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Fanfiction ► Key Blade Wars: The Aftermath

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Kaptain Kool

New member
Jan 7, 2006
I have to live somewhere?
Were completeley NOT fed up with you! Why should we be? It is not your fault so dont worry! We will always be there for you, so dont be angry at yourself. It's okay! Don't worry. KH2 is coming out so no one should be worrying too much!


New member
Dec 24, 2005
Manila, Philippines
No, no, don't say that K&S. We here are patient readers. Even if we're not, we can't do anything about it. If we would stop reading this right now, we could've stopped a long time ago.

All I'm saying is that we are all patient.

I'ts just like waiting for KH2. even though it takes so long to release, we still have the patience to wait. and we don't stop liking it. It's just like that.

Don't worry. We're not gonna stop reading. It's good.


New member
Jan 14, 2006
Somewhere over the r.a.i.n.b.o.w
K&S, I can't believe you'd say we're fed up with you.
We are loyal fans, come on!
Think better of us! :D
Just take your time, we all know your under a lot of pressure. Trust me, we don't take your unupdatedness personally.
Get it up whenever you can - we will wait patiently until then.
:goes and sits patiently in a corner:


Justice will prevail.
Mar 8, 2006
Yay!!!!*waits for chappy*
All this waiting is making me hungry.....
takes pop rocks and sprite......


Young King
Mar 3, 2006
Rolling papers...
It's all love K&S. I don't know about the rest of these guys but I'll wait to the ends of the earth for this fic, it's the absolute BEST! :^)

Kairi&Sora 4ever

New member
Jan 23, 2006
On the vast beaches of Destiny Islands awaiting hi
wow guys i havent been here in forever! umm guys not to be mean or anything but can u please stop with the spamming? if its not about the fic then dont post it...anyways i know u all are loyal fans..i didnt mean to make it sound like i didnt trust you guys :)..okay so i have some really bad news...spring break is this friday and me and my friends are going to the beack so i wont be here for like 7 days straight! its gonna seem like foreverr..i know ive been promising chapter ten..but as ive said..my lifes jsut been really hectic lately..i thought i was almost done with chapter ten but after playing some of kh2 ( I CANT BELIEVE ITS FINALLY OUT !!) ive decided to change some things around to suit the situatuations in the game ;)..so im adding a lot more so it will be a huge long chappy..probably the longest yet! as u guys know, great chappies take time and i havent had a lot of time lately..we're leaving for the beach saturday and we have to pack and everything tomorrow so that leaves me no time to work on the wrest of the chappy..but when i get back.. and i know its gonna be so long but when i do im going to finish up work on the chap and post it as soon as i can! im sorry the wait is going to be extended even longer but look at the positives...you can play kh2 the whole week while you wait, and when i get back you'll have a huge gigantic chappy to read, and did i mention you get to play KH2?! you've all been so patient and so sweet to me..and i know its a lot to ask but it would mean so much to me if you could still be patient..i love all you guys and im gonna miss you all like crazy but i WILL be back so dont give up hope okay? anywho i will speak to you all again next saturday b/c thats when we get home..i know its soo long but right when i get home its chappy time! i think this gonna be the last post i make before i leave soo.. BYE EVERYONE ILL MISS YA!!!


New member
Mar 1, 2006
Destiny Islands with my friends sora, riku, kairi,
Kairi&Sora 4ever said:
wow guys i havent been here in forever! umm guys not to be mean or anything but can u please stop with the spamming? if its not about the fic then dont post it...anyways i know u all are loyal fans..i didnt mean to make it sound like i didnt trust you guys :)..okay so i have some really bad news...spring break is this friday and me and my friends are going to the beack so i wont be here for like 7 days straight! its gonna seem like foreverr..i know ive been promising chapter ten..but as ive said..my lifes jsut been really hectic lately..i thought i was almost done with chapter ten but after playing some of kh2 ( I CANT BELIEVE ITS FINALLY OUT !!) ive decided to change some things around to suit the situatuations in the game ;)..so im adding a lot more so it will be a huge long chappy..probably the longest yet! as u guys know, great chappies take time and i havent had a lot of time lately..we're leaving for the beach saturday and we have to pack and everything tomorrow so that leaves me no time to work on the wrest of the chappy..but when i get back.. and i know its gonna be so long but when i do im going to finish up work on the chap and post it as soon as i can! im sorry the wait is going to be extended even longer but look at the positives...you can play kh2 the whole week while you wait, and when i get back you'll have a huge gigantic chappy to read, and did i mention you get to play KH2?! you've all been so patient and so sweet to me..and i know its a lot to ask but it would mean so much to me if you could still be patient..i love all you guys and im gonna miss you all like crazy but i WILL be back so dont give up hope okay? anywho i will speak to you all again next saturday b/c thats when we get home..i know its soo long but right when i get home its chappy time! i think this gonna be the last post i make before i leave soo.. BYE EVERYONE ILL MISS YA!!!
kool. i hope you have a greeeaaat time at the beach. We'll all miss you.
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