Thank you, everyone! c:
And now, without further ado, the final chapters.
A word of warning, however. The first half of chapter 6 contains spoilers! Nothing major, though.
Chapter 6
“You want to do
“Sneak into the castle, talk to Ansem, and see if he’ll let me take Jenni back to another world, just for a little while. There’s a certain world in particular we want to see…” Isa looked down and sideways, a little abashed. Lea was making this none too easy on him, though he knew well enough that he’d agree with enthusiasm here in just a little while.
“Well gee.” Lea said, scratching the back of his bright red head. “Far be it from me to keep you from surprising Jenni with a
romantic date.” With that, he grinned. That was what he had been wanting to say from the start. “You can count on me, buddy! When do we go? Tonight?”
“And get taken for robbers? No way.”
That was how the conversation had gone yesterday morning before graduation. And now, he was waiting on Lea in front of the Ice Cream Parlour owned by Scrooge McDuck. They had agreed to dress normally and in a manner that wouldn’t attract attention. At least, that’s what he thought they had agreed on. But when Lea showed up, wearing a large yellow bandanna, he wondered.
“I thought we agreed on wearing inconspicuous clothes…” he said as they began making their way toward the castle.
“What are you talking about? This
is inconspicuous!”
“Well, for you, maybe.” laughed Isa.
They were discussing their plan of action when, seemingly from out of nowhere, an oddly shaped wooden sword flew into their path, clattering on the ground. Isa kept walking, not noticing until he heard Lea speaking that he was the only one still walking. Sighing, he stopped and turned around, hoping to retrieve his friend.
“Lea, we don’t have time for this.”
If he expected his friend to come along, he was clearly mistaken. He watched patiently as Lea chatted with the blond boy, finally producing his toys and demanding a fight. This, Isa had to smile at. Lea was constantly trying to cheer people up or fix their problems, no matter if he knew them or not. Needless to say, the boy—Ventus, he had said his name was—completely dominated the fake battle. Lea said something about calling it a draw, and the younger boy just laughed.
“From where I stood,” Isa said, “the only thing you drew was a big L on your forehead for ‘Loser’, ‘Lame’, ‘Laughable’…”
“Wha—” Lea exclaimed. “Isn’t this the part where you… cheer me up or something?” Crossing his arms, he continued. “‘You’re just having a bad day’ or ‘That’s what you get for pulling your punches!’ Some friend.”
“Oh. You mean I was supposed to lie.”
Lea sighed, and looked up at the boy. “You see what I gotta to put up with? Sure hope you don’t have friends like him.” Propping his hands behind his head, Lea reclined on the stone pavement, grinning. Ventus started laughing, followed by Lea. Isa, too, joined in for a moment before reminding Lea of their mission. After receiving a positive response, he strode off in the direction they were headed, towards the castle. Lea said a few more sentences to the boy before rejoining Isa.
“What is it with you and picking up stray puppies?” Isa asked.
“I want everyone I meet to remember me.” Lea said in an uncharacteristically serious reply. “Inside people’s memories, I can live forever!”
“I know I won’t forget you. Believe me, I try all the time.”
“See? I’m immortal!” Lea quipped back, wagging his head back and forth, still grinning.
Isa laughed. “You’re obnoxious.” As if on cue, the two of them lifted their eyes, looking up at the castle looming near.
“You ready?” Lea questioned.
Definitely. Glancing over at Lea, Isa noticed his friend’s eager countenance. After all, it wasn’t every day they broke into the castle. “Well, I can tell you are.” Isa began walking and Lea followed, they were only one district away from the castle entrance. Luckily, when they got there, they found the doors unguarded.
“Our lucky day!” the redhead whispered as the two of them slipped into the empty hallways. “Do you know where Ansem’s office is?”
Isa thought for a moment. Once, when his mother was still alive, she had told them how she had been able to meet with Ansem himself to report on the various worlds. She had given such a magnificent description, he had never forgotten it. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”
Fifteen minutes later they were hopelessly lost.
“I thought you said you knew the way!” Lea whispered, urgency filling his voice.
“Well excuse me for not getting invited here so often that I know the exact layout of the palace!”
“You two there! Who are you and what are you doing here?” A weasel-like voice rang through the quiet hallways, and the two trespassers turned slowly around, dreading to see an armed contingent of guards. What met their eyes instead, was a rather thin man with long, light brown hair who’s appearance matched his voice quite perfectly. “Well?” He said, glancing them over, already quite sure that they had no business in the castle.
“We’re here to entertain the young princess!” Lea spoke up. “Ansem the Wise requested we perform our comedy routine. My partner here didn’t bring the directions, so we got lost in the hallways.”
“Yes…of course.” The older man looked as if he didn’t believe a word Lea had spoken, and Isa didn’t blame him. “Please allow me to show you to the young princess’s outside quarters. I am Even, head of the scientific research laboratory here in the castle.”
“Wow, thanks!” Lea chirped, shaking the scientist’s hand vigorously. “We were told to report to Ansem first though, so would ya mind showing us the way there?”
An odd light gleamed in Even’s eyes, and he smiled a rather disturbing smile. “Certainly, certainly. Right this way.”
Nearly five minutes later, the three stopped in front of a large iron door. “This is the room you need to be in, I believe. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must take my leave. Good day.” And with that, the man left them.
“That was easy!” Lea laughed. “He totally believed me!”
“I’m not so sure about that…” Isa said as Lea pushed the door open. He had a bad feeling… but of course, Lea paid no attention, and as the door swung open, a far different sight met their eyes than they were expecting. Even had led them to the guards room.
“Oi! What are you kids doing here!?” One of the guards shouted as he and another guard towered over them.
“Ah…heh.” Lea hadn’t been expecting this at all. “You see, we were supposed to meet with Ansem the Wise..”
“Is that so?” The guard who had spoken was tall and thick, with long, black, dredlocked hair. “Hey, Aeleus, these kids are supposed to meet with Ansem!”
The man being spoken to was even taller and thicker than the first, and his wild, reddish-brown hair stuck out in all directions like it hadn’t been brushed in months. He smiled amusedly, but said not a word.
“All right, enough of these games.” The first guard spoke, all traces of humor gone from his voice. “Out you go!” He grabbed Lea by the back of the neck, nodding to his companion as the other guard grabbed Isa by the arm. “Sneaking into the castle is a serious offence!” He began lecturing on the five-minute walk to the castle entrance. “You’re lucky we don’t give you a sound beating!”
“Oh come on!” protested Lea. “We just need to ask a little favor! For a friend of ours!”
“And what might this favor be?” Still, they continued down the hallways.
Lea was silent, and Isa spoke instead. “We want to see another world!”
Both of the guards laughed this time. “Right, other worlds! As if there were!”
“My mother was a head researcher here in charge of that particular field, I think I know what I’m talking about!”
The dredlocked guard snarled. “You, young pup, know nothing. I don’t care if Ansem himself is your father. Talk of other worlds—preposterous!” As he finished his sentence, they came upon the entrance, and with a mighty heave, sent the two trespassers hurtling out the doors.
“Well that went well.”
Isa stared at Lea for a moment, and was about to say something when a familiar voice spoke behind them.
“You want to see other worlds, you said? If you had said that from the start I wouldn’t have led you astray.”
“You!” Lea and Isa spun around at the same time, face-to-face with the scientist from earlier.
“You, boy,” he said in a far different tone than they had yet heard, directing his gaze to Isa. “Who did you say your mother was?”
Isa was silent. Having to explain to this weasel was galling. Yet at the same time, if he could help them… “She was a head researcher involved in the classified research of the outside worlds. She died after an experiment went wrong.”
“Went wrong, you say…how long ago was this? And her name.”
“Ten years ago. Her name was Evangeline.”
Even’s green eyes brightened. “Oh, yes! Yes, I remember that quite well. Poor woman, couldn’t handle the darkness encroaching upon her heart. Of course, not many could. And you, you are her child?”
Isa was silent, and stood looking none too friendly upon the prying scientist.
“But you need not answer,” he continued. “Your hair is the exact shade, and your features resemble her extraordinarily! She was a brilliant woman, your mother. It was a sad day indeed when we lost her.”
“I didn’t come here to reminisce. Can you help us or can’t you?”
Even shook his head slowly. “No, I cannot. The only person who could give such permission is Ansem himself, and he’s gone on business. Terribly sorry.”
“Wha— then what was the point of all those questions!?” Lea shouted, appalled.
“Oh, I just wanted to be quite sure.” Even grinned, bidding the two boys a good day as the heavy iron doors of the castle clanged shut behind him.
“Hey… you ok?” Lea walked up to Isa and placed a hand on his shoulder. “That rotten…I should’ve kicked his ass!”
“I’m fine,” Isa said, dismissing Lea with a tight grin. “Let’s go.”
“Well…I’ll treat ya to some ice-cream!”
Chapter 7: Final
“You did what!?”
“Lea and I sneaked into the castle and tried to see Ansem. We got caught.” Isa and Jenni were sitting in his living room, playing a popular RPG. He had just finished recounting the previous day’s events to Jenni. Of course, he hadn’t told her
why they had done it, and despite the shock in her voice, her brown eyes were dancing with amusement.
“Of course you got caught. Neither of you are exactly what I would call ‘stealthy’.”
“Yeah, well,” Isa feigned chagrin, “We would have done better if Lea hadn’t opened his big mouth. We got caught by some scientist and Lea started going on about how we had been hired to perform a comedy routine for the young princess.” Isa rolled his eyes and began furiously mashing the ‘x’ button in response to the boss’s attacks, occasionally switching to the ‘o’ button in order to guard. “As if he would actually believe that! The guy basically threw us into the guard room, and then ran off. The guards were none too happy to find that two kids had been able to sneak past them.”
Jenni laughed. “I can imagine. What in the worlds could have possessed you to do something so harebrained, at least without——DAMMIT! AUGH!” What she had been going to say was: ‘at least without me’. She had been interrupted, however, by her character being incapacitated by a particularly harsh symbological attack.
“Pisses me off…” she muttered from where she lay prostrate on the floor, arms covering her face.
“‘GAME OVER’, it says. I died too.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice?” the redhead said suddenly, still not moving.
“What?” Isa laughed. “To beat the boss?”
“No!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms to her side. “Well, yeah, but—I mean, it’d be nice if all you had to do in order to reach another world was get on a spaceship…imagine all the places we could see.”
Isa was quiet, and he shifted so that he lying as Jenni was, on his back. The silence lasted for several minutes while each reflection on their different thoughts. “You know,” He said, breaking the silence. “I was going to ask Ansem to let us visit that place.”
Now it was Jenni’s turn to be silent. “Really?” she finally said, turning her head towards Isa.
“The French Riviera. It
would be nice to go, someday.”