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Yes i would really like to have red XIII in kh2 it would go with the lion king world perfect but i havent seen any pictures interviews or anything even stateing that he will be in it so I highly doubt it I want him in there in all but its just not going to happen but who really knows mabye he will be a secret ff character in the game that we wont find out about until we play the game.
i didnt like nanki in ff7 but since he is some kind of a lion it would fit in the lion king world but the only thing that would make it look weird is his flaming tail
I think if Red is in KH2, i think he'd be hanging around with a FF character like Yuffie, Aeris and Squall. But more like Yuffie and Leon. Like say if Yuna was in KH, then Red would be like by her side all the time like a buddy or something.