Oh, then I have a request. How about something funny involving Sora and the Scouts. Dendjue would be furious I bet.
Wait, something good? What about my filler? Isn't it good? And here I am bringing you all the last chapter and everything.
Filler 2
Second Chance
Final Chapter
Sora and Kairi stared at Xemnas as he stood still, patiently waiting for them to make a move. After a few seconds Kairi charged and swung her keyblade. Xemnas blocked but Kairi jumped back giving Sora enough room to get in and strike him across the chest. As Xemnas was pushed back Sora grabbed Kairi's hand and swung her around. She kicked Xemnas then landed and struck him again. As he got distance Xemnas held out his hands and beams shot out aiming for Sora and Kairi. They blocked and charged Xemnas from both sides and swugn their keyblades.
Xemnas jumped up and hung upside down, letting Sora and Kairi's keyblades hit each other. As they pulled apart he began spinning and extended his ethreal blades, knocking them both back. As they stopped he kept in the air and started attacking Kairi, shooting off beams at Sora between attacks forcing him farther away.
"Kairi!" Sora called as Xemnas landed a hit knocking her to the ground and raised his blades over her.
As he brought them down he felt them hit but quickly saw Kairi was gone. Before he could react a series of
Thunder* spells began raining down on him, temporarily paralyzing him. As he stood still Kairi jumped infront and let out a series of strikes all across his front. As she finished up she knocked him back into Memories Skyscraper.
Wake the Night*!" Sora yelled pointing his keyblade at Xemnas.
Holy*!" Kairi chipped in with her own spell.
The spells combined and struck the building making it shake as the entire front was blown away. Sora quickly used his sense* and searched for Xemnas.
"He's on top of the building." Sora said when he found him.
In one motion he jumped up and started running up the building. Xemnas watched him as he came up and fired more beams at him. He swung his keyblade around and blocked them as he continued up. Soon he reached the top where Xemnas was waiting and attacked. As he swugn his keyblade around Xemnas dodged, staying just out of reach then closed the distance and struck. Sora was pushed back to the edge of the building as Xemnas kept moving toward him. At the last second he dodged under Xemnas' attack and pushed him over then jumped over too. As they fell they traded attacks with each other. As Xemnas attacked again Sora blocked then pushed away, excelerating his fall, then kicked off against the building and landed on the ground.
"Now Kairi!" Sora yelled
Holy*!" as Xemnas was still falling Kairi shot another Holy* at him, one that connected. As the dust cleared Sora and Kairi saw Xemnas in the crater the impact had made.
"It appears I did in in fact underestimate you two." he said pulling himself and floating down to the ground "Then let me show you the true power I've gained."
Before Sora could make a move Xemnas appeared in front of him and put his hand against his gut. A split second later he was knocked back as Xemnas summoned an ethreal blade. As he fell back a barrage of beams shot out and hit him. As he finished with Sora, Xemnas turned to Kairi but she was already in front of him. They attacked each other but managed to avoid the attacks until Kairi ducked under a swipe and jabbed her keyblades right into Xemnas. She pushed him back then spun around, wrapping the Light Cloak around the hilt and landed another strike that sent him flying back. As he went flying Xemnas let out another barrage of beams that hit Kairi and the surrounding area.
As he stopped Xemnas waited for the dust to clear but only saw a ruined street. He looked over and saw Sora holding Kairi, he had managed to grab Kairi and pull her away before the beams hit.
"Hey Kairi." Sora said not taking his eyes off Xemnas "I got an idea. But I'll need you to make a big opening for me."
"Right." Kairi nodded.
Sora pointed his keyblade at Xemnas concentrating everything he had on it. As he stood Kairi darted forward and attacked Xemnas again. He blocked her attacks then moved past her and dashed at Sora. As he got close he raised his blades and swung. Sora dodged under the blades and rolled away as Kairi focused everything she had and got close to Xemnas.
Holy*!" She yelled putting every last bit of magic she had into the attack.
There was a bright flash of light then an explosion that sent white beams flying all over the area. Kairi came flying out of the area and hit the ground hard. The second she was clear Sora charged in as Xemnas was recovering from the attack, completely defenseless.
Agni Nova*!" white flames gathered on his keyblade as he brought it down across Xemnas.
There was another bright light as Sora was caught up in the second explosion. As the light subsided Sora fell down to his knees, exhausted. As he raised his head he found he and Kairi were back at the Altar of Naught. He looked around and saw the throne was cut in half, one half was lying on the ground. Kairi was leaning against the ledge as she looked around.
"We . . . we did it." she said surprised "We beat him."
"YOU BEAT NOBODY!!" Sora and Kairi looked up to see Xemnas floating infront of Kingdom Hearts. He was bleeding from his left arm and his coat was torn and burned all over "I am the King of all Nobodies! I am the ruler of this entire realm! I have the power of Kingdom Hearts in the palm of my hand. And you truely believe you can defeat me!? Foolishness!" power began swirling around the heart moon and then began flowing into Xemnas "Now die as Sora and Riku died before you!"
"No." Kairi said as she fell down, she had no energy left.
"Hahaha." Kairi looked over as Sora started laughing and standing up "You? A king and ruler? That's just too funny." Xemnas glared down at him "I beat you once already, and I'm not gonna lose to you know."
"Sora." Kairi said trying to stand up herself
"My universe is in too much trouble for me to be stuck here. I have to go back and you're not gonna stop me. But more importantly . . . I won't let you hurt anyone here anymore! I'll protect all the friends I have here from you."
Without wasting a second Sora charged forward and jumped off the edge of the tower but Xemnas was too high up. As he started to fall he felt his feet touch something solid. He looked down and found Kurix was supporting him with his keyblade. They nodded at each other then pushed off sending Sora higher up towards Xemnas. He was almost there when Roxas popped up from underneath and pushed him up further, stright towards Xemnas. As he got closer Xemnas spread out his arms and summoned his ethreal blades then brought them forward.
A shocked look came to Xemnas' face as Sora reached him and stuck his keyblade through him. They hung together in the air as Xemnas started fading away, Kingdom Hearts fading with him. As the last pieces of them flew off into the air Sora was left to fall.
"Sora!" Kairi yelled running to the ledge closest to him to grab him. But when she grabbed him she ended up falling along the side with him. As they fell Sora grabbed her, flipped upright, and stuck his keyblade into the tower, stopping their decent.
"Sorry." Sora said as he held on with the last of his quickly fading strength "I can't hold on much longer."
"It's okay, you've done enough for me." Kairi said holding on tighter "I was so mad about being lied to, but thinking back on it, it was for my own good. Since Sora and Riku died I've been pretty out of it, I risked my life over the littlest things."
"That's not what they would want." Sora said, his grip quickly loosening "I know, what they'd want, is for you to just be happy." and his grip let go completely.
"Thank you." he heard Kairi say as he slipped off into unconsciousness.
Kairi held on tight as they continued to fall with a clear shot into the giant crater. She closed her eyes as they fell but suddenly felt someone grab her and then she landed on something that felt . . . scaley. When she opened her eyes everyone was riding on a giant green dragon, and even a few people she didn't know.
"Leon!" she cried happily as he situated Sora comfortably.
"Hey." he replied as they flew off from the castle.
"Hmmm.Mmmmm" Sora groaned a little as consciousness began flowing back into him.
"He's waking up." came a familiar voice.
Sora opened his eyes a little to see Naruto, Ash, Vincent, and a very ticked off Shonen standing around the bed he was lying on. As he started to wake up his strength returned and he sat up. He looked around and saw everyone except Ash was banaged up with something at someplace.
"What happened?" Sora asked
Cure* magic can only do so much. Some of us took a pretty big beating when we invaded the castle." Vincent said
"And some of us get knocked to the other side of that castle and almost left behind!" Shonen yelled behind them. Wack! Naruto hit him on the head.
"What about Kairi and eveyone else?" Sora asked concerned.
"They're all back safe and sound. Yen Sid appeared shortly after we returned and started working with Kairi to open the door back to our universe."
"How long have I been out?"
"About a day."
"Oh." Sora looked down at the bed then moved over and stood up "Well if they're close then I suppose we should get going."
"Of course, everyone's waiting at the door site."
The walk to the doorway was relatively quiete. Since he had been unconscious for a day Ash and Naruto took that time to tell him about their battles and how well they did. Appearently from Vincents examination Naruto had an affinity for
Fire* magic and other skills. Shonen was appearently mad at everyone for forgetting about him in the battle, after being knocked to the back of the castle he had been ambushed by thousands of Heartless and only managed to escape by jumping out a window and accidentally landing on Rayquaza. When they reached the doorway area everyone was there to say goodbye, including Roxas and Kurix, although Kurix decided to stay in his Organization coat until he found appropriate clothing.
"Alright, stand back everyone." Yen Sid said as he and Kairi stepped infront of the door.
Everyone stepped back away from the door as they were told. As the silence began resounding a small light appeared on Kairi's chest and under Yen Sid's feet. The doorway began to glow with the lights and shone brightly. As Yen Sid moved his hands around the door began glowing brighter until it was blinding. Then as it faded back to normal it was the same black door that had grabbed them from the beginning. As the lights faded away completely the door opened and the shining inside was open for all to see.
"Well, it's been nice to know you all." Ash said as everyone said their goodbyes and stepped through the door. In a short time only Sora and Vincent was left.
"Well Sora . . . The only thing we can say is thanks." Leon said shaking Sora's hand.
"Always listen to your heart, it's never failed you before." Aerith said giving him a hug.
"Take care of each other." Cloud said shaking Vincents hand then Sora's.
"I . . . I dont' want you to go!" Yuffie said grabbing Sora in a big hug
"Yuffie! C'mon girl. He dont' belong here, just let him go." Cid said as he and Cloud pried her off Sora. "Sorry about this, it was good knowing ya." and they took her off back to the town followed by everyone else who got in quick goodbye leaving Roxas, Kurix, and Kairi behind.
"See you on the other side." Vincent said stepping through the door.
"So." Sora said turning around to the three left "Are you guys gonna be alright?"
"Yeah, we should be fine." Roxas said "Kurix and I decided we're gonna stick with Kairi and be Keyblade Masters."
"That's great. At least you've chosen this on your own."
"Yeah." Kurix said "It feels good to finally make a choice for myself."
"Well now all that's left is for you two to say goodbye." Roxas said pushing Kurix out of the area.
"Hey, why are you pushing me? I wanna hear what they're gonna say." he complained as Sora and Kairi were left alone. An awkward silence settled in around them.
"Uh, here." Kairi quickly said pushing the Light Cloak into Sora's hands "Sorry I didn't get it back to you sooner."
"No problem." Sora said putting it on "Are you okay now?"
"Uh, yeah I should be fine. When Sora and Riku died, all I felt was this burning emptiness. But now I know that's not what they'd want for me. Leon and the others were just trying to help me, you were just trying to help me. And now I have Roxas and Kurix as friends. I still feel bad that Sora and Riku are gone but . . . the pain isn't as bad anymore. I really owe you a lot."
"Naw, not really. But if you really wanna thank me stick to the traditional way . . . name your first son after me."
"I . . . I can't do that." Kairi said looking at the ground
"Why not?"
Kairi looked up at Sora with a smile."You are Sora, you said it yourself, so you should know." Sora looked at Kairi confused "You're the one, you always were. With you gone there's no one else for me."
Sora turned bright red as she said it. Before he could reply she got right in front of him, leaned forward, and kissed him. He was shocked for a second then put his arms around her and held her close.
"Leon told me that the difference between your universe and ours is that you won against Xemnas." Kairi said staying close to Sora "Then my feelings aren't that different from your Kairi's. Don't waste your time together like I did, tell her how you feel." then pulled away and took a few steps back.
Sora smiled at Kairi then turned around to face the doorway. When he stepped up to it he looked back at her one last time then stepped through. It was like walking through a thin spreading of falling water, in that same step he came out the other side to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The second he was through several differnt hands pulled him forward and into bone crushing, air vacuming, smothering hugs.
"Sora! What happened?"
"We were worried about you!'
"Don't do that again! EVER!"
As he broke free of the hugs he looked around at everyone. Genkai and Vincent were talking with Naruto a little ways off. Shonen was sulking off in the shade of a tree, leaving him and Ash to be the primary targets of affection. SLAM! Everyone turned to see the door slam shut and with a strong wind it fell apart into black sand.
"So? What'd you guys do over on the other side?" Serena asked when he and Ash got some room
"Well." they looked at each other and Ash nodded to let Sora tell them "I gave a friend a second chance." then turned to watch the black sand get carried off by the wind.
As the wind blew by him carrying the sand into the bright blue sky Sora couldn't help but feel hopeful and happy. Somewhere out in that sky Kairi was waiting, and he'd find her.
Thanks to all who made this filler successful. Eva for letting me do it. Cef, Lecty, Shadow, and SL for reading. And to all the readers who read but didn't post, it would be nice to hear from you guys at least once. So what'd you all think? Good huh?