*ahem* sorry to butt in like this but, i might be able to solve a few questions. MIGHT!! all of you could just shoot me down in flames if i'm wrong.... anyway. let's begin, shall we? The story that the grandmother says MAY BE TRUE!! Let me explain. Her story and the first few pages from the KH1 volume one manga, say that there used to one big united world. but then people started to fight over the light . thus darkness enters and the light disappears into it. well, both the book and the story say that the children of that world were able to recreate the world with the glimmers of light in their hearts. but the glimmers weren't enough as they might have needed the true light to restore it, and the world breaks into multiple worlds. Well let's just say that the people were also broken apart, and some were scattered to here, and others to this place. Well, let's just say that maybe Kairi was born on Radient Garden and lived there until she was about four. then in the fake ansem reports, he talks about selecting a girl and decides to send her across a ocean, to somewhere. and she ends up on the islands with sora and riku. Kairi and Sora were both four at that time, while Riku was five. Now, BBS is supposed to be happening ten years in the past? Let's do some math. When Kh1 came out, the main characters were teenagers. Sora was fourteen, the same as Kairi, while Riku was fifthteen. Subract ten years from their ages, and you get, let's see... four, four, and what do you know, five. interesting.... so maybe the grandmother doesn't know about the knights, maybe she does. i need more info on that score. but the events of BBS could be happening around the time that Kairi is told that story and while Riku and Sora are playing on the islands, and that's all i know. It could be the events leading up to the fateful moment where kairi is washed upon the shores of destiny islands, or it could, be the through the ten years after that, but i have a hunch that it before. But BBS isn't really about the begining of time now is it? i mean, let's see here... We have screen shots of them travelling through different worlds.... hmm. adds proof to the 'one world broken up into multiple worlds' theory that i have. BBS i believe, happens sometime after that, but before KH1 evens starts. ok, i'm done. flame me all you guys want! but that's my story and i'm sticking to it!