place is going to not-exist again, it should at least make sense; that I doubt it will is what worries me. If her character doesn't make sense, then she'll have stolen the screentime from the characters who deserve it for no reason, and we'll get nothing at all. Y'know what I mean? I don't like her anymore than you do, but she's here and we're stuck with her, so we can only hope they don't screw that up, too.

Heh. XD No problem.

They just wanted to finish up the Organization, I suppose. And Axel was one of them. As I said to someone else before, it's hard for something to make me cry or feel sorry for. The only time I ever did that was watching Titanic when I was 12, the movie Stand By Me, and a fanfiction where the end completely threw me off-guard as it made you so invested in the characters, that when one suddenly dies, and it's not a happy ending, well...

Which is why things like it never affected me. I wasn't that affected for what happened to Roxas either. Well, not that much. I would think he was lucky that he didn't fade away like the others did.

And as said, I doubt we'll see any Organization members other than Axel. Or whatever his real name will be. I'm not putting any faith, only to be let down.

I cry too easily. XP If I'm invested enough in the story, it's not very hard to get me upset over something. Even a character I wasn't particularly attached to, yet.

The deal with Roxas made me sad, but I didn't cry. I thought that he was even more unlucky than the others. Sure, the others died, but Roxas... Didn't. He still sees what's going on, and he has next to no control over any of it. It's like being paralyzed, only now he doesn't even have his own identity anymore. I'd prefer death, personally, this seems like a form of torture. At least when you're dead, you're dead. Of course, it might not be as bad as all that, I'd really like to know how Roxas and Naminé are taking it. And whatever happens to the Org. when they fade away, that might be a similar form of torture for all I know.

Oy. DX I'd prefer to think they wouldn't dare go that far, but I'm not putting any faith in it. But by the explanation they gave for Axel, Xemnas has to come back from the dead, too. So at least him.

I seriously bugged out when I saw those deaths. I mean, okay, there is one thing to show them dying in this matter, but begging for their lives before, and showed how much they wanted mercy? And to see who was at the end of it?

I know, yeah. Actually, at the time, I was a little surprised Disney allowed it. "Oh my god, that's horrible... For kids, right??"

Yeah. But Nomura looked at it. Or at least read it before it got printed out. There is so much you can do when leaving someone to write things about the game that are confirmed to be canon, and not take into account what they are doing. So he had a hand in it. He even said that he didn't know how much he left out of KH2 until he glanced at the Novels.

I see, okay. Er. What we were talking about, here? ^^;

So much in the novels he really shouldn't have left out. Like the whole side plot thing with Naminé, Riku, and Axel. More screentime for Axel, yeah, but some of the scenes are just so awesome. They could've been unlockable, or something, not even required to move on.

I know that. But, I don't know. I just can't see him as a good guy at Heart with actions taken. If it was any other movie, or game, or if it was real life, I would have called what Axel did sociopathic tendencies with how cruel they were. And only Larxene gets the brunt when she didn't even do something remotely as bad as the sadism Axel showed. Bullies can do what she did. Planning someone's death that way, however, raises questions.

True. But this game is special, it gets away with things. It's unfair, though, Larxene's called a sadistic bitch, when Axel... Yeah. Now, if Larxene got real character development and everyone got as attached to her as they are to Axel, that wouldn't happen. XD

I think I'm the other way around. I'm so pessimistic, and so negative about the game, that anything that appears as if they don't screw up will probably be seen as a success to me. I hate feeling that way. I used to be excited when I heard that there was going to be a game for the Organization members, and I could dream of the possibilities they would do with the characters and how deep they will be developed. Then they just completely ran it off-kilter when I saw how limited it was going to be with this new plot around. Notice how they have to add some mysterious character to gain interest in every game? I don't know. It's just not the same anymore. Axel gets enough screen time as it is as well. If Nomura can't keep up with 13 characters, he should have never created them. And even when he can't, he adds another one in, and focus his attention on her.

BBS is more appealing simply because it doesn't come off as random, and off-putting. And the gameplay is amazing.

I'm thinking that's probably how I'll be when I have the game in my hand, playing it. "Wait, don't go, I wanna hear about Zexion! Dammit." Then later, "Ooh, yay, shiny new character development!" I think I'll make my final verdict then, but at the moment, I'm entertaining the idea that they might not screw it up while at the same time trying to convince myself they inevitably will and I shouldn't get my hopes up.

Trust me when I say I'm just as long-winded as you, so that's no problem xD. Don't be sorry. It's funny you mention the tsundere. I was just thinking about it when in my thoughts of Larxene's character, and here you go, presenting it for me =P. I definitely see her as that type of girl.Though NOT for a guy. A person who's defensive, and shields herself, but is able to loosen up with the right people around. The mean and bitch factor has to be kept, however, or else, it wouldn't be her. For example, if she survived, plotting Axel's demise will be a good one xD. And I AGREE with EVERYTHING you said. That's what I was looking forward to in the game. Seeing interactions, how they act around one another. And Saïx has elf ears! Seriously. That makes me really curious as to where he's from. He greatly reminds me of a Elfian blood line. There's so much that could have been done. Really.

Wasted opportunities is sad D:. It's what kind of killed the excitement for me. And which brings me to my current..complaints ^^.

Agreed. ^^ Larxene's interesting for those reasons. She could be so multifaceted and complex. Actually, I find Saïx interesting for similar reasons. There's so much that could be done with his character, it's fun to think about. My theory's been his character is based on werewolf myths, not elves. XD Xigbar has elf ears, too, and the same eye color, so I wonder, does that mean they're from the same world, or what? But Xigbar's from Radiant Garden... Interesting. =D Wonder if the similarities are intentional, or it just worked out that way. Or if they're from some secret... Elf... Tribe... Thing. Or something.

Ooooh. I hope it's side quests. Please, I would that. Maybe with different members alone, or we get a point of view from them. Yet, I'm guessing this is me wishing too hard? ^^;

Both of us wishing too hard, sadly. D= But that would be so much fun, to see what the different members have to say about things. It would be such a great way to do stuff, way more fun than pointless minigames, and I'd think it'd be easier to program, too (though it'd require more writing).

LOL. I'm just thinking that making AMVs, with the lack of members screen time, will be super hard. So my dreams of more Larxene in a video has been shot down.

DX I only just realized this. Damn.

What your friend knows.....Aw man.....

Mmm? I have a friend who's planning on watching the whole thing as soon as someone puts up a translation, since she doesn't have a DS. I'd rather wait to play it, but I'm weak and probably can't wait that long. XD Since the only thing I'm interesting in finding out at the moment is whether or not the characters who happen to not be Roxas, Axel, or Xion get any character development, I'm hoping I can get her to tell me. 'Cept she prob'ly won't, so that's sad.

I am surprised that Larxene didn't have much character developement not just because of being in COM, but because she was the only girl and you would think they would emphasize that a bit in some way. Her being special and dealing with a bunch of male members. We do know that she holds her own if anything. The damel in distress would ulimately kill her character. Split personality? Uh I dont' know, nobodies perception is the way they see themselves as they were with their memories. If that were the case wouldnt' they all share that quality?

Yeah, you'd think they'd emphasize that. But, unfortunately, Larxene suffers from not being Roxas, Axel, or Xion, so she's probably doomed like the others.
Ah, the split personality thing, I linked to another site that explained what I was thinking of, there. XP Sorry, I try to point it out with the brackets and things.

The one thing we do know about the organization is that they still have their memories of who they were before and act upon according to that kind of personality. I thought that Square-Enix would of done that sooner since they are a very mysterious gang in a way. Having them all have character development all interact instead of a select few. How they all lived and who they disliked and their views over everything. Much like the backstage of it all. I would to see that done. Maybe it will happen sometime in the future or possibly sooner. The fans want it, but Square-Enix only has to listen.

They should just do it in Days! There's no better time to do it! But it doesn't look like they will, which is depressing.

No, I actually think that would be a cool thing to find out about the other nobodies and who they were before they actually came into being nobodies. I could so picture that and Square-Enix should do something like that. Roxas had a big impact in the organization life because they all went downhill once he was gone.

You mean finding out about their Others? That would be so awesome! But I don't think they have much opportunity to do that.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Yeah! =D That would be so awesome to find out. I wonder if they're just as upset about Xion as we are... Or if they get into 10 page arguments about things like people do on KHI.

Arugements are fun to read.

Agreed. ^^ Larxene's interesting for those reasons. She could be so multifaceted and complex. Actually, I find Saïx interesting for similar reasons. There's so much that could be done with his character, it's fun to think about. My theory's been his character is based on werewolf myths, not elves. XD Xigbar has elf ears, too, and the same eye color, so I wonder, does that mean they're from the same world, or what? But Xigbar's from Radiant Garden... Interesting. =D Wonder if the similarities are intentional, or it just worked out that way. Or if they're from some secret... Elf... Tribe... Thing. Or something.

Larxene loves to flirt with certain members in the organization. Such as Axel in the game. It is funny where he pays no attention to her and then eyes her leaving as if wondering where she was going. yet they have a scene in one of the novels where she touches Marluxia's shoulder. So it kind of contradidicates her actions between the two males.

I was thinking that as well. Though I would really call them wolf ear for Saix. He has this pyschotic beserk side of his so I think he could be related to them and abd his visage and eyes give the expression of why alot of people like to associate him with dog or puppy. With Xigbar I didn't know he was from Radient Garden, but I am sure that he has some kind of connections with BBS or else he wouldn't have been talking about the key blade wars.

Mmm? I have a friend who's planning on watching the whole thing as soon as someone puts up a translation, since she doesn't have a DS. I'd rather wait to play it, but I'm weak and probably can't wait that long. XD Since the only thing I'm interesting in finding out at the moment is whether or not the characters who happen to not be Roxas, Axel, or Xion get any character development, I'm hoping I can get her to tell me. 'Cept she prob'ly won't, so that's sad.

Well I do know that various of the members are assigned different worlds and take Roxas out to heartless hunting I guess? They are Xaldin, Xigbar, Luxord, Demyx, Axel, and I did see Roxas in Destiny Islands with Zexion it seem like. I love youtube. It lets you know lots of things if you know what to look for. So I see development right there or else we wouldn't have VA's returning.

Yeah, you'd think they'd emphasize that. But, unfortunately, Larxene suffers from not being Roxas, Axel, or Xion, so she's probably doomed like the others.

Maybe, but we don't know that as nothing is final until the game comes out. Like in a month for Japan?


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Larxene loves to flirt with certain members in the organization. Such as Axel in the game. It is funny where he pays no attention to her and then eyes her leaving as if wondering where she was going. yet they have a scene in one of the novels where she touches Marluxia's shoulder. So it kind of contradidicates her actions between the two males.



New member
Aug 13, 2007
Trapped in Internet. Please send help.
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Arugements are fun to read.

Fun to do, too. =D

Larxene loves to flirt with certain members in the organization. Such as Axel in the game. It is funny where he pays no attention to her and then eyes her leaving as if wondering where she was going. yet they have a scene in one of the novels where she touches Marluxia's shoulder. So it kind of contradidicates her actions between the two males.

Heh. She likes to make the boys jealous?

=0 You've read the CoM novels?

I was thinking that as well. Though I would really call them wolf ear for Saix. He has this pyschotic beserk side of his so I think he could be related to them and abd his visage and eyes give the expression of why alot of people like to associate him with dog or puppy. With Xigbar I didn't know he was from Radient Garden, but I am sure that he has some kind of connections with BBS or else he wouldn't have been talking about the key blade wars.

I don't know what he is, so elf works as well as wolf. And wolves are awesome and all, but puppies are adorable. ^_^ That's why.

Well, his Other, Braig was mentioned in the Secret Ansem Reports, so I assume Braig (and therefore Xigbar) is from Radiant Garden.

Well I do know that various of the members are assigned different worlds and take Roxas out to heartless hunting I guess? They are Xaldin, Xigbar, Luxord, Demyx, Axel, and I did see Roxas in Destiny Islands with Zexion it seem like. I love youtube. It lets you know lots of things if you know what to look for. So I see development right there or else we wouldn't have VA's returning.

Possibly, but probably nothing very significant. But we know so little about all of them right now, anything Days has to tell us is great.

Maybe, but we don't know that as nothing is final until the game comes out. Like in a month for Japan?

Yeah, May 30 for Japan, next month. Translations will probably all be up a month or so later. We'll know soon enough, I suppose. =)


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

It's okay ^_^. I just wanted to be sure is all, since I've seen a lot of things, and I argue that Xion never existed in anything KH related, so to hear that, I kind of wanted a confirmation. And Terra called them, at least, to Ven, "tomo", correct? Wanting to make sure of that one. Considering it can work in favor for arguments.

I am so so so behind on the BBS trailers and sneak peak videos and stuff. I only have one gig of downloads a month, which makes it pretty much impossible to see all the things I want to...

It was stated somewhere officially. But, by his mouth, he explicitly said that he didn't know how much he left out of KH2 until he created the novels. Needless to say, those scenes were meant to be in the game. It makes me wonder why he left them out in the first place [which is a shame].

I think he did it so that the game wouldn't end up with too many cutscenes. I am a cutscene whore, so i wouldn't have minded, but there are people out there who complain about 'walking ten steps then initiating a cutscene, walk another ten steps...' etc. I guess people read novels for the story, so it's a more appropriate medium... but that doesn't excuse them for not releasing them in English too!!

Awwwwww *huggles*, it's fine. The manga was what I was actually thinking about when you mentioned it, so I got a bit confused there for a moment, and wondered if that was suppose to be written or be in the game as well. Glad that the novels still have validity.

Thanks for being so nice... I'm glad you're here to set me straight!!

Well, if you like AkuRoku, there really isn't a reason to worry about it, in my opinion. Axel doesn't give a damn about her [and neither does anyone else], in KH2, and if he was memory wiped, which would still be a bad move in my opinion, then he forgot her. What I don't like is that she suddenly disrupted the friendship dynamic, the duo, and a spot where Axel and Roxas held their meetings as growing BFFs. We kind of always gotten that this was where they bonded to be companions, and their hang out, kind of like the TT gang's. To copy and paste someone in there out of nowhere was kind of "WTF" when we were just looking to see how Roxas and Axel's friendship formed since we never got a good explanation in the game. And a very bad way to bring Xion in. I just hope Days is all she will appear in, and then fade away never to be heard from again.

I 100% agree with this. I was like WTFISTHISF**ERY when I saw the screencaps with her on the clocktower eating ice-cream (I really shouldn't have opened the magazine in the train, I already looked stupid enough trying to balance it and the dictionary while trying not to fall over, without having fits of wrath on top of that).

I keep wondering how the Japanese are taking all of this.

I plan to ask some... I will get back to you on this! (Most of my mates aren't into KH, but I'll ask a friend to ask her friends...)

Yeah, May 30 for Japan, next month. Translations will probably all be up a month or so later. We'll know soon enough, I suppose. =)

Not comitting to anything yet, but I may be getting a copy of the game...


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation


That's what I was going to ask.

As far as I know, turkish_delight hasn't translated what your sister has given her, firemage. Unless you somehow got a sneak speek.

Kiwise said:
Heh. She likes to make the boys jealous?


I actually wouldn't put it past her, that vixen. Though, sometimes it feels like she genuinely did like Axel in that way. Or at least, some form of attraction [and I'm not just saying that because I'm fond of them, it's just that's the impression I would have normally gotten if I went through what I've seen in neutral status. I mean, I showed a person the translation where she asks Axel how her outfit looks, and gives a twirl, and when she finished reading, she was all, "Awww, she likes him! =D"]. It's too bad she was meant to die before any sort of thing was done to her. They seemd liek a fun pair too. What happens when you have two extreme and strong personalities together? I would have loved for her to have been the AkuRoku shield xD.

It certainly would have helped Axel.

A lot Dx.

Yeah! =D That would be so awesome to find out. I wonder if they're just as upset about Xion as we are... Or if they get into 10 page arguments about things like people do on KHI.

LOL. Usually, I would think Japanese people are more open to changes like this? I don't know. We definitely need our own insider to know their opinions, since, to admit, theirs are more important than ours when it comes to KH.

More than 12, there's also Naminé and DiZ to some degree. They're certainly less important than the Org., but they have a place somewhere in the game too, and they're still more relevant and interesting than Xion. And I was looking so forward to seeing how the Org. treated Naminé and finding more reasons to dislike DiZ.

I know. Just... Everything you said, totally. They didn't need her, the whole story got along just fine without a random Kairi-clone with a keyblade, why do they feel the need to bring her in at all? Is it just because they thought otherwise the game would lack action? Because they didn't feel like coming up with backstories and personalities for the characters we actually care about? Or just for the hell of it, because they like watching us suffer?

Unfortunately, now a Mary Sue undoubtedly pulled right out of the darkest corners of Fanfiction.net is cannon, and there's nothing we can do about it. As sad as it is, we're stuck with her. But if they're going to force on us a [retcon] of this magnitude, the least they can do is make it make sense. I hate the idea of her, and I really hate that she will inevitably steal precious screentime away from the characters I do want to see, but what I'm really worried about is that they'll introduce her, tell us that she's oh-so-important and relevant and and crucial to the plot, and give her the spotlight, where she will proceed to... Do nothing. No character development, no plot development, just a Kairi-clone-Mary Sue with a keyblade that they can do whatever they want with, whether or not it's internally consistent or makes sense. If they're going to put her here, their explanation should at least be logical. And also unfortunately, the only logical way of removing her from the story again that I can see is to go with the memory-wipe cop-out. If they're going to give us a excuse for why a character that shouldn't exist is the first place is going to not-exist again, it should at least make sense; that I doubt it will is what worries me. If her character doesn't make sense, then she'll have stolen the screentime from the characters who deserve it for no reason, and we'll get nothing at all. Y'know what I mean? I don't like her anymore than you do, but she's here and we're stuck with her, so we can only hope they don't screw that up, too.

Heh. XD No problem.

They created her for the sake of having some mystery involved. It seems very crappy writing on their part when a fan can do what they did. I swear, I could find something just the same in any fanfiction stories I could muster to read, and find a 14th member. I expected better quality, even for a fanservice game that caters to our Organization XIII desires [and even then, it's not doing a good job]. But yes, unfortunately, we're stuck with her. And my main problem with her is that she will be stealing spotlight, from established characters that were there long before her, and she just comes right in, and is more important than the rest. I hate it. Absolutely detest it. And they are going to make it somewhat logical now that they've done it, or else, it won't be crappy writing. It will be, "WhyTF are you still in a job?" The only development I see is Roxas 2.0, and we'll see the exact process over again about friends, leaving, finding out about existence, etc. And in the end, she'll end up being "brave" to her tragic, upsetting fate >.>. Which could be horrible, for all I care. As long as she's gone. But in the end, I think her character doesn't make sense in the actual insertion. They might explain it in the game, but her overall existence just screams contrived. I guess we just have to deal with it.

It does feel better to rant though xD.

I cry too easily. XP If I'm invested enough in the story, it's not very hard to get me upset over something. Even a character I wasn't particularly attached to, yet.

The deal with Roxas made me sad, but I didn't cry. I thought that he was even more unlucky than the others. Sure, the others died, but Roxas... Didn't. He still sees what's going on, and he has next to no control over any of it. It's like being paralyzed, only now he doesn't even have his own identity anymore. I'd prefer death, personally, this seems like a form of torture. At least when you're dead, you're dead. Of course, it might not be as bad as all that, I'd really like to know how Roxas and Naminé are taking it. And whatever happens to the Org. when they fade away, that might be a similar form of torture for all I know.

Oy. DX I'd prefer to think they wouldn't dare go that far, but I'm not putting any faith in it. But by the explanation they gave for Axel, Xemnas has to come back from the dead, too. So at least him.

I'm the opposite. I really have to get invested in a story to get my emotions running. Or just catch me off guard, which works best for me. In all the tree times I've actually cried that I listed, they all caught me by shock. Funny enough, that only goes for the media. In real life with people, I can cry over anything ^^.

The thing with Roxas is that he accepted his fate himself in the end [after much struggling], and seems calm and glad to be where he is among the other options. So did Naminé. We don't know exactly how's it like in there either. They might even have their own subconscious world where they can be, and walk freely. Only not in reality. It's kind of weird, to be honest, the whole thing about being within someone xD.To them, though, it seems "fading back into darkness" is more of a tragedy than seeing the worlds through someone else's eyes.

And of course Xemnas needs to be back. Rather, Xehanort >3. He's the main villain/

I know, yeah. Actually, at the time, I was a little surprised Disney allowed it. "Oh my god, that's horrible... For kids, right??"

Yeah, it did surprise me as well. Then again, little boys like blood and gore [Dragonball], so maybe they're like, "Cool!" o.o

I see, okay. Er. What we were talking about, here? ^^;

So much in the novels he really shouldn't have left out. Like the whole side plot thing with Naminé, Riku, and Axel. More screentime for Axel, yeah, but some of the scenes are just so awesome. They could've been unlockable, or something, not even required to move on.

LOL. I don't know xD. Though I believe we were talking about the credibility of the Novels, and whether or not Nomura had a hand in it despite that he didn't write it.

But I agree. He definitely shouldn't have cut it out. I don't get why he had to. To save space? Isn't it at least possible to make the game a 2 disc if there's a lot of background to cover? I will prefer that, and see it in-game, than reading.

True. But this game is special, it gets away with things. It's unfair, though, Larxene's called a sadistic bitch, when Axel... Yeah. Now, if Larxene got real character development and everyone got as attached to her as they are to Axel, that wouldn't happen. XD

Exactly xD. Axel got the pity story, everyone felt sorry for him, so they excuse his behavior, and like him, because he went through so much. And it makes him not much of a ass as people had thought, and perhaps was a good guy. After all, he sacrificed himself and all that jazz. Unlike Larxene, who was always mean, cruel, and bitchy. Truthfully, the only difference between Axel and Larxene in CoM, is that Larxene targeted Sora and Naminé [and Repliku to a extent], while Axel went to the "conspirators". Nonetheless, their actions and reactions are still the same.

I'm thinking that's probably how I'll be when I have the game in my hand, playing it. "Wait, don't go, I wanna hear about Zexion! Dammit." Then later, "Ooh, yay, shiny new character development!" I think I'll make my final verdict then, but at the moment, I'm entertaining the idea that they might not screw it up while at the same time trying to convince myself they inevitably will and I shouldn't get my hopes up.

I'm going into the game clean now. No excitement. No hope. No faith. That way, whatever it will be, will not disappoint. Then again, I think I'm going to wait for a non-spoilerish review and see how it is.

Agreed. ^^ Larxene's interesting for those reasons. She could be so multifaceted and complex. Actually, I find Saïx interesting for similar reasons. There's so much that could be done with his character, it's fun to think about. My theory's been his character is based on werewolf myths, not elves. XD Xigbar has elf ears, too, and the same eye color, so I wonder, does that mean they're from the same world, or what? But Xigbar's from Radiant Garden... Interesting. =D Wonder if the similarities are intentional, or it just worked out that way. Or if they're from some secret... Elf... Tribe... Thing. Or something.

Larxene has much potential. I find it rather intriguing to get into the mind of a "sadist" [supposedly titled], and what she thinks when she's cruel. Or some other method. For example, we now know that she rather be without a Heart because it's painful, or at least questions it. That small depth, right there, can be expanded, and create something amazing. They got the right tools to build a great female character, all they needed to do was to work on it.

They didn't D:.

And LOL xDD. Saïx just came off Elvish to me, I guess. It could be anything. I find it odd that they have pointy ears. It makes me wonder if they are some type of different species.

Both of us wishing too hard, sadly. D= But that would be so much fun, to see what the different members have to say about things. It would be such a great way to do stuff, way more fun than pointless minigames, and I'd think it'd be easier to program, too (though it'd require more writing).


I still think that would have been a great idea. Mini side stories and everything that goes into the actual member's thoughts to get more of a connection to them. We should head to Japan, and talk to the developers ;P.

DX I only just realized this. Damn.


It's so sad. And there are so many songs that fit Larxene literally, that Kairi and Naminé never do, even though they are used for them. For example, listening to Maneater by Nelly Furtado, and watching Kairi on the screen >.>.

Mmm? I have a friend who's planning on watching the whole thing as soon as someone puts up a translation, since she doesn't have a DS. I'd rather wait to play it, but I'm weak and probably can't wait that long. XD Since the only thing I'm interesting in finding out at the moment is whether or not the characters who happen to not be Roxas, Axel, or Xion get any character development, I'm hoping I can get her to tell me. 'Cept she prob'ly won't, so that's sad.

I'm the opposite. I have a DS, but no PSP D:. And I look forward to BBS more than any other game, and wish to actually get hands on experience. I think I might have a friend that won't spoil anything, and tell me how much Xion sucks or not. I don't think it isn't anything dangerous to know when you just confirm certain things: like how much screen time the Organization members have, how did the story turn out [rating], etc.

Yeah, you'd think they'd emphasize that. But, unfortunately, Larxene suffers from not being Roxas, Axel, or Xion, so she's probably doomed like the others.
Ah, the split personality thing, I linked to another site that explained what I was thinking of, there. XP Sorry, I try to point it out with the brackets and things.

Larxene suffers from not being Axel, Roxas, and Kairi-clones :p. All the members do, really, which is a shame. I swear, if you can't handle 12+ characters to the point where they appear 1 dimensional, do not create them. Especially if you're going to bring some random never existed girl in to screw things up for their spotlight. Unbelievable.

They should just do it in Days! There's no better time to do it! But it doesn't look like they will, which is depressing.

I am feeling very depressed D:.


Now I'm sure I'll wait for a game review first.

You mean finding out about their Others? That would be so awesome! But I don't think they have much opportunity to do that.

Yes, finding out certain things about their pasts, and what brought them to what they are now. And I know it won't, but it would have been nice to dream, anyway. :/.


I am so so so behind on the BBS trailers and sneak peak videos and stuff. I only have one gig of downloads a month, which makes it pretty much impossible to see all the things I want to...

YouTube is your friend in this case. Or you can check the main KHInsider page, and see what you can find. You can catch up if you try. I mean, I don't think you would need to download anything if you can see it on a web page, right?

I think he did it so that the game wouldn't end up with too many cutscenes. I am a cutscene whore, so i wouldn't have minded, but there are people out there who complain about 'walking ten steps then initiating a cutscene, walk another ten steps...' etc. I guess people read novels for the story, so it's a more appropriate medium... but that doesn't excuse them for not releasing them in English too!!

I think I answered that before. The FF series is especially long, and has the same aspect to it, so I don't think that a 2 disc game, or to make it longer, will be bad. The scenes in themselves are incredibly interesting, so some would definitely want it to be in the game. I just like it to be...seen, you know? But I guess it's better that we actually GET to see the characters' thoughts, which I find more important, and something you can only do in writing. So I guess it wins either way.

And yeah. I wonder when they will be coming out. I'm dying to add that Larxene scene to information pages about the Organization xD.

Thanks for being so nice... I'm glad you're here to set me straight!!

LOL. Just trying to understand stuff, is all ^^. I need it for arguments. Like:

*slaps in someone else's face*

I 100% agree with this. I was like WTFISTHISF**ERY when I saw the screencaps with her on the clocktower eating ice-cream (I really shouldn't have opened the magazine in the train, I already looked stupid enough trying to balance it and the dictionary while trying not to fall over, without having fits of wrath on top of that).

It's a shame. I really like the aspect of their friendship, and that they were a dynamic duo, so to speak. Lone rangers in the open sun xD. n fact, I would've preferred Demyx to be added in as a friend. It would have been cooler, and we can place the fandom's guy trio in.

I plan to ask some... I will get back to you on this! (Most of my mates aren't into KH, but I'll ask a friend to ask her friends...)

OMG! OMG! OMG! That would be awesome! =D

A part of me is nervous that it wouldn't be what we would like to hear though o.o.
Last edited:


Call me Love, love.
Jun 5, 2008
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

:love:You've just made my day.

Also, I love wondering around this section and finding "Rain's Edit's" everywhere. For some reason it makes me laugh.


New member
Aug 13, 2007
Trapped in Internet. Please send help.
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

I actually wouldn't put it past her, that vixen. Though, sometimes it feels like she genuinely did like Axel in that way. Or at least, some form of attraction [and I'm not just saying that because I'm fond of them, it's just that's the impression I would have normally gotten if I went through what I've seen in neutral status. I mean, I showed a person the translation where she asks Axel how her outfit looks, and gives a twirl, and when she finished reading, she was all, "Awww, she likes him! =D"]. It's too bad she was meant to die before any sort of thing was done to her. They seemd liek a fun pair too. What happens when you have two extreme and strong personalities together? I would have loved for her to have been the AkuRoku shield xD.

It certainly would have helped Axel.

A lot Dx.

Wouldn't put it past her, either, especially if Axel insists on not paying any attention to her. XD I said that when I read it, too. "Aww! >w<" and then the fangirly squeals of joy. It seems like, even if they didn't get together, they still would've been interesting as friends. I mean, with Roxas and Axel, you got these two guy-friends not really doing anything, not being serious, just hanging out. No drama, just hanging out, doing whatever it is they do. Larxene and Axel would have a totally different kind of relationship, y'know? And that's interesting, I like that sort of thing.

LOL. Usually, I would think Japanese people are more open to changes like this? I don't know. We definitely need our own insider to know their opinions, since, to admit, theirs are more important than ours when it comes to KH.

I don't know. It'd be really fun to find out what they think of all this. =0 On a lot of stuff, not just Days.

They created her for the sake of having some mystery involved. It seems very crappy writing on their part when a fan can do what they did. I swear, I could find something just the same in any fanfiction stories I could muster to read, and find a 14th member. I expected better quality, even for a fanservice game that caters to our Organization XIII desires [and even then, it's not doing a good job]. But yes, unfortunately, we're stuck with her. And my main problem with her is that she will be stealing spotlight, from established characters that were there long before her, and she just comes right in, and is more important than the rest. I hate it. Absolutely detest it. And they are going to make it somewhat logical now that they've done it, or else, it won't be crappy writing. It will be, "WhyTF are you still in a job?" The only development I see is Roxas 2.0, and we'll see the exact process over again about friends, leaving, finding out about existence, etc. And in the end, she'll end up being "brave" to her tragic, upsetting fate >.>. Which could be horrible, for all I care. As long as she's gone. But in the end, I think her character doesn't make sense in the actual insertion. They might explain it in the game, but her overall existence just screams contrived. I guess we just have to deal with it.

It does feel better to rant though xD.

But that's the thing, as long as the game isn't just totally godawful, whether the story or the characters are logical doesn't matter 'cause no one will notice. People will happy getting a new game and seeing Axel and Roxas and stuff, so they won't really care if whatever happens to Xion makes any sense or is internally consistent. And then we'll all be distracted by how "tragic and sad" her death is. Square'll still be in a job 'cause people will still buy it and will still love it. (Not that I'm an exception or anything.) Just, whatever they do doesn't have to be logical, it doesn't have to make sense because not enough people really care, and that's what scares me about Xion. I hate the idea of her, and I absolutely hate that she's stealing the spotlight from the characters who deserve it, but there's not much I can do about that, so as long as she makes sense, and there's a decent enough explanation for why she comes barging into the game, I can get used to it. But not to the characters I actually like becoming props in the background. I can't forgive her for that.

I'm the opposite. I really have to get invested in a story to get my emotions running. Or just catch me off guard, which works best for me. In all the tree times I've actually cried that I listed, they all caught me by shock. Funny enough, that only goes for the media. In real life with people, I can cry over anything ^^.

The thing with Roxas is that he accepted his fate himself in the end [after much struggling], and seems calm and glad to be where he is among the other options. So did Naminé. We don't know exactly how's it like in there either. They might even have their own subconscious world where they can be, and walk freely. Only not in reality. It's kind of weird, to be honest, the whole thing about being within someone xD.To them, though, it seems "fading back into darkness" is more of a tragedy than seeing the worlds through someone else's eyes.

And of course Xemnas needs to be back. Rather, Xehanort >3. He's the main villain/

Yeah... But it still seems weird to me. It seems like it should have some sort of psychological consequences on one or both of them. ._. "Fading back to darkness" is probably sadder, but at least they're not really conscious of it anymore. I hope, it'd suck if they're stuck in some sort of personal hell or something.

That's better. But of course, Xemnas himself won't show up. That's... Pretty stupid. I guess that's years away, though, so... We're gonna hafta wait a long time to find out. DX

Yeah, it did surprise me as well. Then again, little boys like blood and gore [Dragonball], so maybe they're like, "Cool!" o.o

XD That's true. "Holy crap, that guy just blew up! Awesome!"

LOL. I don't know xD. Though I believe we were talking about the credibility of the Novels, and whether or not Nomura had a hand in it despite that he didn't write it.

But I agree. He definitely shouldn't have cut it out. I don't get why he had to. To save space? Isn't it at least possible to make the game a 2 disc if there's a lot of background to cover? I will prefer that, and see it in-game, than reading.

That sounds about right. Well, yeah, seems like he'd at least read through the thing, but he might not necessarily have caught very many minor details, so those stayed put?

Yeah... Maybe they thought it would be better formatted to novels than a game? With the novels, you can get in their heads and see what they're thinking. It's possible to do that in the game, too, but KH doesn't usually do that, I don't think.... Still sucks, should still be in the game, but I'm happy to see what they're thinking. I dunno.

Exactly xD. Axel got the pity story, everyone felt sorry for him, so they excuse his behavior, and like him, because he went through so much. And it makes him not much of a ass as people had thought, and perhaps was a good guy. After all, he sacrificed himself and all that jazz. Unlike Larxene, who was always mean, cruel, and bitchy. Truthfully, the only difference between Axel and Larxene in CoM, is that Larxene targeted Sora and Naminé [and Repliku to a extent], while Axel went to the "conspirators". Nonetheless, their actions and reactions are still the same.

Yeah. Well, Axel seems justified, when you put that way. That's probably how a lot of people think of it.

I'm going into the game clean now. No excitement. No hope. No faith. That way, whatever it will be, will not disappoint. Then again, I think I'm going to wait for a non-spoilerish review and see how it is.

I'd like to go in clean, but I don't think that's gonna happen for me. So I'll just try to lower my expectations further so as not to be too disappointed. D=

Larxene has much potential. I find it rather intriguing to get into the mind of a "sadist" [supposedly titled], and what she thinks when she's cruel. Or some other method. For example, we now know that she rather be without a Heart because it's painful, or at least questions it. That small depth, right there, can be expanded, and create something amazing. They got the right tools to build a great female character, all they needed to do was to work on it.

They didn't D:.

And LOL xDD. Saïx just came off Elvish to me, I guess. It could be anything. I find it odd that they have pointy ears. It makes me wonder if they are some type of different species.

Yes, totally agreed. And it's fun to think about. =D I think they could totally do the same for the rest of the Org. Like, Saïx. Apparently, his relationship with Axel is more complex than we thought. (Or I thought. ^^;) They could build off of that and it could turn out to be really interesting. Or, the scene where he died. Something happened there, they could develop that side of his personality more, and he could turn out to really be an interesting and complex character. If they'd bother to do it.

Makes me wonder why they did that. "Hey, hey, guys! Let's give this guy elf ears! =D Haha, take that, writers! Now you guys have to come up with an excuse!"


I still think that would have been a great idea. Mini side stories and everything that goes into the actual member's thoughts to get more of a connection to them. We should head to Japan, and talk to the developers ;P.

It would have been interesting to see Roxas' relationships with the other members. I'd like to see how he'd get along with Larxene. =0 What kind of quests would she have him do?
"Yeah, hi Square, we're your fans. We need to talk."


It's so sad. And there are so many songs that fit Larxene literally, that Kairi and Naminé never do, even though they are used for them. For example, listening to Maneater by Nelly Furtado, and watching Kairi on the screen >.>.

I know. DX I think that problem's pretty widespread, though, no amount of character development could put a stop to that.

I'm the opposite. I have a DS, but no PSP D:. And I look forward to BBS more than any other game, and wish to actually get hands on experience. I think I might have a friend that won't spoil anything, and tell me how much Xion sucks or not. I don't think it isn't anything dangerous to know when you just confirm certain things: like how much screen time the Organization members have, how did the story turn out [rating], etc.

Yeah, I agree, but I think my friend will either tell me nothing at all just to torture me, or tell me too much while talking about it. XD "I mean, it was so sad, it was sad enough when they introduced us to Luxord's girlfriend, but then they--" "WAITWUT?"

I am feeling very depressed D:.


Now I'm sure I'll wait for a game review first.

Game reviews scare me. I don't know the reviewer's biases and things. D= "Well, I've never played any of the other Kingdom Hearts games, but, I'm going to review this mid-quel now!" "Btw, this game is auto-fail by virtue of being a RPG, but let's get on with the review!"

Yes, finding out certain things about their pasts, and what brought them to what they are now. And I know it won't, but it would have been nice to dream, anyway. :/.

DX They can't stop me from dreaming!

Irrelevant, but sort of related: a friend an I have a bet going. Most likely to have a wife and three kids is either Xaldin or Lexaeus (or rather, Dilan or Aeleus). And Marluxia's most likely to be either royalty or an army general.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Wouldn't put it past her, either, especially if Axel insists on not paying any attention to her. XD I said that when I read it, too. "Aww! >w<" and then the fangirly squeals of joy. It seems like, even if they didn't get together, they still would've been interesting as friends. I mean, with Roxas and Axel, you got these two guy-friends not really doing anything, not being serious, just hanging out. No drama, just hanging out, doing whatever it is they do. Larxene and Axel would have a totally different kind of relationship, y'know? And that's interesting, I like that sort of thing.

That's what kind of attracts me to them. Their interaction will definitely be different in many terms, as you're dealing with two strong personalities, and you get to either see it clash, mix, connect, or it can lead to admiration. That may or may not contribute to a relationship. I mean, I think both of them when together would be pretty entertaining. It also won't be the cookie-cutter, sweet, innocent relationships we've been seeing. This can actually have a adult or even darker tone to it [I can't think of Axel and Larxene as a couple without them going through some problems, whether of trust, or just two proud people butting heads]. Fun.

Larxene is too cute, though x3. I understand the fangirl squeal of joy because the whole thing was rather adorable coming from her [as well as her swinging her legs when sitting].

I don't know. It'd be really fun to find out what they think of all this. =0 On a lot of stuff, not just Days.

It will be more than fun. I would love to see what their opinion is on each member, or what characters are most popular. The only thing that scares me is that it might not be what I want to hear ^^;.

But that's the thing, as long as the game isn't just totally godawful, whether the story or the characters are logical doesn't matter 'cause no one will notice. People will happy getting a new game and seeing Axel and Roxas and stuff, so they won't really care if whatever happens to Xion makes any sense or is internally consistent. And then we'll all be distracted by how "tragic and sad" her death is. Square'll still be in a job 'cause people will still buy it and will still love it. (Not that I'm an exception or anything.) Just, whatever they do doesn't have to be logical, it doesn't have to make sense because not enough people really care, and that's what scares me about Xion. I hate the idea of her, and I absolutely hate that she's stealing the spotlight from the characters who deserve it, but there's not much I can do about that, so as long as she makes sense, and there's a decent enough explanation for why she comes barging into the game, I can get used to it. But not to the characters I actually like becoming props in the background. I can't forgive her for that.

That is the thing, unfortunately. You do bring out valid points. I guess that's the reality of the situation: that if we like or don't like her insertion, she's still going to be there. I would rather flick her off my screen, but the DS doesn't have that option >.>. I also wouldn't care for her "brave and tragic fate". In fact, I will probably have a smile on my face o.o. She will be gone. YAY!

I honestly don't care for her story. It's obviously taken from Roxas's own in KH2, about the same troubles. It will just show her being emo about all the subjects Roxas covered for the second time around. Then, of course, she goes through many "realizations", and then ends up like Roxas did, understanding what she has to do or some crap like that. If anything, while not the same, maybe, it will definitely be something around that notion. Talk about originality.

Yeah... But it still seems weird to me. It seems like it should have some sort of psychological consequences on one or both of them. ._. "Fading back to darkness" is probably sadder, but at least they're not really conscious of it anymore. I hope, it'd suck if they're stuck in some sort of personal hell or something.

That's better. But of course, Xemnas himself won't show up. That's... Pretty stupid. I guess that's years away, though, so... We're gonna hafta wait a long time to find out. DX

Well, I guess it depends on their views. In that case, Roxas, while at first struggling and fighting for it not to happen, and Naminé,have learned to accept it, and are satisfied with the result once they find out they won't fade back into darkness, and they will see each other through Sora and Kairi. As I said, maybe there might be some mental "world" in there for them to interact. I think it would be neat.

Of course, Xemnas won't show up. Xehanort will. I wonder how it's going to end if he does turn out to be Terra. I mean, with KH, I doubt it will end in tragedy about a former good guy. Hmm. Maybe.

XD That's true. "Holy crap, that guy just blew up! Awesome!"


For shame, lol.

That sounds about right. Well, yeah, seems like he'd at least read through the thing, but he might not necessarily have caught very many minor details, so those stayed put?

Yeah... Maybe they thought it would be better formatted to novels than a game? With the novels, you can get in their heads and see what they're thinking. It's possible to do that in the game, too, but KH doesn't usually do that, I don't think.... Still sucks, should still be in the game, but I'm happy to see what they're thinking. I dunno.

I don't know what I truly prefer. I want the scenes animated, but it gives much more depth when we read the point of views of the characters, and what they think, or feel. For example, in the game, if it's not explained vocally, we wouldn't know what Axel's intentions really are. Hmm. I think I like getting into their thoughts.

It made me like Marluxia, that's for sure.

Yeah. Well, Axel seems justified, when you put that way. That's probably how a lot of people think of it.

Yeah. But when you think about, it's still the easy way to get people's support and sympathy. As you said above, I guess they don't really question it. Reno in FF7 blew up Sector 7, killing millions of people, and orphaned Denzel of Advent Children in the process [he lost his parents because of that]. Apparently, it seems that it is completely forgotten because he's cool now >.>. I love him, but...seriously. Something that screwed up should not be shrugged off.

I'd like to go in clean, but I don't think that's gonna happen for me. So I'll just try to lower my expectations further so as not to be too disappointed. D=

Well, I'm just keeping my expectations lower because I'm afraid to be disappointed. If you think about the game in many great ways, it will end up with you being upset because it wasn't what you expected. The recent update in the 358/2 Days web site lifted my spirits up, though.

Yes, totally agreed. And it's fun to think about. =D I think they could totally do the same for the rest of the Org. Like, Saïx. Apparently, his relationship with Axel is more complex than we thought. (Or I thought. ^^;) They could build off of that and it could turn out to be really interesting. Or, the scene where he died. Something happened there, they could develop that side of his personality more, and he could turn out to really be an interesting and complex character. If they'd bother to do it.

Makes me wonder why they did that. "Hey, hey, guys! Let's give this guy elf ears! =D Haha, take that, writers! Now you guys have to come up with an excuse!"

It's definitely more complex. Didn't expect that. I thought that they severely hated each other, but it seems they work together, and conspire. So it's not only you :p. I guess it's safe to say that most of the things in the game, if explored, can be amazingly interesting and engaging. And will undoubtedly make the game much better because of the effort. It's just that they didn't take those chances presented.

The elf ears I want to know about. I like the fact of Saïx being of some elf kin or something.

It would have been interesting to see Roxas' relationships with the other members. I'd like to see how he'd get along with Larxene. =0 What kind of quests would she have him do?
"Yeah, hi Square, we're your fans. We need to talk."

I think, in the recent 358/2 Days update mentioned, we see her sitting in the Organization lounge [yes, they have one] in a sofa, and Roxas is standing beside her, and a text bubble pops up [Larxene is a bit of the focus in the update, actually. Small, but other than Roxas, she's the only one that really stands out]. So, we might get some interaction after all 8D. I always wanted to know what she will do to Roxas. If she will pick on him, insult him, be nice, or neutral, or just doesn't really care, and is her usual self.

I know. DX I think that problem's pretty widespread, though, no amount of character development could put a stop to that.


But still, it will be much more awesome to place it with a character that fits the song. Because then you can ACTUALLY imagine it happening, and not be OOC xD.

Yeah, I agree, but I think my friend will either tell me nothing at all just to torture me, or tell me too much while talking about it. XD "I mean, it was so sad, it was sad enough when they introduced us to Luxord's girlfriend, but then they--" "WAITWUT?"

I can help, maybe. I can just pass over to you what my friend will say, and you'll be safe from any torture, lol xD.

Game reviews scare me. I don't know the reviewer's biases and things. D= "Well, I've never played any of the other Kingdom Hearts games, but, I'm going to review this mid-quel now!" "Btw, this game is auto-fail by virtue of being a RPG, but let's get on with the review!"

I suppose not game reviews, then, :p. At least someone who has played the game and tell me what to expect, and how good is it, will be fine with me.

DX They can't stop me from dreaming!

Irrelevant, but sort of related: a friend an I have a bet going. Most likely to have a wife and three kids is either Xaldin or Lexaeus (or rather, Dilan or Aeleus). And Marluxia's most likely to be either royalty or an army general.


Married, wife, kids, Marluxia, wait, what? o.o


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Aug 13, 2007
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Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

That's what kind of attracts me to them. Their interaction will definitely be different in many terms, as you're dealing with two strong personalities, and you get to either see it clash, mix, connect, or it can lead to admiration. That may or may not contribute to a relationship. I mean, I think both of them when together would be pretty entertaining. It also won't be the cookie-cutter, sweet, innocent relationships we've been seeing. This can actually have a adult or even darker tone to it [I can't think of Axel and Larxene as a couple without them going through some problems, whether of trust, or just two proud people butting heads]. Fun.

Larxene is too cute, though x3. I understand the fangirl squeal of joy because the whole thing was rather adorable coming from her [as well as her swinging her legs when sitting].

I love seeing different relationships between characters, and that this one would have to be so different than the others we've seen is just awesome. I agree, it'd have to be slightly darker, more adult than the others we've seen. And it would be funny, too, they have these complimentary senses of humor, I'd love to see what kind of things they talk about. It would be a lot of fun, everything about it. =3 Axel didn't seem to take to her right away, but they seemed to be close in CoM. It'd be interesting to see not just how deep their relationship is, but also how it came into being.

It will be more than fun. I would love to see what their opinion is on each member, or what characters are most popular. The only thing that scares me is that it might not be what I want to hear ^^;.

Same. XD D'ya know of any Japanese KH fansites like this one? Or how to go about looking for one? Seems like the best place to start if we're serious, and Google translator might do something.

That is the thing, unfortunately. You do bring out valid points. I guess that's the reality of the situation: that if we like or don't like her insertion, she's still going to be there. I would rather flick her off my screen, but the DS doesn't have that option >.>. I also wouldn't care for her "brave and tragic fate". In fact, I will probably have a smile on my face o.o. She will be gone. YAY!

I honestly don't care for her story. It's obviously taken from Roxas's own in KH2, about the same troubles. It will just show her being emo about all the subjects Roxas covered for the second time around. Then, of course, she goes through many "realizations", and then ends up like Roxas did, understanding what she has to do or some crap like that. If anything, while not the same, maybe, it will definitely be something around that notion. Talk about originality.

That would be the awesomest feature ever. =0 "Mary-Sue Away! Erase the bad characters from the screen with the touch of a button!" D'ya think the DSi will have that option?

Fun. Roxas 2.0, now with 20% more emo! I've been wondering lately about her relationships with the other characters. I think they've only shown her with Roxas and Axel, and we pretty much know how that will go. But, what about her relationship with Xemnas, or Saïx, or Xigbar? They can't exactly ignore that, since some of them talk about her. You'd think they'd meet with her on screen at some point, or she'd mention them, or something. Of course, they won't give us very much since that would mean focusing on someone who isn't Xion/Roxas/Axel, but there has to be something. I'd rather know what they think of her than what she thinks of them, though.

Well, I guess it depends on their views. In that case, Roxas, while at first struggling and fighting for it not to happen, and Naminé,have learned to accept it, and are satisfied with the result once they find out they won't fade back into darkness, and they will see each other through Sora and Kairi. As I said, maybe there might be some mental "world" in there for them to interact. I think it would be neat.

Of course, Xemnas won't show up. Xehanort will. I wonder how it's going to end if he does turn out to be Terra. I mean, with KH, I doubt it will end in tragedy about a former good guy. Hmm. Maybe.

I think it would be, too. It's one of the things I'm really curious about, among others.

Mmm, but it seems too blatant for Roxas/Naminé/Axel to show up outside of Sora/Kairi/whoever, but Xemnas won't. People might notice.
That's part of why I think Xemnas might not be as bad as most of the fandom makes him out be, since Xehanort might be a former good guy.

I don't know what I truly prefer. I want the scenes animated, but it gives much more depth when we read the point of views of the characters, and what they think, or feel. For example, in the game, if it's not explained vocally, we wouldn't know what Axel's intentions really are. Hmm. I think I like getting into their thoughts.

It made me like Marluxia, that's for sure.

We got the novels (sort of), now they need to animate them. Then we got both. I like both. =3 Sounds like a good plan. I really, really love knowing what they're thinking. That's one thing I personally love seeing in stories, and the main reason why I like the novels/short stories/stuff. It gives us this whole other point of view to personally find out their motivation, rather than having to guess ourselves or one of them having to tell us.

Yeah. But when you think about, it's still the easy way to get people's support and sympathy. As you said above, I guess they don't really question it. Reno in FF7 blew up Sector 7, killing millions of people, and orphaned Denzel of Advent Children in the process [he lost his parents because of that]. Apparently, it seems that it is completely forgotten because he's cool now >.>. I love him, but...seriously. Something that screwed up should not be shrugged off.

Mmm. Fictional characters are allowed to get away with a lot of messed up stuff. With Reno, though, it might be a little more understandable. He's "doing his job," like he's said before. Axel probably doesn't have that excuse (I'm not ruling it out immediately, though).

Well, I'm just keeping my expectations lower because I'm afraid to be disappointed. If you think about the game in many great ways, it will end up with you being upset because it wasn't what you expected. The recent update in the 358/2 Days web site lifted my spirits up, though.

Right, I agree. But it's hard for me, with the shiny pretty graphics an' all, not to think that maybe they won't screw it up. DX And then I know I'll be disappointed when they do. Updates are great, though. Seems like we can expect a bunch of updates soon, since they have a bunch of videos left to open on the site.

It's definitely more complex. Didn't expect that. I thought that they severely hated each other, but it seems they work together, and conspire. So it's not only you :p. I guess it's safe to say that most of the things in the game, if explored, can be amazingly interesting and engaging. And will undoubtedly make the game much better because of the effort. It's just that they didn't take those chances presented.

The elf ears I want to know about. I like the fact of Saïx being of some elf kin or something.

Yeah. I thought so, too, but I guess it's deeper than that. Now that we know Larxene will show up at least a little, I'm happier.

I love that idea, too. The scars are interesting, also, but not as much. Easy enough to guess the story.

I think, in the recent 358/2 Days update mentioned, we see her sitting in the Organization lounge [yes, they have one] in a sofa, and Roxas is standing beside her, and a text bubble pops up [Larxene is a bit of the focus in the update, actually. Small, but other than Roxas, she's the only one that really stands out]. So, we might get some interaction after all 8D. I always wanted to know what she will do to Roxas. If she will pick on him, insult him, be nice, or neutral, or just doesn't really care, and is her usual self.

I loved the lounge. That made me laugh, it seemed so random. It looked pretty cool, too. (And I saw Saïx in the background. <3) Yeah, that gave me some hope; maybe the CoM members will get a little attention after all, if at least one of them will go on a mission with Roxas. I figured since Roxas is a friend of Axel's, she wouldn't be too rough with the poor kid. I've sort of wondered how she'll get along with Demyx, too. Lightning vs. water an' all.


But still, it will be much more awesome to place it with a character that fits the song. Because then you can ACTUALLY imagine it happening, and not be OOC xD.

^^ AMVs are fun like that. I like to try and collect all the songs I can think of that might fit a certain character. Just collecting the songs, not necessarily doing anything with them right away.

I can help, maybe. I can just pass over to you what my friend will say, and you'll be safe from any torture, lol xD.

XD That's alright. I'm not really worried about it. Got about two months until anyone puts up a translation, anyway.

I suppose not game reviews, then, :p. At least someone who has played the game and tell me what to expect, and how good is it, will be fine with me.

Mmm, it's just why I don't like game reviews much, personally. I'd rather get it firsthand.


Married, wife, kids, Marluxia, wait, what? o.o

While thinking of general, reusable backstories for the Organization, my friend and I decided that out of everyone, the one most likely to be either royalty or an army general is Marluxia. Because we're lame like that. XP


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Chapter 5: Last Minutes to the Castle Oblivion is posted in its entirety!! I am so dead. Did a magazine scan for bittermeat AND this today.

gold_panner: Chapter 5: Last Minutes to the Castle Oblivion

*TwilightNight*, the friend I am asking about Japanese opinions of Xion etc isn't answering my emails, so when I have more internet I will trawl some Japanese forums and see what they say, ok? ^_^

I don't think you would need to download anything if you can see it on a web page, right?

When I said 'download', I meant how when you open a page on the internet, your computer is downloading that information from the net (you know the green loady bar at the bottom of the page?) So unfortunately, even if I'm not actually downloading the file and saving it to my computer, just looking at anything on the interent eats up my measly 1GB a month... ;___; that's just how my ISP deal works, and since I live in a remote area my options are very limited.


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Aug 13, 2007
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Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Thank you! This is amazing!

"He only does this when I need him!" XD

So, then Larxene joined just a day after Marluxia? I didn't know that. Huh.

Luxord and Axel playing a game and Axel losing. That was cute. ^^

"Fragments"? Does he mean their world?

So, what did Zexion mean by "cunning"? Does that specifically mean he suspects them of something, or is he just joking?

Thank you so much! You are awesome and made of win for doing this.

“I’m not interested in this kinda game." Am I the only one who was looking for some kind of innuendo there?


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Thanks ^^ reading comments makes it worth it!

I'm quite sure if it was the day after... I'm not sure how much time is supposed to have elapsed between each 'scene', and when it says 'that day', it could just mean, 'on this particular day'...

"Fragments"... I have no idea, (and neither does Luxord). The annoying thing is, i don't actually know whether it should be translated as 'the worlds' or 'the world'. So it could either mean the worlds are moving and their world is a fragment, or the fragment of the world they live on is moving.

Zexion's word was another hard to translate one... it could just as easily mean 'suspicious' as cunning. So, maybe he doesn't suspect them of having done something, but is commenting on the likelihood of them doing something...?

"I'm not interested in that game"... yeah, I was getting 'Xigbar is a pimp' vibes from that whole conversation, what with Axel peering up into his face, and Luxord tilting his head to one side.... XD


New member
May 22, 2008
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Yay! Thank you! Thank you! This is truely amazing thank you!

KeybladeK 35

New member
Mar 3, 2007
Somewhere playing KH XP
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Yay!! I love this thanks so much X3


Just curious, are you doing any more novels by chance, or more chapters cause I think this book has more pages, though I could be wrong....

Anyways, thanks though


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Just curious, are you doing any more novels by chance, or more chapters cause I think this book has more pages, though I could be wrong....

Here is some information about the other chapters of the book:
First of all, there are only six chapters. This is what the other chapters are about:
Chapter 1: details Roxas, Hayner, Pence and Olette doing those odd jobs in Twilight Town to pay for the beach.
Chapter 2: exaclty what happens in Halloween Town in KHII
Chapter 3: exactly what happens in the Pride Lands in KHII
Chapter 4: a litte story about Sora, Donald and Goofy in their gummi ship
I myself was pretty upset that there aren't more awesome chapters. I don't think they are very interesting, and I have a lot of other things I'd rather spend my time on (like stuff for bittermeat...). Chapter 1 is coming soon (because someone asked me to finish it, but translating characters I don't care much about doing those minigames at the start that I failed at makes it drag so much), and I'll probably do chapter 4 sometime, but unless you reeeally want me to do chapter 2 and 3, I'd rather not. They are just exaclty what happens in the game. I mean, I'd like to do them so that the whole thing is up there and looks complete, but I'm not sure it's worth the time and effort (and it really does take it out of me to do).
I do plan to get the other Kingdom Hearts II Game Novels, and do them sometime. They have a lot of extra scenes added in that weren't shown in the game, so I think they'd be very interesting. But, I don't know when I'll get the books, so I couldn't tell you when it's going to happen... >_<
Thanks for reading! <3

KeybladeK 35

New member
Mar 3, 2007
Somewhere playing KH XP
Re: Axel--Seven Days Game Novel translation

Oh I see, thanks for that

Yeah it's kinda pointless to read a chapter that ALREADY happen in the game >_< I'm better off reading the scenes that weren't told in the game before, you know the IMPORTANT stuff XD

Anyways, thanks for replying to my message goldpanner X3
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