Alright Finally!
thanks Xaracsis for the info!
Here's the video on YouTube, hope you enjoy. (Processing now, be up in like 10 minutes)
No problem the trailer does not seem to load with me but the TGS one does
oh well
And honestly No Heart looked pretty epic there at the end himself. >![]()
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Trailer was awesome, more specifically, when AotM engraves his chains on the floor, takes a chunk of land and makes an enormous stab of light to the player! There's also how No Heart summoned his keyblade, warped the lion-like part of it in front of the player and moved his hand to suggest that it's a unique attack.
Looks really cool. The Eraqus battle looks interesting. Man I wish I could get final mix.
You can always import it.
You can always import it.
ZOMG, a secret boss who doesn't have attacks that one-hit kill you!?
Also, No Heart looks awesome summoning his keyblade. I'm betting now that if you beat him, you get that Keyblade.
Considering you *Just* got a DS, rather than *Will*, and you have days, you'll likely beat that game by the time BBS: FM comes out. It's short, after all. RE:Coded comes out Jan. 11, and the average time between purchase and delivery of an import game from Japan to US is about 3 weeks.........I imported the JP one but I just don't have the time to get Final Mix. And I just got a DS and days so with Re:coded I just not gonna have time. Maybe later I'll get it.