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Fanfiction ► KH LODI A New Story

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DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Chapter 1

One year ago on Destiny Islands many families were torn apart by the darkness of one person. His name was AJ. The darkness he unleashed destroyed many worlds. As it traveled the worlds in search of AJ. AJ was a powerful warrior who helped destroy many evils before. AJ and his friends stood up to fight against many powerful evils and won every time. Then in a final battle against Sephiroth AJ lost most of his energy and the darkness in him was released into the world. AJ got his energy back in time and set out to destroy the darkness he made, but he was struck down. Not long after the darkness went after AJ's friends, who were also unable to defeat the darkness AJ had released. Now the kids of the hero's are starting a journey to stop the darkness. Now the time has come for a new story.

On the islands the kids are at the graves cleaning them up and putting new flowers out. In the tree's an old friend is watching them checking on them little do they know he is going to lead to some weird stuff. The kid's start to leave as they walk. Niwa stops and turns around to look at the tree.

"You come out now. You are no good at sneaking around.” The man jumps out of the tree and lands by Niwa with a smile as he says.

"Niwa, how have you been this past year? I know how you must feel.” Niwa looks at him then sighs.

"Zi, why are you here you moron. I thought you ran away.”Niwa said as Zi shook his head.

"I'm here to watch after you kid's.”

Niwa started to laugh."Zi we don't need anyone watching over us we are not kids any more.”Niwa said as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Fine Niwa, but it was AJ's wish for me to look after you guys.”Zi said as Niwa stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"My dad asked you to look after us fine do what you want, just don't mess with me.”Niwa said as he saw Kinra walking toward him.

"Hey Niwa I'm going to work. I’ll be back later ok.”Kinra said as she walked away.

"All right kinra see you later.”Niwa said as he started walking away.

"I will cook for you all tonight ok Niwa.”Zi said with a laugh.

"Do what you want, but no nasty stuff ok, make good food.”Niwa said as he walked into his house and sat down.

Later that night everyone is waiting for the food."Where is the food?”Levi said.

"Where is Kinra?"Fan said as he looked around the room.

"She's at work you moron, so shut up.”Niwa said as he started to get annoyed from the lack of food.

"I want my food now."Said Kiroshi as he started to punch a wall.

"Food need food now.”Maggie said as she started to nibble on her plate.

"Is that good Maggie?”Zex Blaze said as he looked at her with a laugh.

"Yummy I want more.”Maggie said as she gulped down the plate.

"That is not normal Maggie.”Niwa said as he moved away from her.

"Zi hurry Maggie is freaking me out over here.”Everyone starts to hear a crunching sound they all look at Maggie.

"Ouch Maggie the plate is not good.”Niwa said as blood came down from his mouth.

"Yes it is Niwa.”Maggie said as she ate another plate.

"It cut up my mouth.”Niwa said as he looked at Maggie confused.

"Ok here it comes. Uh Niwa why is your mouth bleeding?”Zi said as he held the food.

"I would rather not talk about it Zi.”

Zi starts to put the plates with food on them in front of everyone.

"Zi what is this stuff? I thought I said good stuff only."Niwa said as he looked at the food.

"It is healthy green food. So eat up so you can get stronger."Zi said with a smile.

"It looks really sick."Levi said as he pushed the plate away.

"I like it you should try it so good."Fan said as he ate it all.

"That is sick man."Kiroshi said as he threw his plate.

"Ew, Fan is weird."Maggie said as she started her food on fire.

“Fan that is so wrong how can you eat that."Zex Blaze said as he started turning green.

"Zi did you cook anything else that does not look like it came out of your mouth."Niwa said as he looked at Zi.

"Well I did make some liver would you like some."Zi said with a smile.

"Ok I am gonna go to town to get something to eat."Niwa said as he walked out the door.

"You have no munny Niwa."Zi said as he looked at Niwa.

"I do have munny I got a job Zi."Niwa said as he walked away.

"He has a job."Zi said as he looked around.

"Yea he works at the electronic shop."Levi said as he looked at Zi.

"I need a job."Fan said.

"You need a life Fan."Kiroshi said.

"Shut up Kiroshi before I pound you."Fan said as he looked at Kiroshi with anger.

"I need food now, please."Maggie said as she put her head down from hunger.

"You just ate everybody's plates Maggie."Zex Blaze said.

"Yummy I want more now."Maggie said with a smile.

Meanwhile, in town Niwa is looking for a place to eat."This place looks good."Niwa said as he walked in and sat down and waited for the waitress.

"Welcome what can I get you."The waitress said."Yes I would like . . . uh . . . what Kinra?"Niwa said as he looked at Kinra.

"Niwa, what, why, where."Kinra said as her face turned red. Kinra stood in front of Niwa with her uniform with a tight shirt and a miniskirt."Wow kinra that is a new look."Niwa said as Kinra ran into the back fast.

"I guess Kinra works here."Niwa said as the boss walked toward him.

"You pervert get out of my store now." The boss said as he picked up Niwa.

"Hey look who's talking you’re the pervert. You made Kinra dress like that not me."Niwa said as the boss threw him through the window.

"And stay out you pervert."The boss said as Niwa hit a wall.

"Man, why does this stuff happen to me."Niwa said as he stood up."Well that place closes in an hour so I’ll check out other places until Kinra gets off."Niwa said as he started walking and came across a weapon shop.

"I should get a sword to train with."Niwa said as he walked in and got a sword and left.

Niwa walked into a pet shop and got a puppy then he headed back to meet Kinra.

"Yo Kinra how you doing?"Niwa said as he walked up to Kinra.

"Niwa I'm sorry about what my boss did."Kinra said.
"It's ok Kinra, but why do you work at this place."Niwa said.

"I need money so I can buy stuff."Kinra said.

"How much do you need?"Niwa said.

"I need 1000 for now but I only got 200."Kinra said.

"Well I can give you a job at the electronic shop."Niwa said with a smile."

Really you would do that Niwa."Kinra said with a smile.

"Of course Kinra well we better head back."Niwa said as they started to walk back to the island. They go through the portal and appear on the island and notice plates everywhere.

"What is going on?"Niwa said.

"Plates Yay so many so fun."Maggie said as she jumped into the plates and they flew everywhere.

"Oh come on can't we go a day without this Maggie."Niwa said as he got hit in the face with a plate. Maggie starts to run away and Niwa runs after her."

Get back here Maggie."Niwa said.

"Never you will never get me."Maggie said as she threw more plates back.

"Ah crap, why is this happening?"Niwa said as he gets hit again.

Maggie runs into her secret room and hides with her plates."Maggie where are you now."Niwa said.

She's gone but how."Kinra said.

"She is tricky, but geez she could at least take the plates with her."Levi said.

"Where is she at?"Fan said.

"She has a secret room you know."Kiroshi said.

"Where is it at?"Said Zex Blaze.

"Hey I found a door I think it might be hers."Niwa said as he opened it.

"Let's go then."Kinra said as they all walked through the door to find a hallway.

"When did this get here?"Niwa said.

"I have no clue Niwa."Kinra said.

"How did she make this?"Levi said.

"Looks like fun."Fan said.

"I got a bad feeling about this."Kiroshi said.

"You’re not alone in that department."Zex Blaze said as they started walking in the hallway and came to a fork in the hallway.

"Me, Kinra and Levi will go right you guys go left."Niwa said as they split up and kept walking.

"This is so creepy."Fan said.

"Shut up fan."Kiroshi said.

"This is weird."Zex Blaze said as they kept walking and a hole in the wall opened up.

"What is that."Fan said as fire shoots out of the wall and hits fan and he starts running.

"Hot, hot that is hot."Fan said.

"Should have known traps."Kiroshi said.

"This could be bad."Zex Blaze said as he looked around the room.

Fan keeps running as a bunch of holes open in the walls and arrows fly out.

"No way what is going on."Fan said as he kept running.

“Run faster or get shot."Kiroshi said as he ran faster.

"Let's get out of here now."Zex Blaze said as he started running even faster. They ran as fast as they could to the exit as the arrows shoot at them they jump out of the hallway.

"That was way weird but I'm happy we are out."Said Fan.

"To close for comfort."Kiroshi said.

"Fan looks like an arrow got you right on the butt."Zex Blaze said.

"What are you for real?"Said Fan

"I got it don't worry."Kiroshi said as he pulled out the arrow.

"Ouch that hurt."Fan said as he rubbed his butt.

"Haha that was funny."Zex Blaze said while he laughed. Meanwhile Niwa, Levi and Kinra are still walking.

"This is one long hallway."Niwa said as he looked around.

"Yea it is I wonder why."Levi said as he looked down the hallway.

"When will it end?"Kinra said as she looked around. They keep walking then hear a click under Levi.

"Levi don't move ok."Niwa said as he crouched down.

"Why what is going on Niwa."Levi said.

"You just walked on a mine."Niwa said as he stood up.

"I don't want to die what do I do."Levi said.

"Run as fast as you can man."Niwa said as they start to run and mines start to explode behind them.

"This is not happening please let it not be happening."Levi said as he stepped on another mine and got blown into more.

"Keep running Kinra don't stop."Niwa said.

"I am don't worry about me."Kinra said as she trips and get's blown back out of the hallway.

"Kinra no why is this happening."Niwa said as he looked foward and noticed the exit. Niwa runs through the exit and comes to a small room."This is my dad's secret control room where he looked over the island." Niwa said as he looked around the room. Meanwhile Maggie is sleeping in her bed holding a plate.
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The Silent warrior
Dec 28, 2005
I like it Niwa but can you just say "Zex" instead. :toungesmile:


Dec 17, 2003
1. Spell check

2. After every paragraph use the [ENTER] key.

3. After a period use space bar.

4. Use a more original name than AJ

5. Do not repeat the same word constantly, for example(what's in read and orange are your repetitions):

Niwa said:
The darkness destroyed many worlds as it traveled the worlds in search for AJ.


Niwa said:
AJ was a powerful warrior who helped destroy many evils before.AJ and his friends stood up to fight against many powerful evils and won everytime.Then in a final battle against Sephiroth AJ lost most of his energy and the darkness in him was released into the world.AJ got his energy back in time and set out to destroy...

Remember, pronouns were created for a reason.


DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
wat is this beat up niwa day geez next chap soon i have been busy but i think i can get it together tonight and should be here tomorrow aight ppl.o yea i forgot*smacks reckless upside the head*hahahaha and every heart i control ur destiny in the story remember hahahaha.


Apr 21, 2005
If you bother to count the number of times you've whored off the name A.J in the first paragraph, you've got the percentage, out of one hundred, that I'm rating this fiction. Grow an imagination cortex, you talentless drone.


Nov 17, 2005
Niwa!! We haven't talked for a long time...anyway, I'm reading your fic now!! Though it is kind of hard to see, but I'm looking forward for the next chapter!! Hip Hip Hurray!

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
*Nearly kills Niwa* You may control Every Heart's character Kinra's destiny in the fic but, I control your fate so, don't do anything to Every Heart's character that I wouldn't like. Mini skirt is okay with me and Kain better be in the next chapter wearing his eyepatch over his right eye. HURRY UP WITH NEXT CHAPTER!!!
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