I'm sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I did most of my translating when I was in my senior year of high school and my first two years of university, and since then I haven't had as much time as I worked hard to graduate, and moved overseas and started a new job. For some reason I thought I'd have more time after I'd graduated, but the responsibilities of Adult Life have thoroughly dispelled that idea ^^;
I'm living in Japan now and have more motivation than ever to be reading and using the language. On top of that, I think my language skills are the best they've ever been, and I'd be able to put work out pretty quickly once I started.
The issue is just energy. I am so wiped after 12 hours a day of work/commute that I get home and scrape together a meal and mindlessly scroll through websites before I crash. And wake up early to plan for work again.
I really do want to start translating regularly soon, I just need to push myself to make a routine. I'm partway through chapters of KH2 vol 4, BBS vol 1 and DDD vol 1 at the moment, so whichever one I feel people want to see first, I'd get that one out first
It seems, from comments on my website, that people are most eager for BBS.
I can't give a concrete time to expect anything. But, I am going to try and step up my game as soon as I can.
tell me which novel you're most looking forward to seeing!!
edit: man i forgot this thread was originally about KH2, and forgot which section it was stickied in. everything is confusing