you'll after to at least once to beat the ventus playthrough.There's no way I'm playing that mini game ever again.
you'll after to at least once to beat the ventus playthrough.There's no way I'm playing that mini game ever again.
And this is why I will be playing the game in Critical Mode. I've already done it in Proud, so why do it again anyway? That, plus new bosses and whatnot, is winwin. Though, I never beat the Mysterious Figure... may as well do it on critical!
Without knowing DDD's requirement for the secret video, I just assumed that completing the game on Proud Mode will get me it without the extra work. I was right. And that's a good feeling... lol
Thunder Surge spam, my friend. Thunder Surge. That, and a at least three or four Curagas, was how I beat him on Critical Mode as Aqua.
I'll admit, I tend to go to the highest difficulty setting for the Kingdom Hearts games mostly because I don't want to have to do any (more) arbitrary work than I feel I have to. A little extra difficulty is something I'd prefer to take over things that I don't feel like completing such as Jiminy's Journal.
Thankfully my favorite character to use is actually Aqua. Admittedly, I tried him like once and I was like "EFF THIS NOISE" and then didn't. I was terrible at the secret bosses. My first game I actually beat all the extra bosses was in KH2, where Sephy is super easy.
I am just recently playing through 1.5 and I beat all the secret bosses on Proud Mode. Never did that before (nor beat the game on Proud.) AND I got the Ultima weapon for the first time.
I am totally psyched to try 2.5 on Critical, especially BBS, as BBS is my favorite game. Yeah, I know I could do it before, BUT this time it's on a console!