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Fanfiction ► Keyblade Wars: Epilogue

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Apr 30, 2006
Like i said, i've been a guest on here for years probably longer than many of you. So im not one of the n00bs who have no idea what there talking about. Harsh isnt what it was supposed to be, just giving feedback like he asked people to. No one said it had to be positive feedback.
Apr 30, 2006
Well that makes one. Unless this plot or writing style some how changed which probably isnt going to happen this should definately be ended but I'm glad that someone else agrees with the points I made. But I really suggest you take what I said seriously or else you will inevitably end up in a rut because thats exactly where you're headed.


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Jan 11, 2004
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Well, Im not in that rut yet. And as Kire said "I don't think you should end it" so, I won't end it quite yet. Now, I know that my grammar and run-ons suck. Yeah, Im not so good in that area. But, I haven't gotten one complain for the plot but, from you. So, if I get more complaints I will stop writing. If not then I will keep writing. I have taken your points and will try to fix it up next chapter.

Im an inspiring writer. And Im not too good with KH or short stories I guess. But, most of my stories are pretty good with exception of the grammar and run-ons. But, as I said this is the first complaint so, it doesn't effect me much
Apr 30, 2006
I'm glad you have taken atleast some of my suggestions, and you may not have had anyone else critique the plot but I absolutely gurantee that there will be others. Of course there has only been one from me so far because this fan fic was started like what, yesterday? I still stick to what I said before but if you want to draw it out and wait for others to agree with me, it is your own choice. But I'm aleast glad that you made some what of an effort to fix sentences for your next chapter but even good grammar can't make a plot any better or original.


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Jan 13, 2004
At the crossroads of the paths of shadow and light
Alright. Since destructive criticism seems to be the local developing trend, let's follow that line of emotion and continue, shall we?

Aishiteru, your feedback, while having valid points, was indeed harsh. As for working as an editor of a newspaper, even if it's only localized to your school, I can't see how anything can get done in an environment where negativity is concentrated and room for improvement is shunned. Maybe everyone isn't supposed to be a writer, and maybe there were a lot of flaws in the fic, but who are you, oh high and mighty editor, to judge whether or not he should continue writing, with this or in general?


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Jan 11, 2004
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KeybladeWielderOeru said:
Alright. Since destructive criticism seems to be the local developing trend, let's follow that line of emotion and continue, shall we?

Aishiteru, your feedback, while having valid points, was indeed harsh. As for working as an editor of a newspaper, even if it's only localized to your school, I can't see how anything can get done in an environment where negativity is concentrated and room for improvement is shunned. Maybe everyone isn't supposed to be a writer, and maybe there were a lot of flaws in the fic, but who are you, oh high and mighty editor, to judge whether or not he should continue writing, with this or in general?

Thank Oeru for agreeing with me. I understand that this isn't my greatest work but, you seemed to like the other story I sent you over PM, even if my grammar isn't well done. But, Im trying.
The story isn't as horrible as your making it out to be. Your looking for flaws instead of good things. Of course you will most likely counter with something along the lines of "There were no good things." Well everybody has there opinion. I've heard yours. Thanks :)
Apr 30, 2006
Oeru, it may have seemed harsh and negative to you but it was intended for constuctive criticism. I in no way believe that I am "high and mighty" as you say and I made no statement to suggest that. I never said that he should stop writing in general when I said "stop writing this fic" I then said that he should work on creating better plots and sentence structures and then return. I get harsh reviews on my writings some times but I still take them seriously. Harshness can be taken in many degrees and I believe that writers just need to suck it up and put it into context.


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Jan 13, 2004
At the crossroads of the paths of shadow and light
Intended to be constructive? How can anything be intended to be constructive when things are put the way that you felt the need to put them? In your first post, you did indeed give the impression that you were in some way particularly knowing in this area, perhaps more so than others, when you mentioned that you held the place of editor. Whether you meant it that way or not is irrelevant. In that same post, as well, you noted that the fic simply needed to be stopped, and continuing from there, you said in your second post that others would doubtlessly agree with you. As if you're the only one on these forums who isn't grammatically ignorant.

You say that you've gotten harsh reviews on your works, as well, but take them seriously. Perhaps, as the author of this fic said, he is an aspiring writer, and only that. Perhaps he is not yet at the same level as you, and so perhaps he isn't able to take your criticism so lightly, as you say it was intended to be. Upon reading harsh reviews, did you give up on gathering other opinions entirely, as he'd be doing if he stopped posting his continuing plot, if only for the time being? If one critic said that you shouldn't continue and that others would certainly agree, would you assume he was correct and stop altogether?
Apr 30, 2006
Once again the way I put what I stated may not have seemed constuctive to you but the author asked for feedback and that is exactly what I gave. And yes when I gave the impression that I am familiar with the area is beacause I am. Usually peopel on here beleive that new members are inferior and have no idea what they're talking about which isnt true at all. I also don't see the harm in saying that I know this site better than many others because it is true. I never said that made me better than anyone. When I said that others would doubtlessly agree that wouldnt mean I thought that I was the only one on here that isnt grammatically ignorant it actually means the opposite because if i was the only person then the "others" I mentioned would have to not be grammatically ignorant as well. So I in no way gave that impression. The author of this fic said he was aspiring only after I gave my critique, and gave none of that information earlier before I ever psoted. And of course I took other opinions and I never said that he shouldn't either but I simply stated that others would invetiably agree with me, because there will indeed be others. And if his readers dont mind this over used and dry plot then they can say so and this fic can continue on as he sees fit, I am only giving my advice because I have seen this same thing happen countless times and every one ends exactly the same- in a rut. You can continue with your defenses as long as you wish to but I still stick by to everything I've said and its only a matter of time before others agree with me.


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Jan 11, 2004
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Well, I have got nothing but good feedback up to this point. With 4 good reviews and 1 bad review its not gonna effect me much. Perhaps, you didn't like the plot but, obviously other people do. And Im sorry, but that is really too harsh to say "This needs to be stopped all together." Of course I will wait for more reviews but, so far I think your just a harsh critic.

"Only a matter of time until the others agree with me" Yet another harsh thing to say. And by the way True this was on the second page. It wouldn't have continued in the first place if you didn't critique it.
Apr 30, 2006
Okay, so harsh critic I am. But as an aspiring writer you should learn to expect "harshness". And your friend saying that I am acting high and mighty is quite wrong because it seems that you think of your fic in that way. Four good reviews is barely something to base the greatness of your fic on. It has only been out for a few days so of course there would be lack of any kind of reviews.


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Jan 11, 2004
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But, as I said before... This was dead! On the second page! Why did you insist on ragging on it? To save me from my rut? (Didn't help) To Embarass me? (You didn't!) To just do it for the hell of it? What?

By the way, I did not say my fic. was great. I was merely stating that the good outweighed the bad as of now.
Apr 30, 2006
You may have said it was dead but your freind persisted to be defensive against my statements. And why for any reason what so ever would I try to embarass someone I have never even met and never will meet.


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Jan 13, 2004
At the crossroads of the paths of shadow and light
Oh, I never doubted the fact that others would agree with me, but I'm not the one putting up defenses, my friend. I'm not going to continue to try to argue with you when you're obviously far too caught up in your false altruism to distinguish humanity from editing skills.

As intelligent as you make yourself out to be, I'm surprised you haven't come up with a similar notion yourself, but I'll say it anyway. You want to know where the harm in saying that you know the site better, or that you aren't like the other "new" members? The harm in that is the fact that you said it at all. It all boils down to defenses, as you so accurately put it. If you and the countless other newer members weren't in some ways very much alike, and if you did know the site as well as you claim, why do you feel the need to say it? Were you looking for praise, for some way to justify your "advice" and at the same time set yourself above others? Deny it all you want, but that's the only reason that anyone ever states the better of their attributes.

I don't doubt your skill with words, at least in the grammatical and storytelling sense, but as far as logical reasoning goes, you fall short. Perhaps others will agree with you. Perhaps I'm completely wrong in saying any of this, and perhaps you'll come out of this with a triumphant feeling of assured victory. Know, however, that there are those who do retain the capacity to judge with a less totalitarian method. Give feedback on his grammar, the poor plot, the structure of the story in general, but don't try to make the excuse that you only did so in the first place, and did only that, because you didn't yet know his skill as a writer.

To "stick by to everything" (a grammatical error of your own, or perhaps a simple mistake?) when the situation has changed, such as when he mentioned that he was not as skilled as perhaps you thought he was, is foolish. Case closed. How thick does your skull have to be for you to remain in the exact same position even when the ground is clearly melting away at your feet? He told you of his less than average skill and still you have not changed your opinions or "feedback" in the least. Argue your intelligence there.


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Jan 11, 2004
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•True_Aishiteru• said:
You may have said it was dead but your freind persisted to be defensive against my statements. And why for any reason what so ever would I try to embarass someone I have never even met and never will meet.

That doesn't anwser my question. This was on the second page. You posted and got it on the first page again, and my friends decided to back me up. All of this could have been avoided!
Apr 30, 2006
Haha. Wow, I find it really humorous that you care so much what a random girl thinks about this person's fic who you probably dont even know in real life anyways, it is just critiquing. You say you arent going to continue to argue yet right after you say that you continue to bring up different things I said and well arguing against them. Stop being such a hypocrite and fighting for something that doesn't even matter. I also find it sad that the way you are spending your sunday night is in an irrelevant arguement with a person that you will never meet and wont even remember like in a few weeks from now. It was just a critique on a fan fiction that won't even exist in a year or most likely less time than that. So heres my suggestion to you Oeru, go do something more constructive with your time as I'm about to do because this meaningless petty argument has no affect on me. And since I'm about to sign off and do something with my life I see no point in you continuing to argue with no one because chances are that I'll never look back to see what your response to this was.


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Jan 13, 2004
At the crossroads of the paths of shadow and light
Funny. We call that running from such an arguement. Yes, I did say that I was done, but I found other points kept rising to my attention as I made the one. Whether you'll look back at this and laugh once more or not, it doesn't really matter. You find it sad that I'm here, having an arguement with you on a Sunday night? Is Sunday suddenly a night to be out, partying until dawn, whether you actually have a mind or not? I hadn't noticed. Aside from that, I know well that you will look back to see what my response is because you expect me to give up and leave, assuming that you wouldn't. You're running from a conversation turned problem and you have no idea how to solve it, or maybe you aren't able to. I expect your reply shortly.

One more thing, you may want to cease the criticism in full until you go back over your own wording, punctuation, and grammar. None are as ranking as you believe them to be.
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