;_; What about me Cef? I knew you before him and I don't get a complement like that?
Well everyone it's Thursday, and you all know what that means. NEW CHAPTER!! After this there's just one left, the finalie is at hand.
Filer 2
Second Chance
Chapter 7
As battles ended and a battle began within the Castle That Never Was two people slept. All the way in the back of the castle, on a landing that looked like it was about to fall off at any moment, Shonen began to slowly regain consciousness. As he came to he pushed himself up and tried to stand, which if you've ever been disorriented and had skates on you'd know isn't easy. After falling flat on his face a few times he woke up completely and quickly skated off the ledge.
"Stupid dragon. Knocking me all the way to the back of the castle." he grumbled as he skated through hallways, casting out his sense* to find Sora "Who knows what that idiot's done while I've been gone."
Shonen stopped as he looked around and noticed thousands upon thousands of yellow eyes looking at him from large black spots on the walls. As he stopped the spots bulged out and Shadows and Neo Shadows came pouring out and quickly surrounded him.
"You gotta be kidding me!!" Shonen yelled as he began slashing his way through the mass of Heartless.
Sora jumped back as Roxas and Kurix attacked him. Their movements were fast but for some reason Sora was able to see them coming. As they struck together he raised his left hand and caught their keyblades between Oblivion and Oathkeeper then ducked under. He gathered
Agni Nova* on his his blade and stuck them across their chests, sending them flying back. As they stopped they summoned their keyblades back to their hands and blocked as Sora's Oblivion and Oathkeeper flew forward and attacked them but didn't see the attack following them.
Agni Nova*!" a wall of white flames barrelled down on top of Roxas and Kurix sending them over the edge and knocking them into the wall with a large explosion.
As the flames and debris cleared Sora saw they had disappeared. His sense* shouted out and a dark corridor opened up over him. Roxas came flying down and brought both his keyblades down with him. Sora blocked and was pushed back as another dark corridor opened and Kurix came to attack from behind. Oblivion and Oathkeeper crossed and blocked on Sora's back as Roxas ran forward and attacked again, pinning Sora between them.
Thundaga*!" Sora raised his left hand in the air and two powerful, thick bolts of lighting shot down and hit Roxas and Kurix, temporarily paralyzing them.
Oblivion and Oathkeeper pointed out and spun around quickly, pushing Roxas and Kurix back then, continuing to spin, rose up over Sora and shot after Roxas as Sora turned and charged at Kurix. He struck from the left and Kurix blocked, then he spun around, changing the direction of attack and managed to connect. Kurix jumped back then sprang forward and he and Sora began exhanging attacks. Meanwhile Roxas was busy with Sora's Oblivion and Oathkeeper, they spun around like a buzz saw and and flew from different directions to attack. As he prepared to block them they stopped spinning and began to attack as if someone was actually holding them. With no one to strike at the attacks just kept coming leaving Roxas' only option to defend.
As Roxas blocked again Oblivion and Oathkeeper began spinning like a saw again and pushed against him, forcing him back towards the edge. When he reached the edge Roxas dug in his feet and twisted his keyblades, catching Oblivion on Oblivion and Oathkeeper on Oathkeeper. He swung them around and threw them behind him and charged at Sora who was finishing up a combo on Kurix. As he got close Sora's back was still turned and he raised his keyblades to strike, out of nowhere Oblivion flew in and blocked as Sora reached out his hand and grabbed Oathkeeper then turned and pointed each keyblade at both his enemies.
Wake the Night*." An intense blast of power shot out of both keyblades and hit their targets. As the dust cleared Kurix was left unconscious on the ground. As he turned around to leave Sora saw Roxas slumped over on the path onward, breathing hard.
"It's not . . . over." he said raising his keyblades.
"Stop it Roxas. If you keep this up, I can't guarentee you'll still be alive when I'm done."
"Then so be it." Roxas said and a black and white aura began to surround him. The aura looked like it was contained in glass that was fitted to his body. As it intensified the container cracked then busted open with a powerful force and it began to spill out.
Sora reached out and Oblivion and Oathkeeper began revolving around his left hand again. Roxas held out his Oblivion and Oathkeeper and the aura began flowing onto them. They stared each other down for a second then charged and locked blades, the force from their impact shattered the glass from the ceiling above. As the glass fell, for a few second time seemed to stop and the glass hung in the air as Sora and Roxas fought. Sora swinging Kingdom Key and wieling Oblivion and Oathkeeper kinetically as Roxas blocked, dodged, and attacked with his own keyblades.
Suddenly they disappeared and clashed up high, in the sky. They began flying around each other, attacking and blocking, niether one making any headway. As Roxas dodged again Sora gathered
Agni Nova* on all his keyblades then twisted and struck Roxas, sending him flying into a tower that broke along where Roxas hit. Sora flew over and attacked but Roxas jumped over the attack, his own keyblades glowing and struck Sora, cracking his armor and sending him into a tower that began breaking as well. As it fell over Sora stood up and took a step to the right, avoiding the attack Roxas flew over to deal then raised his keyblades and pushed Roxas back. They both went crashing into another tower and the floor they landed in along with all the ones above it were suddenly filled with white fire.
The tower began to crumble as Sora and Roxas fought inside. With each time their keyblades met the tower trembled and began to fall apart faster. As Sora swiped at Roxas' feet with Oblivion and Oathkeeper Roxas jumped over and brought his keyblades down. Sora blocked and sent the other two up and caught Roxas across his chest. As the last of the tower fell down Roxas pushed off a rock and went off the edge of the tower, Sora jumped off after him. As they fell down they kept trading blows, Sora's armor cracking more and more as the fight wore on. Eventually they landed back where they began, hitting and pushing off each other just before they hit the ground. They flew off in opposite directions and landed on their feet.
Cshckshck! Sora looked down as his armor kept cracking, small fragments falling off. Roxas' coat was torn and cut in different places, his hood was ripped showing off some of his blonde hair and revealing his right eye. They stared at each other then held their keyblades out in front of them, they were gonna finish it now, throwing everything they had each other. Sora held Kingdom Key with both hands as Oblivion and Oathkeeper swirled around it, they began glowing and combined into one. The new keyblade looked like a gold and white version of Oblivion, except the guard was Oathkeepers and the end had a heart in the design. Roxas focused everything he had on his keyblades and took a ready stance. They looked each other in the eye then ran forward, raising their keyblades to finish it. BOOM!! The castle shook as they clashed, forcing their strength on each other. In a flash of light their powers collided and Sora's armor broke completely. As the light subsided Donald and Goofy went flying back from Sora and Roxas who were holding their keyblades against each other.
Roxas leaned forward and his keyblades disappeared. Sora had returned to normal, the Light Cloak restoring his magic and health as he caught Roxas.
"Hehehehe." Roxas laughed "I'm . . . free."
"What?" Sora asked setting Roxas on the ground
"Xemnas, has the power of Kingdom Hearts. He created me and Kurix and then forced us into utter obedience with that power. Kurix broke free as your fight ended, but I was a lot stronger, Xemnas used a much more powerful controlling method on me."
"And now you're free from his control." Sora looked and saw Roxas' eyes had changed back to normal, like his own. "And now I'm going on." and stood up
"Hold on." Roxas said and raised his hand. A dark corridor opened up infront of Sora "This should take you straight to Xemnas and Kairi."
"Thanks." Sora looked back at Donald and Goofy who were unconscious "Hey Roxas, what are you gonna do now?"
"Well, I was just thinking that you and Kurix and use keyblades. Kairi probably needs help. Why don't you two join her, as Keyblade Masters?"
" . . . . . . . ."
"Roxas?" Sora looked back to see Roxas had fallen unconscious himself. He smiled a little then walked through the dark corridor.
As he came to the other side Sora stepped out onto the Alter of Naught. The first thing that caught his eye was Kingdom Hearts up in the sky, shining down on everything below. Eventually his eyes found their way to the throne in the center of the clearing, and then Kairi sitting on the ground at the edge away from it.
"Kairi!" Sora cried then ran over to her.
As he got closer his sense* reacted but he wasn't fast enough. A shock ran through his body and paralyzed him. As he fell over a red rope like energy wound itself around him and tightened, constricting him. He fell over but Kairi didn't so much as acknowledge he had come.
"Surprised?" Xemnas asked from his throne as Sora rolled over to see him, he smiled down maliciously at Sora "Welcome 'Sora'."
"Xemnas!" Sora said as he rolled over again to see Kairi. She had brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, still ignoring Sora "What did you do to her? Kairi!"
"Shut up." Kairi said quietly
"I said shut up you imposter!!" Kairi yelled turning to glare at Sora "Don't say my name, you're not Sora!"
"What are you saying? I am Sora, just look at me."
"No you're not! Xemnas told me everything, you just stumbled in here from another dimension. You aren't the Sora I knew." she let out a sob "He's dead. He's really dead. And it's not like you care either, the only you came to save me is because I'm the one who opened that pathway in the first place. If you don't save me you can't go back."
"That's not the only reason I came!" Sora said trying to get through to her "I was worried about you. Everyone was, they all came here to save you."
"Like they care either! They all lied to me! They tricked me into believing you were Sora!" she started sobbing again. Xemnas watched with complete interest, his smile growing.
"Okay . . . so they did lie to you." Sora confessed "But in all truth it was because they cared about you. You were different since Sora and Riku died, they all saw it. They just wanted you to be happy and stop acting so rashly."
" . . . ." Kairi kept quiet.
"I don't think she wants to talk to you anymore." Xemnas said standing up. He reached down and picked Sora up, standing him on his feet. As Sora tried to get out Xemnas summoned an eathreal blade and slammed it across Sora, knocking him all the way to the opposite side of the clearing.
"Ugh!!" Sora cried out as he hit the ledge hard and Xemnas shot several beams into him. He looked over at Kairi who was staying still "Kairi!" no response "Okay, so I'm not Sora you knew, but I think like him. He wouldn't want you to just do what you're doing. Maybe I did trick you but I'm here to help you now."
"She's not listening." Xemnas said walking over to Sora as Kairi stayed still.
"Damnit!" Sora whispered to himself, trying to think of anyway to get through to her as he lowered his head "Thinking of you, where ever you are." her head twitched a little "We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step foward to realize this wish. And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hard. Or maybe the journey's already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky-"
"One sky, one destiny." Kairi finished looking up at Sora as he raised his head to look at her.
"You wrote that for me and sent it out in a bottle. Riku and I beat the Xemnas in our dimension but we ended up in the dark realm. We were ready to give up and fade into the darkness when we found that. It . . . it gave me the strength to open the door to light and get us back home. I may not be the Sora you knew, but while I'm here I'll bare his burden. I won't save you just because you're my way back home, I'll save you because I care about what happens to you. So don't give up, I'm here."
"Nice try, but it's too late." Xemnas said as he stood over Sora holding an eathreal blade in the air. He smiled down as he brought it down.
Cshck! Sora looked up to see Kairi blocking the blade with her own keyblade. She shifted it off to the side then spun around and struck Xemnas across the chest, knocking him back to his throne. As he stared she placed her keyblade by Sora and cut the bonds holding him.
"I'm sorry." She said helping him up.
"Eh, don't worry about it." Sora said smiling at her and summoning his keyblade "But we've still got him to deal with." and they looked over at Xemnas.
"Heh, I only wanted to kill Sora but-" he raised his hands and the the area became engulfed in light "I'll kill you two, you can be together in death." Sora and Kairi raised their hands to block their eyes from the bright light.
When they brought their hands down they were standing at Memories Skyscraper, the buildings around them seemed to be waving around like they were being seen through a heat wave. Bright light was shining down from Kingdom Hearts that was floating overhead. Xemnas was standing at the base of the building, eathereal blades out and ready to fight.
"Here." Sora said taking off the Light Cloak and putting it around Kairi "Be careful. This is the last you'll ever see of Xemnas."
"I defeated Sora and Riku. If you truely believe you stand a chance against me then come, I'll lead you to death." Xemnas said charging at the two.
Okay, it took a while but I"m done. Final chapter is next Thursday. Hope you guys liked this one.