Okay...so Wed, and Thurs, and Friday morning were a bit ambitious....>_< At least my eye didn't fall out >>;
Ah, you know story well Coldman ^_^ Arigato! :3
I know this story is going into a lot of directions, and some characters have suffered for it (Poor Donald and Goofy....) But I'll get that straightened out soon hopefully >>; Maybe the return of Re-caps...? Did I say that before....? >_<
Those of you that know Naruto pretty well should understand this chappie…as for others….ninja’s can just do awesome things! (And yes this chappie does end the fight :3 )
Also a nod to Alucard got in here…..I don’t know why….Also another nod from the Firebenders in Avatar is in here as well, those Firebenders are so awesome, I’d be done with cooking sooooo much faster…..Preheated oven my @$$! BOOSH! FIYAAAAA!! Plus who doesn’t want to fly with flames?
And someone from the Halloween Chappie gets their proper introduction…. >:3
Also, this chappie’s a monster because another story-line chap won’t come till after Christmas…..Maybe I can actually start writing ahead like I did oh, about a year ago…..>_<
Konohagakure starts off with a bit of a recap since that cut off bit wasn’t as nice as I thought it was, speed writing is a no-no! >_< And yes I know the original wounds dealt to Haku in the anime AND manga was not nearly as bloody as I make them out to be, but I’m trying to measure his life in some way…Sorry it turned out to be so brutal >>;
“Do not resist me Sora, I cannot guarantee you’ll come out alive.” …………Ack! How did that line get in the last chappie?! DX
Ultimate Disclaimer: WATCH FOR EVERYTHING zeh vio, curse, and just oh, chappie is PG 13 >>;
Also... remember in CH 30 Nikkue and Layleri after being told by Ovohna to go check out how the Masters died, they bumped into.......... :3
Also click on the Oryx link in the story to find out what they look like :3
Ch 32
Splitting the Light
Car-runitwau Star: Konohagakure Village
“…if a man does know he's about to die and dies anyway. Dies–dies willingly, knowing that he could stop it, then–I mean, isn't that the type of man who you want to keep alive?” – Kay Eiffel,
Stranger than Fiction
The soft forked hooves of a large four legged creature walked lightly through a black field underneath a pale yellow sky almost completely covered by blackish blue clouds; the sky was just before sunset; the land was just after a Splitting – the hooves of the creature tapped alongside bones. The figure of both rider and mount was almost like a wispy smoky specter seamlessly merged together; their true form hard to make out except for what was prominent of them, the mount with long tightly spiraled straight horns, a thick body, and lean legs, and the rider, who seemed to be completely covered in a black hooded cloak, carried an ebony scythe through his arms as he looked over a long list in his hands whose end floated besides him, disappearing in rippled colorless flames.
“Hhmm…” he sighed in deep sharp hoarse voice – sounding as if it was scrapping against the soul of any who heard it , “Another failed attempt at summoning a Gate……Oh?”
Oryx stopped.
The rider was following a name that was rapidly rising in his list, jumping two names, four – three, six – it stopping as the second name to the top, letting other names pass it off the list. The Reaper took his scythe firmly in hand – and in swift motion – cut the air before him a 20 foot gash that opened like torn cloth – the scene within covered in stars……. “Tell me Enma…”
The Oryx gave a low moan.
“Do you think they will be the first?”
Konohagakure Village
If you’re asking me to chose between someone I barely know and my own flesh and blood, what do you think my response will be?
Some people don’t have such a choice, and when it comes down to that, they have already accepted their lives as forfeit. As diverse a group they are ascending from every world, their blood is nearly all drunk in the same manner of a senseless waste since there is not a greater method of protection than to give one’s life for another; duty is blinding.
The streak of blood coming down the corner of Haku’s mouth began to drip off….
“You’re right Haku. I can say, that I’m pretty much nearing the end of my road if we keep going about like this in your presence, despite that, I’m going to decline your request, things are not going to happen so simply, they never do. I’m not going to back down, and I promise you my colleagues here feel the same with all they have gone through. I bet they’re pretty upset they have to go through yet another trial so harsh when we’re just trying to do our job. Not to mention you took Shonen Bat away from us.” Genkai and Sora reasserted their stances. Kakashi, pushed himself back up to his feet; his posture loose but firm. “You don’t have anything to lose anymore, so you can fight as loose or as tight as you want, but we’re fighting for our lives and those dear to us.”
“Dear to you…?” Haku repeated in a stale far away voice…
“For me, I still have my village, and my students, and of them a very loud shinobi who made me promise I’d bring him back a souvenir from ‘Out There.’”
Haku’s mouth gave a little twitch…“Na,ru,to,” his mouth slipped….He raised clasped hands over where his wound used to be –
Genkai and Sora’s eyes widened,
*A bloodspot?!* Haku let his hands down, and the spot was gone….
Kakashi got into his stance, “I don’t think you want anyone touching you there again,” he said, “Do you?” an electoral spark began to dance around his right hand –
(*Fwink!*) – Haku chucked an obscured ice needle from his clasped hands –
spck ………..
No one flinched as seemingly air cut a tear in Sora’s shoulder. A sting of pain and ice that felt like it was invading Sora’s body with ice picks forced up his hand up to his shoulder letting a thread of blood weaving through his fingers.
The quick act of aggression from Haku towards Sora was perceived as a blunt warning from Kakashi’s threat that Haku was concrete in intent with his task, and likewise, Sora’s group was concrete in their intent – Kakashi and Genkai didn’t so much as blink, or even look at Sora, all attention never wavered from the enemy before them.
Haku’s thread of blood trickling down his mouth gathered making a drop of blood fall, and his chest (despite his earlier effort), now showed a well pronounced red stain, “You aren’t going to heal yourself?”
“Kakashi said we must conserve energy to keep ourselves warm and our minds focused,” said Sora almost in a growl, “Besides, I want to spend every last bit of strength I have tearing you to shreds.”
Sora felt a hand on his shoulder followed by the flurries of Cura*; Genkai (still in her younger form) was now beside him.………Sora felt Genkai’s intentions through her Memory Link* her hand subtlety manipulated something on Sora’s shoulder mocking Haku to notice, and Haku tilted his head down a little. Genkai looked directly into his pale eyes, “Looks like we’re both running out of time” –
Genkai gripped Sora’s shoulder so hard he thought it was ripped off – Haku and Kakashi clasped their hands –
thoough!– Sora was thrown at least fifty feet in the air! –
BOOOOSSSCKKKKKK – ! Shards of ice and heat sprinkled his back – Sora turned himself in mid air,
“Ac –pleh” – a little electrically charged scarecrow charm practically molded into Sora’s shoulder from Genkai’s grasp flipped in Sora’s face – he piffed it to the side and saw the entire field covered with ice spikes laced with electricity – Sora saw Haku’s reflection snaking on the icy ground under the ice pikes towards a bulge caught in the ice, passing a second bulge the he made implode – he swung his Keyblade up with the Cloak fluttering gracefully with it like a ribbon – *Please let this work – please let this work –
please let this work –* the focus of magic in his Keyblade was rising exponentially from the amplification of the Cloak causing his hands to burn – yes this was feeling right, his very magic had to catch fire (*Ow, ow –
rrgh!*) the magic he was told to perform was a spell from Lorenia’s fight in the Key Brawl – very advanced, one he himself had never performed, but –
(*”Don’t you dare lay a hand on my Master!”*)
Sora swung his Keyblade down placing all his magic into
(*Pfft*) A puff of smoke, then – FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH! A thick jet of white flames scorched out from Sora’s Keyblade so intensely that like Wake the Night*, he was pushed back from the force with only the air above him as cushion –
*There he is!* Haku’s track changed away from the white flames – there’d be no way he could chase Haku down with him just moving his arm, he’s have to hit the entire field at once to force him out and into –
Sora, exerting his strength to the breaking point to change the directory of the powerful flames, gripped his Keyblade as hard as he could and swung it up over his head, the jet of white flames whipping around like a lasso – his surprise feat of strength made him feel lighter than air – and,
lightheaded – the fountain of Lorenia’s memories was making him repay the price for Agni* with her death trying to bubble up – a stabbing pain stuck Sora’s stomach – with no force underneath him he began to fall – the effort of his swing lost as the white flames dropped with him like a rope –
Haku saw his chance, and performed his hand seals, “Special Jutsu-
Swarming Ice Needles*” –
they all shot for Sora –!
Poof! The scarecrow charm burst into Kakashi! He grabbed the fluttering Cloak and swirled it around Sora and himself – the needles hitting them not a moment to late making them look like a solid mass of ice – Kakashi fwipped out the Cloak making the ice break like dust and revealed his hand charged with electricity of his chakra – the wind from the fall wrapped the Cloak around them – Kakashi grabbed the waning Sora around his waist with his free hand,
“Do it Sora!”
Sora felt hands grab his, grab his Keyblade with him – blocking out all noise from pain, doubt, and the sense of dying – Sora like a batter swinging for that ball out the park – swung the flames with such intensity they spread out like a wave to all corners of the field –
“Agni Nova*!”
Sora’s voice drained away as he finished the incantation, he and Kakashi given a large boost back in the air from the magic’s force that flash burned the ice on the ground and mortal barrier –
– Boshk –
Genkai landed subtly on her foot and knee as the ice that she let capture her melted away, she had had her sense* completely tuned into Haku’s whereabouts now – if she could just predict which mirror (those accursed demonic ice mirrors that she knew would resist the young Master’s magic) – predict which mirror he’d fly to –
*That one!* Genkai clasped her hands – “Seal*!”
As soon as Haku entered the ice mirror he fled to – a sharp twinkle of light cut across it – he was caught!
*I’m not in pain!* – Sora and Kakashi began to fall again, but with Sora’s feeling he still had just a pinch of magic left, he jetted himself and Kakashi towards the trapped Haku using glide along with a strong jet of Fire* - Sora now holding onto Kakashi with one hand, Kakashi needing both hands for his attack, his free hand now braced the other which was a first full of electricity with a lick of Sora’s Fire* catching onto it –
Ah ha, Kudos to that old woman and her plan, dammit –
Sora felt he wouldn’t make the full flight and chucked Kakashi with the last of his strength to the mirror with Haku! – CRASH! Kakashi stuck his Chidori* right through the mirror’s center smashing it to bits, and then – BONK! Right into the mortal barrier from Sora’s more or less over done throw……
Boock – Sora hit the ground hard on his stomach, the ground not any softer from the melted ice since that more or less just vanished….
The bits of broken glass from Haku’s ice mirror rained down like glass. Genkai was still in her younger form, but that seal* to catch Haku had taken a lot out –
zuuuuuuuuoooh, she reverted back to her old self, the ice speckles still all over her twinkled with laughter. She scanned the field, and could not feel Haku’s presence anymore, yet the mortal barrier was still up, and his remaining ice mirrors were still on the field…..
Kakashi laid himself back casually against the barrier, “Hah, I couldn’t even perform the Sharingan* now if I wanted to, well I
could but…,” Kakashi sighed looking at the ice specks on him that continued to suck him dry bit by bit.
Sora holding his stomach pushed himself up, *No way, he’s still,
alive?!* Through Sora was still protected from the ice speckles with the Cloak, he was drained, at least, the memory of Lorenia’s death started to retreat.
*Get it together Sora,* came Genkai’s assertive voice, *Let the Cloak fix you and restore your magic. One more attack should do it to end this. I can feel him now, he’s been badly wounded, but when Kakashi smashed through the mirror, my seal* released, and Haku managed to slip away to another mirror. Hit him with Wake the Night* right through his chest, Kakashi and I will give you the opening.*
Sora pushed himself up, “With pleasure..”
Kakashi felt a bang on the mortal barrier behind him that made him jump, he turned around and his eye grew wide –
- Kakashi turned back around with his hand over the part of his forehead protector that covered his right eye as if he was about to raise it, *Be ready Sora* - Haku’s mirrors began to vibrate – *The one he comes out of* -
Near Sora were two mirrors, by Kakashi three, and Genkai had three near her as well with the rest of the field respectfully scattered – CRASH! Several of the mirrors fell then
whoosh! – a pillar of swirling water burst up around Sora!
“It was a ******* feint!” –
The jet of the water was so strong – Sora’s Keyblade (with the Cloak still around it) was torn from his grasp and sent up the stream! Sora tried to scrape his mentality together to call it back, but the pillar of swirling water jumped free of the ground and splashed back onto Sora, some manifesting into Haku, his body hardening like crunching snow, while the other water hardened like ice, freezing Sora’s limbs to the ground in a crouched position, his Keyblade falling limply to the ground with the Cloak, that pain from his shoulder when he was cut before with that needle, now felt like ice was spreading through his veins
causing him to scream in pain –!
Haku was breathing heavily….which was odd since the cold showed no breath releasing from his mouth, he looked towards Genkai, and Kakashi hesitant to move with his hostage –
“Damnit, did he have such a jutsu before? Or does his transformation into a General have something to do with this power? Then perhaps I –!”
“You were right old woman, I don’t have much time left,” said Haku. Blood was now coming from both corners of his mouth, his left eye, and all down his front from his wound.
*Good, good excellent Haku, you’ve exceeded expectations! That’s right, preserve him for me from the inside out, I want his body to be preserved perfectly.*
Genkai looked like she was about to make a move, but Haku whipped out a needle to Sora throat as he squirmed what he could in pain –
*You have him, now take him; do as you’re told. You were a Hunter-Nin in your past life were you not? You have full filled your mission beautifully, now take him, bring him to me, I want to see him for myself Haku! Haku? Are you listening –
bring him to me! Haku!*
Haku’s hand moved as if it was puppeteered up his face and to his bare forehead, he then looked to Genkai, and Kakashi (his eye underneath the forehead protector uncovered!), they were all wearing theirs….His hand reached for Sora’s forehead and the shiny symbol of his heritage – Sora bit his hand!
*Haku!* - WACK!
Haku was knocked all the way to the mortal barrier, but he saved himself by summoning a mirror that twirled him in as he touched it – Genkai firing her Rei Gan* just a bit too late and only hit the edge of the mirror causing it to twirl around even more.
Sora was yanked up and out the ice and propped up by –
“Little Slugger!” Sora latched onto him as Ed would do, and Shonen Bat let out a cry like a woman spotted in the shower –
“Get off me!”'
“I thought you were dead! OOF” – Shonen Bat pushed him off (Sora’s Keyblade returned to his hand and all pain melted away from the purifying of the Cloak).
“Didn’t I ever tell you before I can’t die?” said Shonen Bat, “Dimwit! I’m stronger than any of you think I am, I’m not mortal like you guys, (Shonen Bat crossed his arms) although I will that admit that Avera teaching me Lifeline* as a safety precaution wasn’t so bad of an idea…”
“But how – how? You were squashed to pieces!”
“I can turn shadow, duh! My body is NOT like yours. Okay yeah, I was pretty much frozen thanks to a needle getting in my neck so I had to let myself get squashed before I could do anything. I guess you can say that as I ‘re-spawned’ I discovered something with the fragments of that stupid ice ninja’s mirrors – I could travel through them in shadow form in and out the barrier! They have the same properties as a portal from his Astral Abilities! So I zipped out, got myself back together which took
forever and before I knew it you were screaming like a baby! Before that I snuck up to Kakashi after fighting off this extremely,
extremely – man am I sorry I didn’t hit him
harder – really annoying orange jerk ninja that wanted in on the action to help Kakashi, and the jerk followed me all the way up to the barrier behind Kakashi, it wasn’t only until Kakashi talked with him through Memory Link*, that one, scared him, and two basically told him to back off, anywho since we
were close enough to be able to use Memory Link* through the barrier, Kakashi and I made a quick plan that I was gonna sneak in behind Haku from the mirror he sprouted from, wack him in shadow form, and have Kakashi copy that with his Sharingan* ability and we’d finish Haku off with that by trying to get him from inside his own mirrors since he’s so messed up, but that plan went to hell when he got you
Mr. Keyblade Master. Am I just a bad plan magnet or something? At least Kakashi managed to re-use his Sharingan* ability to get inside that ninja’s head, I’m happy that worked or I wouldn’t have had my opening to come rescue your ***. Never forsake having your Astral Abilities awakened once you leave your world” –
“Will you shut your trap already?! The General has at least one more attack left in him!” Genkai shouted; all the while as Shonen Bat spoke to Sora, Genkai was waiting for Haku to break in, but the Hunter-Nin didn’t…. “Kakashi” –
Kakashi was out.
………“Little Slugger,” said Sora, “This is an order, go and take Kakashi out of the fight.”
“I would if I could but Haku still moves pretty fast though his mirrors, I’d need to have a diversion.”
“I don’t think you’ll need one. Haku won’t attack what’s not threatening him.”
“Te’ hell makes you think that?”
“You might think this is a bit weird but when I bit him,
I felt him, as if his aura was just oozing out of his body…The real him, not this monster, he was made into…”
“That’s not weird, that’s just creepy Sora. Did he taste like a snow cone?”
“Little Slugger, I’m glad you’re alive, but please, I don’t want to see anyone else” –
“Okay, okay, geeze” – Shonen Bat turned shadow and zipped over to Kakashi, up the mortal barrier, then through a nearby ice mirror; his shadowy portal appeared on the other side and spit out Kakashi (several people ran up to him) the shadow portal dissipated and Shonen Bat reappeared through the same mirror quickly getting back to Sora’s side – he was about to pass Genkai when a single ice mirror appeared behind her –
she couldn’t react fast enough - her energy was too drained from the ice speckles – and the mirror cracked across her chest!
“Genkai!” Sora yelled, she coughed up blood
–“Get her out –!”
Little Slugger scooped up Genkai and raced her out the same mirror he went with Kakashi, and as soon as his shadow portal appeared on the other side – all of Haku’s ice mirrors dropped and shattered – Shonen Bat was pushed out of his portal onto the ground with Genkai –
“You – you son of a *****!” Shonen Bat screeched.
“Idiot, of course the General would do that,” Genkai coughed – “He now has Sora all to himself” –
“You couldn’t have broadcasted this sooner?!”
“I’d think you’d assume the worst in any situation especially against this thing!” the ice specks on Genkai twinkled a laugh –
“Haku….is not a thing…” growled a gruff young voice from behind them. Shonen Bat looked up and moaned, it was the orange ninja. “Haku, is a
“Was,” corrected Shonen Bat.
Within the barrier, Sora felt a wind change direction, and manifesting once again from swirling wind and ice, was Haku; his appearance considerably different from when he first appeared….His mask was gone, his clothes a bit more torn, and beneath him, the ground turned red from his dripping wounds and mouth...
They stood a respected distance apart; the mortal barrier gave a pink sheen, reminding them that only one will leave its borders.
“You don’t have just one attack left in you, do you?” asked Sora.
Haku grasped an ice needle.
Sora grasped his Keyblade.
“I didn’t think so.”
Bebop Ship
*Lorenia……* started Pharaoh as Yugi rubbed his eyes dry, *How, long can you stay here?*
Lorenia subtly wiped her eyes clean, *I can stay a bit longer……*………Lorenia looked to Yugi who seemed to halfway expect this moment wouldn’t last in a distant expression, and then to Pharaoh, who seemed to be thinking about something poisonous……
*Lorenia….* started Pharaoh, *How….*
Yugi felt Pharaoh’s intentions – his spine ran cold and his stomach twisted into a knot –
*How did you, Ragiel, and Dendjue, really die?*
…..Lorenia’s expression saddened, but then came an expect shield of a mellow smile, *You always were blunt Pharaoh.* Lorenia rubbed her transparent hands together and looked up into Yugi’s and Pharaoh’s eyes again, she opened her mouth, but nothing came out, she quickly looked back down again…..
“Lorenia,” said Yugi, “Is it going to hurt if we know…?”
*Yes, yes it will,* Lorenia replied her voice down to a whisper as her throat grew heavy, *But,* Lorenia looked back up, * You both are very strong. You can take pain and be so brave, right?*
Pharaoh nodded, and Yugi slowly nodded after him.
*You might cry a little, but that’s to be expected right?*
*Leave us on a more dignified note,* Pharaoh mumbled.
*Okay, well,* Lorenia took a big inhale, *I’m sure you know that story Seritouge reported on how we died is false right? Fabricated.* They both nodded. *What I’m about to tell you is what I experienced, and of my point of view alone.*
Yugi felt like he was on a rollercoaster ride and was about to teeter off the tippy, tippy edge of the highest part into a dark abysmal drop....
Tokieo Town
The sky was bright and sunny over Spot Tower…..
Within the Tower, the hallway that leads to Seritouge’s white room was dark with shadows from the windows that lined it…..“Perhaps this is meant to be now,” came Seritouge’s voice, “The tide is moving, growing restless as the coming storm draws near. Soon it will retreat from the shore, and in its returning wrath….” Storm clouds were brewing on the west side of town…. “Bury, all of which we hold dear…”
Layleri gave a big stretch from the wooden chair she sat on, then hissed at the monitor screen before her with all the data that came up, “We’ve been searching for hours Nikkue!” she whinned, “Nothing’s coming up!”
Nikkue ignored her and continued to go through records along with Edward, and Alphonse Elric.
“I’m not surprised that there’s a group such as y’all,” said Nikkue looking over pages of reports that kept printing off a wireless printer.
“Well, at least you guys don’t have to snoop around in Spot Tower now right?” said Edward, “Good thing you
bumped into us.” Alphonse still showed a prominent dent in his chest. “Besides, our little base here has certain properties that make Seritouge’s Seri-Cams look right over us as we sip information right out of Spot Tower.”
“I’m guessing things turned sour when your Masters began to lose faith in Seritouge. They must’ve uncovered something horrible.”
“Yeah…It must’ve been somethin’" said Edward, "….I remember Lorenia came back to the Café one day, looking as pale as a ghost. She wouldn’t tell us what was wrong of course, denied everything and said it was just a long day. That’s about when the Dark Atone disease struck her, and then everything just went downhill from there.”
“Perhaps they uncovered something they shouldn’t have.”
*To say briefly,* Lorenia began, *We were given up.*
Nikkue picked up one document, and as she looked over it, her motions slowed….
“Given….up….?” Yugi breathed…. “What do you mean you were given up?!”
Lorenia blinked. *We were given up to the Lady, to be examined through her experiments to see the state of our beings as were transforming into Seraphs.*
She said it so lightly, and so cleanly……Yet Yugi began to tremble, as if he lost his motor skills to keep balance.
Edward, Alphonse, and Layleri smushed themselves in reading the document over Nikkue – Alphonse stumbled back with a small cry, and Edward snatched the paper out of Nikkue’s hand re-reading the last statement over and over –
“No way Brother,” Alphonse stumbled,
“It can’t be –!”
*Then, those suspicions the three of you had of Seritouge performing experiments on other Masters from other Systems, this confirmed it for you right….?* asked Pharaoh.
Lorenia nodded, *Those experiments of course were performed under the guises of things ‘just happening’ but we had no proof of what he was doing, he covered his tracks so well…Well of course, he’s the Spirit of Reason – we were pretty sure he was searching for those that could turn into a Seraph or Scythe, I’m not sure if there was something else, but Dendjue thought there was another form Seritouge was looking for.*
bastard,” Edward snarled, “He did all of this,
just so he could…..”
*As you can guess, the Lady was cutting down on Seritouge’s subjects,* Lorenia continued, *But when she began her experimental phase, Seritouge saw an opportunity he couldn’t resist.*
[Order 826464] Deities are to strip Masters Lorenia, Ragiel, and Dendjue of all magical attributes and abilities for twenty-four hours on the 13th day of said month under the suspicion of their health being compromised for their magical progress [SUCCESS]
Allow information to be notified to susceptible spots where informants of the Lady will recover it [SUCCESS]
Influence* “known” informants for the Lady to experiment on provided subjects for changes in their being leading to Scythe, Seraph, or the Third Change; emphasis on Third Change [SUCCESS]
UPDATE: Lady has sent Nefero to collect subjects~
UPDATE: Subjects went peacefully~
*He conducted one of his greatest manipulations and strung the tune of our deaths together to see what, would, happen…Macevoy, a long time friend of ours that worked in Spot Tower caught wind of what was going on, and tried to warn us, but the Deities had already stripped us. Macevoy died mysteriously after that, and the blame was placed on Nefero. Who were we to think that we could fight our way out of this? If it would just, spark a bit of suspicion, a second glance, but most of all, if it would protect….Like clockwork, Nefero came, and threatened us that he’d destroy Tokieo Town if we didn’t oppose him. We went to the spot he chose, and once we arrived there, he looked at us in disgust.
“I’m well aware of the situation you all are in,” said Nefero, “But my missus’, she gave me orders, just as the three of you were I’m sure. Who am I to think that this is wrong? You’re the first kill I ever had that I didn’t even have to lay a finger on.”
*Nefero told us to ride on his back. He told us we were going to be torn apart in ways we couldn’t even imagine. The Lady was excited, and she wanted us fresh, for Nefero disable us quickly so she could begin…* Yugi began to feel sick…*Her experimentations.*
“If I know Seritouge,” said Nikkue, “Laced underneath this madness, he sacrificed them to try and stop the massacre of the Masters, perhaps he wanted the Lady to see that she was dealing with something she wouldn’t be able to defeat in the long run, and the Anime System’s Masters were the perfect candidates, but instead, he just unlocked the darkest natures of her insanity.”
*You died from her experiments then?* asked Pharaoh slowly.
*Actually, I think we were killed out of mercy.*
*Mercy?* Pharaoh spat, *That Witch wouldn’t know such a thing, she was probably tired of…*
*It wasn’t the Lady that disposed of us, it was Nefero. We were ‘his kill after all’, he said, not hers. But the manner he released us….I’m not even sure if you could call it killing, it was more like, a separation. He sent our Ghosts, our souls and hearts together, into the Other Side, I don’t know what became of our bodies though, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were stuffed for display in that bitc* -
Yugi stumbled foreword in a futile attempt to embrace Lorenia and fell through her,
“It’s not fair! How could that have been done to you –?! How?! He just used y’all as experimental slaughter?!”
Lorenia began to lightly stroke Yugi’s head, the faded warmth of her hand brushing against him and more of his tears, *But it’s the truth, and now you know,* said Lorenia maturely.
*The word has to get out,* said Pharaoh.
*Yes, by all means it does,* said Lorenia, *But we need proof to back it up. Not everyone see or hear me unless I posses someone, the same goes for Ragiel and Dendjue.*
*They’re in this plain too?*
*Yep. Also, I believe Seritouge planned another event that Macevoy also uncovered, one that cost him his life.*
Yugi sat up, “You can posses me Lorenia, for as long as you need to” –
*I can’t Yugi.*
“Why not?! This needs to get out! We have to” –
*You’re heart can’t sustain a possession of a Ghost like me* -
“Of course it can! Pharaoh and I” –
Pharaoh became alarmed –
*Lorenia, is – is he?*
“Am I what…?” But Yugi felt the fear in Pharaoh, then felt the warmth of Lorenia’s transparent hands on his face….
*Possession takes a serious strain on the heart, and yours Yugi, is being afflicted by the Dark Atone Disease.*
The room suddenly got cold, unearthly cold, Lorenia placed her transparent self in front of Yugi, but Pharaoh switched spirits with him – a rip as if the air was suddenly torn cloth burst open in the corner of his room, a dark wind blowing everything about –
*Oh –
my cards –!*
The wind stopped with all the cards scattered on the floor. In light of the winded chaos, now standing in Yugi’s room was the figure of both rider and mount almost like a wispy smoky specter seamlessly merged together; their true form hard to make out except for what was prominent of them (and especially now since the only light of the room came from the stars beyond the window) The mount had long tightly spiraled straight horns, a thick body, and lean legs, and the rider, who seemed to be completely covered in a black hooded cloak, carried an ebony scythe in one hand, and in another, a long list whose end floated besides him, disappearing in rippled colorless flames.
*The Reaper,* acknowledged Lorenia.
"Master Lorenia, and company," the Reaper nodded, "Where do I begin...? Oh..." The Reaper took a look at his list, his eyes gazing to the name still holding onto it's second place to the top as other passed by it, Sora's.....
Tokieo Town
UPDATE: Subjects proved to be negative for the Third Change. Disney System still has yet to have Masters awakened. Subjects will due to be collected~
UPDATE: [Operation “Split the Light” is in effect]
Edward re-read the final statements for the last time…. “The Disney Masters,” he said, “They’re gonna be next…No, scratch that, he’s already got them here….”
The room stayed silent for several minutes.
“Their funerals were a closed casket ceremony,” Nikkue wondered out loud, “Because, their bodies weren’t in there…?” she finshed letting her voice trail off……
“Then,” Alphonse started absentmindedly, “Where are the bodies…?”
“Calm down now all three of you,” said Nikkue (Alphonse, Edward, and Layleri were shaking), “It was just Alphonse’s armor bouncing back into shape.”
Alphonse looked at his chest, “Ah, so it was….”
“I seriously doubt their bodies are just gonna jump out at us,” said Nikkue to kill the subject. “Instead, we should verify this information.”
“What, what do you mean verify?” asked Alphonse, “We’ve got the proof right here! It has the seal of the Spirits and everything! And we can have testimonies to prove the events! My brother and I was there when they had their magic taken –”
“Seritouge will no doubt come up with a counter strategy,” said Edward, “We’ve gotta keep this under wraps as tight as possible.”
“Edward’s right,” said Nikkue, “This is a big break, but I have no doubt that someone made this so it could be found, Seritouge would never leave a transcript as incriminating as this around.”
“Maybe he would,” piped Layleri, “It has all the trimmings and trappings of a real letter sported by Spot Tower, and look who signed it, MA-AH-QUE-VOI, whoever that is.”
“Macevoy?!” Edward and Alphonse blurted together –
“You knew him?” asked Nikkue.
“He was really close to the Masters,” said Edwards, “But he died mysteriously, this, I bet this is why!”
“Well that’s a start,” said Nikkue, “So, we’ll begin by researching him, and digging up graves.”
“What?” said Alphonse.
“You heard me, we need to see what’s possibly in there, now come on before more are added.”
A sharp snort like something a large carnivore would make sounded to the right of the group – Nikkue and Layleri whipped out their orbs from their hands – forming them into large spears and pointed them to the dark corner of the room –
A deep growl like a deranged dog sounded attached to nothing but the shadow of the corner – a presence cold and dark and empty filled the room, then, just as quickly as it came, it disappeared.
“Well,” said Nikkue twirling her spear single handedly only to grab it with her other hand, “Looks like we really are on to something.” She looked to Edward and Alphonse Elric who both were ready on the attack, “Are you ready to face the consequence to look where you’re told to stay away?”
Edward gave a smirk, “Heh, who do you think you’re talkin’ to?”
Konohagakure Village
UPDATE: Specimen is engaging deadly opponent alone; outcome of survival 3%, down 97% with reports of Eros’ Detachment
Sora and Haku stood a respected distance apart; the mortal barrier gave a pink sheen, reminding them that only one will leave its borders.
“You don’t have just one attack left in you, do you?” asked Sora.
Haku grasped an ice needle.
Sora grasped his Keyblade.
“I didn’t think so….I’m going to fight you just as I am now,” said Sora, “I can’t do anything else but that.”
Haku nodded, and raised his needle to attack , “Do you know all the secrets of that Cloak?”
“I tend to learn as I go” – Sora charged, feigning to the right as the needle clipped his hair – he struck Haku on his side, but his blade was blocked by a sole needle instead of Haku’s body – ice needles formed in Haku’s free hand and like raking claws came up Sora’s side ripping into him – Sora twirled out the way before they reached his neck – the cloak fluttering up over Haku’s eyes like a beautiful blindfold –
RIIIIIIIIIIP – in one slash, the cloak was in two from Haku, and in one step Sora was behind him –
Haku blocked the attack without even turning around with a single handed thick ice needle – the light cloak’s pieces fell on opposite sides of the pair – Haku leapt into the piece before him! –
“Teleport*!” –
Emerging from the cloak’s piece behind Sora while still uttering the incantation, Haku reached to stab into Sora’s spine three ice needles –
“Fire*!” – WHOOSH! Sora set himself ablaze with golden flames – Haku taken back by the act for a split second, but that was all the time Sora needed to get out of the way and grab the other half of the cloak
with the tip of his blade along with a simultaneous flick of his wrist to extinguished the flames around himself –
that surprised second levaing Haku’s foot a second longer in the other half of the cloak –
“Wake the Night*!”
The beam of light shot through Haku’s chest from behind from the very cloak piece he was exiting – the beam was then closed off from the path through the cloak with Haku completely knocked out of it – the beam then retraced its steps, and fired out of its normal spot at the end of the Keyblade (Sora being knocked back with the beam’s kick-back) and Haku was hit again by the attack in the chest just above the first spot –
through where the heart rests –
“Well, that worked out nicely,” said Shonen Bat as he and an audience watched.
Sora watched the Haku hang in the air for a second from the force of the double attack, then fall right on his back like a discarded doll; Sora was a bit surprised at the damage he produced, but he kept himself in check; the light cloak piece Haku used fluttered innocently to the ground right by his side.
Prickly pain, like someone repeatedly ripping duck tape from Sora’s skin burst out all over his body – the price for using Fire* on himself – “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!” The burns began to show up on his skin, “Heal*!”, and as quickly disappeared. It was desperate move to have set himself on fire, but it worked….
He side glanced Haku and saw the General’s arm twitched – Haku skidded along the ground and kicked out Sora’s legs from under him, but Sora saved his balance stabbing his Keyblade into the ground flipping up and away from harm –
The spell missed and Haku swiped up the loose piece of the Cloak with his foot,
“Teleport*” – an ice pillar shot through the Cloak and into Sora’s blade from the other piece knocking it out of his hands –
Haku kicked in for the kill –
“SORA –!” – SPHSK – Shonen Bat ran to the mortal barrier banging on it,
“Sora! Sora!”
“Look closer,” came Kakashi’s voice as his students propped him up.
“Sensei?” asked the orange ninja.
Shonen Bat squinted his eyes at the scene he perceived of Haku having stabbed Sora, with Sora leaning on him, lost of strength from the stab, but………. “There’s something coming out of Haku’s chest….” A squint more, and Shonen Bat realized that it was the tip of Sora’s Keyblade wrapped in the Light Cloak, Haku’s blood running off the Cloak that absorbed not a drop. Sora, his hands free, had called his Keyblade to him, which stabbed though Haku…the Cloak manipulating the blade to stab forward.
The second piece of the Light Cloak in the fluttered array had swooped over Sora’s heart, right where Haku had stuck, his hand now just hovering in the teleported space. Haku’s posture began to settle, Sora reached around, and grabbed the hilt of his blade swinging it to his side, the Cloak piece fluttering off as he took a step back, Haku also retreated with a wobble, taking his hand out of Sora’s chest letting the second Cloak piece fall.
Haku fell to the ground on his knees. He looked up to the standing Sora, and the symbol of his village on his forehead protector……. “You’ll be, my new rival.”
Sora nodded.
Haku then looked like he was yanked up by black strings on his limbs, and faded away. The mortal barrier released.
Sora gave a big inhale, then picked up the pieces of the Cloak, *Oh boy, I hope I can, find someone who can sow this back –*
Sora heard skates skid to a stop behind him, he turned and, there was Shonen Bat with crossed arms and pursed lips, moving his bat in one hand like the tempered tick of a cat’s tail…………….. “Good thing his chalk-rah, or however you say it was spent, or, I’d have to come rescue you again. At least you managed to beat him, even though it was sheer luck.”
Sora smiled, “Well, that’s good to know I have back-up.”
UPDATE: Subject survives
Isetzue, Avera, and Sephiroth all sat straight on Avera’s bed, Sephiroth sent the little black orb away.
“Well then?” asked Avera to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth stood up, “He still has a long way to go. Let’s go Izzy, let the little Step-Brother rest in peace now.”
“Okay.” Izzy ruffled Avera’s hair in play then followed her brother out, and Avera fell back onto his bed and let out a deep sigh of relief.
“We’ve, been so lucky, huh Sora? It turns out the Lady wasn’t watching this fight after all, Sephiroth picked up on her during the last stretches of the fight looking for her Death General, she had lost it! Can you believe that? But…I wonder, who picked it up……? Oh well, at least….for this moment, everyone I love….is safe…….” And Avera fell asleep.
“Mmmmh, that little Master escaped,” said Orochimaru as he, Envy, and Bakura (in their guises for this world) stood within a concealed patch from the top of Hokage Mountain. “I can’t wait to meet the little Master for myself.”
WHOO! Hope you enjoyed!
*Runs to complete Holiday Chappie*
Also, some really sad news to report since I’ve been a huge Pokemon fan for over ten years, now…..Maddie Blaustein the voice of Meowth under 4Kids for 8 years passed away in her sleep about 3 days ago….R.I.P. Maddie Blaustein……..TT.TT