Actually, the selection wasn't hard at all SL~
Hold it high Cef! >;3
Shonen Bat: About time! We've been waiting about 4 months! Who's gonna bite the dust first?
Shonen Bat: GAH!
Anywho, preview timez:
Christmas chap
[FYI, this is a GIANT tree]
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, we looked everywhere for it, no one could find it.”
Abigale slapped her hand to her face very Madonna-eque like, “Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapuh. Well that’s that, we’ll have to find a replacement star in the mean time.”
[Nonchalant turn to Yugi]
[Target acquired] –
“COME HERE!” Abigale horse-jumped Yugi and pinned him down.
“Is topping the tree off now that important?!”
“WHY?! And it doesn’t even have to be a star! It could be” –
“Bullcrap!” spat Abigale, “Atop the tree is a star, and only a star, giving homage to the very star that gave light to a world wrapped in darkness when few believed there was any light left. A star represents the single shimmer of hope among a blackened desolate landscape, there is nothing more befitting being atop a Christmas tree, and what shape is a Christmas tree? It’s an arrow POINTING UP! We are getting a frickin’ STAR! (*POINT*)! And anyway, you should be honored that you’re currently representing the star.”
Abigale tucked Yugi up – “N-n-n-n-n-n-ne-ne-ne-no-no-no-no-(Yugi turned to Goku for mercy but, “Sorry Yugi.”)-no-no-no-no-STOP–STOP–NA” – CHUUUUU~ “aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH”–TOMP.
The top of tree wobbled sways of at least eight feet before the impact finally swung itself out; Yugi becoming hooked on a branch and dragged back and forth like a rag doll.
Goku cupped his hands into a mike, “You okay up there?”
“Why ‘inkdn’t ‘ou bus ‘ie mi up ‘ere?”
“Ah, ha...” Goku rubbed the back of his head and looked to Abigale who just shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry, the thought didn’t go through wa-our heads.”
“Wha a ‘urpise...”
“Okay now Yugi,” said Abigale, not batting an eye from her decrator mode “ – You just duck down, make like a star and twinkle m’kay?”
“Good, now Goku, come, we must see how the ginger bread houses are coming along.”
Yugi meanwhile nestled down into the top of the branch, showing only the top of his head, his hair, and from the ground, you really couldn’t tell.