okay i was playing CoM. and found something strange that i havent seen before. it shows Axel giving Vexen a card which i believe to be the card that Vexen gives Sora. which leads to Twilight Tow. i am thinking that Twilight Town is a card made from Axels memories instead f Sora's here is the script .
You head towards Floor 7 and see a scene scene with Axel and Larxene.
Larxene: Whew... Throwing the battle back there really wore me out.
Axel: Throwing the battle? Looks to me like you plain old lost the battle.
Larxene: H-How dare you! You just don't appreciate the finer nuances of —
?????: Axel is right. That was an ungainly performance, Larxene.
A man with light-brown hair in a black coat walks on-screen.
Larxene: Vexen!
Vexen: Humbled by someone of such limited significance. You shame yourself and
the Organization.
Larxene: Grr..
Axel: Can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend a hand. I remain unconvinced of any potential in this
"hero" you've been coddling. Perhaps an experiment would put my doubts
to rest.
Larxene: I knew this would happen. Everything's an experiment with you.
Vexen: I'm a scientist. Experimentation is what I do.
Axel: Whatever, Vexen. Do what you want. But cut the act. Testing Sora is just
an excuse to test your little follower.
Vexen: Follower? I'll have you know he's the product of much research.
Larxene: What he is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. I see I'm wasting my time.
Axel: Have your fun. But take this with you. A wild card to keep the game
fresh. (throwing a card to Vexen) Now don't tell me I don't respect my
Vexen: I dare say I won't.
Riku appears in corner and screen fades.
after this cutscene the next time u see Vexen is when he gives u the card to Twilight Town. i wonder if the card Axel gave Vexen was the card to Twilight Town. tell me what u guys think. that may mean that Twilight Town isnt rom the memories of Sora's other side. but may i remind u that this is just a theory .
P.S. if this has been posted before please tell me and/or a mod so they can close it. thanks
P.S.S i dont know if this should be in the KH2 section or CoM. but i thought tha KH2 was best. sorry idf it isnt.
You head towards Floor 7 and see a scene scene with Axel and Larxene.
Larxene: Whew... Throwing the battle back there really wore me out.
Axel: Throwing the battle? Looks to me like you plain old lost the battle.
Larxene: H-How dare you! You just don't appreciate the finer nuances of —
?????: Axel is right. That was an ungainly performance, Larxene.
A man with light-brown hair in a black coat walks on-screen.
Larxene: Vexen!
Vexen: Humbled by someone of such limited significance. You shame yourself and
the Organization.
Larxene: Grr..
Axel: Can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend a hand. I remain unconvinced of any potential in this
"hero" you've been coddling. Perhaps an experiment would put my doubts
to rest.
Larxene: I knew this would happen. Everything's an experiment with you.
Vexen: I'm a scientist. Experimentation is what I do.
Axel: Whatever, Vexen. Do what you want. But cut the act. Testing Sora is just
an excuse to test your little follower.
Vexen: Follower? I'll have you know he's the product of much research.
Larxene: What he is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. I see I'm wasting my time.
Axel: Have your fun. But take this with you. A wild card to keep the game
fresh. (throwing a card to Vexen) Now don't tell me I don't respect my
Vexen: I dare say I won't.
Riku appears in corner and screen fades.
after this cutscene the next time u see Vexen is when he gives u the card to Twilight Town. i wonder if the card Axel gave Vexen was the card to Twilight Town. tell me what u guys think. that may mean that Twilight Town isnt rom the memories of Sora's other side. but may i remind u that this is just a theory .
P.S. if this has been posted before please tell me and/or a mod so they can close it. thanks
P.S.S i dont know if this should be in the KH2 section or CoM. but i thought tha KH2 was best. sorry idf it isnt.