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Isn't it ironic.

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The true Areku23

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Addison, Illonois
As everyone knows, a heartless is made up of the darkness in ones heart. Therefore, a heartless is in theory, a heart. The heartless are what heartless seek. But this makes me wonder, if Xemness wanted to be complete so badly, why didn't he just seek out his heartless, if a heartless is in fact a heart? Xemnes really didn't think things through very good, did he?

But what if my theory is wrong? What if a heartless is simply the manifested darkness in ones heart? Then there is nothing but the heart left when a heartless and a nobody are formed. But if the heart's darkness already formed a heartless, then the heart cannot simply fade into the darkness.

Your thoughts please.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
imagieaty its a cross between reality and my imagi
the same irony applies to nobodies too because they're a body and soul and their name is no body.

I always thought the only way to become complete again is if both the nobody and heartless are destroyed so maybe he was just afraid of being erased or something


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Sitting...Waiting for Life to Happen
I'm assuming that you have played KHII. So, when someone yields to the darkness in their heart, say Riku, that darkness (being like a lump inside) manifests itself around that person and swallows them whole. Once they have been taken in bu the darkness, their appearence changes and they become a certain Heartless.

I always thought the only way to become complete again is if both the nobody and heartless are destroyed so maybe he was just afraid of being erased or something
This not true, because neither Roxas nor Sora were killed off and they became whole. Sora came back when he heard Kairi's voice. Roxas just disappeared into Sora's heart in the Mansion in the beginning of KHII. So the Nobody and Heartless do not have to be killed in order for them to be whole.

But if the heart's darkness already formed a heartless, then the heart cannot simply fade into the darkness.
The heart does not fade into the darkness. The heart is still whole, it's just been overrun by the darkness. That is why Sora and Cloud were searching for their light in the first game. Once you find your light, you can come out of the darkness. That's what I think anyway.

Riku Fan1415

New member
Sep 22, 2007
The Road to Dawn
^remember, during the final battle, Xemnas states, "We Nothings must be eternal". Therefore, it's more likely that he was manipulating the Organization all along, his true goal the same as most Final Fantasy villains--to become a god (ever hear of originality, guys? XD)


New member
Jul 9, 2005
Your Mother
Like RikuFan said, Xemnas' goal wasn't to become complete. He used that as an excuse for the other members to do the dirty work for him. His true goal was to absorb the power of Kingdom Hearts and become all powerful. After all, the Nobody of an evil creep like Xehanort couldn't possibly NOT have an evil plan up his big black sleeves.

It isn't exactly ironic, however, that Heartless sekk out hearts.

Heartless represent hearts corrupted and consumed by darkness. As most people with a beating heart know, darkness, sadness, and pain yearns for company. People who are depressed inevitably depress other people. Sadness and pain spreads like a disease, and so do the Heartless.

Also, maybe you forgot, but Xemnas wouldn't have been able to find his Heartless anyways. He died at the end of KH1 and all that's left of him WAS in Riku but now is completely gone. Therefore, Xehanort's heart moved on to Kingdom Hearts.


New member
May 21, 2009
Heartless haven't hearts, only the fakes one. The fake heartless, called emblemes, with emblemes are fakes, and they have a heart. You must see, if you kill a heartless without an embleme, no heart does appear.
Please read the ansem reports


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Keyblade Graveyard
wow, this is getting deep o__O

btw, keybladealex, you are forgetting something very important: Sora/ Roxas's case was a UNIQUE one. not every heartless/ Nobody case works that way.

and i'm pretty sure that Nomura stated in an interview some time ago that if the Nobody is destroyed before the Heartless, then that being is gone forever. but if the Heartless is destroyed before the Nobody, the heart from the being's heartless could meet up with the body and soul from the Nobody and the being becomes whole again.

The true Areku23

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Addison, Illonois
Ah, but Attemisc, let's not forget that the final battle of KH2 took place in Kingdom Hearts. (Gasp) That explains the way his coat changed inside Kingdom Hearts. He was a Heartless/ Nobody Hybrid. But he is nothing but darkness unlike Riku who has his share of light.

And Xemnas had plenty of chances to find his heartless. Let's not forget that Xemnas is a secret boss in final Mix. So depending on how you play it, you fight the nobody before you fight the heartless. It makes me wonder Org. 13 has been doing this.

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
As everyone knows, a heartless is made up of the darkness in ones heart. Therefore, a heartless is in theory, a heart. The heartless are what heartless seek. But this makes me wonder, if Xemness wanted to be complete so badly, why didn't he just seek out his heartless, if a heartless is in fact a heart? Xemnes really didn't think things through very good, did he?
Because Xemnas was seeking a fresh heart, in other words, be a completely new being, while not turning into his former self. Xemnas would have to have to kill his Heartless, then kill himself(though he would need a Keyblade, so he would get Roxas or Sora to do it. But he won't)since when the heart, body, and soul meet wherever, they reunite and the Somebody comes back. And Xemnas did care about getting his heart back, but he was also in it for power. Mainly power, but he's in it for both. You yearn to be complete, pretty much.

Xemnas said after he would get his heart, he would fight his Heartless anyway.
But what if my theory is wrong? What if a heartless is simply the manifested darkness in ones heart? Then there is nothing but the heart left when a heartless and a nobody are formed. But if the heart's darkness already formed a heartless, then the heart cannot simply fade into the darkness.
Heartless = the heart and a hell lot of darkness. You're theory is pretty much right.
^remember, during the final battle, Xemnas states, "We Nothings must be eternal". Therefore, it's more likely that he was manipulating the Organization all along, his true goal the same as most Final Fantasy villains--to become a god (ever hear of originality, guys? XD)
Well, like I said before, Xemnas did care about getting his heart back. You bascially crave to become whole again, no matter how evil you are. Yes, he's mainly in it for power, but it's not all for power. It's both.
wow, this is getting deep o__O

btw, keybladealex, you are forgetting something very important: Sora/ Roxas's case was a UNIQUE one. not every heartless/ Nobody case works that way.

and i'm pretty sure that Nomura stated in an interview some time ago that if the Nobody is destroyed before the Heartless, then that being is gone forever. but if the Heartless is destroyed before the Nobody, the heart from the being's heartless could meet up with the body and soul from the Nobody and the being becomes whole again.
It doesn't matter actually. When the Nobody fades, the body and soul just waits for the heart.


Like RikuFan said, Xemnas' goal wasn't to become complete. He used that as an excuse for the other members to do the dirty work for him. His true goal was to absorb the power of Kingdom Hearts and become all powerful. After all, the Nobody of an evil creep like Xehanort couldn't possibly NOT have an evil plan up his big black sleeves.

It isn't exactly ironic, however, that Heartless sekk out hearts.

Heartless represent hearts corrupted and consumed by darkness. As most people with a beating heart know, darkness, sadness, and pain yearns for company. People who are depressed inevitably depress other people. Sadness and pain spreads like a disease, and so do the Heartless.

Also, maybe you forgot, but Xemnas wouldn't have been able to find his Heartless anyways. He died at the end of KH1 and all that's left of him WAS in Riku but now is completely gone. Therefore, Xehanort's heart moved on to Kingdom Hearts.

Plus Xemnas would had tried to murder Xehanort's Heartless anyways, he considered his heart weak thus wanting to remove it in the first place.

It would be an interesting encounter.

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
So Xemnas was looking for a way for him to stay in his nobody form but to also have a heart not his old one but a different one.
Yeah, pretty much.
Plus Xemnas would had tried to murder Xehanort's Heartless anyways, he considered his heart weak thus wanting to remove it in the first place.

It would be an interesting encounter.
I would kill to see Xehanort's Heartless vs Xehanort's Nobody.
Money's on Xemnas.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hmm, well, in my case the heart is made out of light and is sealed when it has a body. So when you kill someone, the heart isn't whole and tries to find a different body. But knowing the darkness, steals the heart and gives it a fake body so the only thing a heartless thinks is "I NEED TO FIND INFORMATION", that way it seems like it's heartless. Sothen it tries to steal other peoples heart to make it whole it again. Leading to when someone kills that heartless the heart has no where to go, nearly broken, because it has almost nothing to hand on so it goes to Kingdom Hearts. But in Sora's case, Kairi was everything to him, best friend, crush, a princess of heart, so Kairi brought him back to himself. See, everthings made of light. At least everything stong and stable, like our bodies! That's also why our hearts might give in to darkness because it thinks darkness has the information it needs! =P


New member
May 26, 2009
South Carolina
Ok, as I gathered, a heartless is a heart consumed by darkness, like encased in it; the heart is there, but it is dormant or something, and has no control over the being, which is why it seems to act without a heart.

Then the living body comes up as a nobody that can think and act on human instinct, but has no emotions or desires, because the heart is gone. Like Roxas, who was actually part of Sora, it can seem like a person, a seperate identity, but really isn't, which is why they are called "nobodies."

So Xemnas couldn't have "wanted" to be complete at all. The only thing a nobody can follow is his mind and human needs, which for him must have meant power.
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