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Is Re: Coded important to the storyline?

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Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
So? Why does what everyone else thinks have any baring on the quality of a game? It doesn't.

That is true lol.
Most of this forum doesnt even like KH2

and the fact you haven't even played it yet shows how useless -your- opinion is.

The thread is called is coded important to the storyline
Is coded important to the gameplay.
Honestly you can not deny this game had no fame or little to none at all a remake of it does not warrant it as more important the only games important to me are 1 2 CoM aand BBS
Days wasnt needed aka fanservice
CodedLOL lets link days and BBS to another game =D


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
Honestly you can not deny this game had no fame
Again, what does that have to do with the quality of the game?

the only games important to me are 1 2 CoM aand BBS
and that's awesome that you think those are the only important games in the series, that's fine and dandy.
But I fail to see the reasoning behind bashing Coded just because you dont think it is as important.
If i thought BBS wasn't important i wouldn't go around trashing the game, following it with "lol" everytime i write about it and telling others they were idiots for think it was important. I just dont see the logic in that.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Good for you. Some of us, however, actually DO care about the characters in KH as they are what hold the story together, and development for such characters is considered a plus.

So data sora and his interactions with worlds we've already been to holds the entire kh franchise together. Rich.

That is true lol.
Most of this forum doesnt even like KH2

The thread is called is coded important to the storyline
Is coded important to the gameplay.
Honestly you can not deny this game had no fame or little to none at all a remake of it does not warrant it as more important the only games important to me are 1 2 CoM aand BBS
Days wasnt needed aka fanservice
CodedLOL lets link days and BBS to another game =D

Indeed that was all it was. An unnecessary project, with all of its key points addressed in those two games.

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
So data sora and his interactions with worlds we've already been to holds the entire kh franchise together. Rich.

FIxed it...

Again, what does that have to do with the quality of the game?

Alot if it had as much of a stronghold as you say it would of been discussed way more before now wouldnt it?
All the theories here would be about Days and BBS for the majority now would it?
Even after it was translated no one cared too much about it as BBS and Days were the big guns.
The fact they decided to remake it holds no air either as it was obvious after the FF Agito stunt.

and that's awesome that you think those are the only important games in the series, that's fine and dandy.
But I fail to see the reasoning behind bashing Coded just because you dont think it is as important.

Honstly now what has coded told us that BBS hasnt or Days hasnt told us?
The whole tag line of the game is
"Free them from there torment"
Its obvious

If i thought BBS wasn't important i wouldn't go around trashing the game, following it with "lol" everytime i write about it and telling others they were idiots for think it was important. I just dont see the logic in that.

Never said you were dumb all I said was ur hyping it too much.

Good for you. Some of us, however, actually DO care about the characters in KH as they are what hold the story together, and development for such characters is considered a plus.

Hes done this how many times now?
Hes going in to his journal that hes had an adventure with already?
Its DATA sora?


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
Alot if it had as much of a stronghold as you say it would of been discussed way more before now wouldnt it?
All the theories here would be about Days and BBS for the majority now would it?
There were a fair decent amount of threads about it, especially when it started to get released. Many people didn't look into it much though because they didn't think they would ever get it. That doesn't mean that just because people weren't theorizing about it meant the game was bad. There are a lot of threads about Days for example, but many people consider that one of the worst games in the series. Number of threads =/= Quality of Game

Honstly now what has coded told us that BBS hasnt or Days hasnt told us?
Plenty was revealed.
like the correlation between data and hearts, something touched up on KH2, is explained better. we learn about torments and what they mean for all of the various characters, what they are in torment about. We learn how Riku made it off of Destiny Islands when RG wasn't an in-between world. We learn how far back the connection between XH and Riku started, where Pluto went off to, etc. A longstanding mystery is resolved. The story of BBS is brought to the present, thus making it relevant moving forward. Certain character get reprisals. We learn what is in the letter. We see more character interaction and development between Sora and Riku, while also highlighting such characters as Kairi, Nami, and Roxas. With Re:Coded we get the secret ending pointing toward KH3D which has "a very important conversation" in it. We learn what each character is in torment about and -why- it matters. It gives the players an emotional connection to "being in torment" and makes us want to save them. Sure you can say BBS showed which character needed to be saved and it did, but it didnt give any hint whatsoever about what they were in torment over. Or how they would even begin to move forward with that. Coded does a lot more than people give it credit for.

agree/disagree as much as you'd like though.
Never said you were dumb all I said was ur hyping it too much.
I was never "hyping" it. I never went "OMG GAIS, CODED IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GAME IN THE SERIES!!!"
All I was doing was defending it from everyone else pretty much denouncing it.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
He adds to it, yes.

Oh indeed? lol guess there's no point in arguing it then. I can see it, plain as day, that this game, at least in the cellphone version, contributed nothing to series. Lol im not as crazy about kh as i used to be, and i get sick and tired of all this goddam stalling that nomura is doing. Dont get me wrong, the 'torment' had me quite intrigued, even though we did have to wait until the END OF THE GAME to know what the point of the whole thing was. I just dont like that fact that they did all of this, then turn around and show us basically the same thing in bbs. See what im saying? BBs had new characters, new worlds, new gameplay, new features, explained mysteries, and it even opened more mysteries up. Coded was virtually useless until the end of the game. Dry world, bland characters(data sora) and underwhelming gameplay.


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
Oh indeed? lol guess there's no point in arguing it then. I can see it, plain as day, that this game, at least in the cellphone version, contributed nothing to series. Lol im not as crazy about kh as i used to be, and i get sick and tired of all this goddam stalling that nomura is doing. Dont get me wrong, the 'torment' had me quite intrigued, even though we did have to wait until the END OF THE GAME to know what the point of the whole thing was. I just dont like that fact that they did all of this, then turn around and show us basically the same thing in bbs. See what im saying? BBs had new characters, new worlds, new gameplay, new features, explained mysteries, and it even opened more mysteries up. Coded was virtually useless until the end of the game. Dry world, bland characters(data sora) and underwhelming gameplay.
To each their own, then. Personally, I found Coded to be a lot more than how you described it.
But, not every game can be liked by everyone.

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
There were a fair decent amount of threads about it, especially when it started to get released. Many people didn't look into it much though because they didn't think they would ever get it. That doesn't mean that just because people weren't theorizing about it meant the game was bad.

Not many people will get BBSFM but I bet you tons of threads shall emerge.

Plenty was revealed.

Again its still on a small level like days some of that stuff many coudld do without.
Just like alot of shit in Days could be done without.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Hes done this how many times now?
Hes going in to his journal that hes had an adventure with already?
Its DATA sora?

Jiminy: Hey guys, we've had so much fun for the past ten years exploring the same worlds over and over again that we're gonna do it again, only this time its gonna be a halfassed version of it!!! Whats that you say? Sora's cant tag along? Dont worry, we've got Data Sora to keep us company.
Mickey: Sounds like a completely brand new adventure to me!!!
Nomura: Just. As. Planned.


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
Again its still on a small level like days some of that stuff many coudld do without..
Well, I disagree. But that might be because I care more about the characters than I do about the next big plot twist.

The story of Coded is a necessity no matter how you look at it, because, without Coded, the characters wouldnt even be aware that there are people needing saving. That simple. Now, what people seem to get confused is that since YOU'VE already figured that out from BBS, that suddenly the story of coded is worthless. When it isn't.

But whatever, I'm really sick of arguing this as I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of brick walls. The game will come out, people will either enjoy it or they won't and that will be that.

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
Well, I disagree. But that might be because I care more about the characters than I do about the next big plot twist.
Unless re:coded is the sequal to Coded what ive read is iin way important as you say.
All is does is link Coded to KH2 and KH2 to BBS.

The story of Coded is a necessity no matter how you look at it, because, without Coded, the characters wouldnt even be aware that there are people needing saving.

Just like with Days we wouldnt have known that Ven has ties to ORG members =D

That simple. Now, what people seem to get confused is that since YOU'VE already figured that out from BBS, that suddenly the story of coded is worthless. Where it isn't.

Read the journal entry play the secet ending in BBBS connection.
Honestly from what Ive read coded does not reveal much.

But whatever, I'm really sick of arguing this as I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of brick walls. The game will come out, people will either enjoy it or they won't and that will be that.

Ok me and yyou got offon a bad start perhaps if we got to know each other we could come to mutual agreement?


All right, don't have a crap attack
Nov 11, 2007
All is does is link Coded to KH2 and KH2 to BBS.

Unless I'm not understanding what you're saying (which is quite possible since I'm not sure I understand any of your posts) is that making an established connection to the main series isn't important?

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
Unless I'm not understanding what you're saying (which is quite possible since I'm not sure I understand any of your posts) is that making an established connection to the main series isn't important?

IMO as a game, no. just as a point in time in the kh series.

still BBS cleared it up too


Bronze Member
Jul 25, 2009
[ spoilers ] fdsjnosgfdjhopsgfdjopsgfd [ /spoilers ] without spaces.

Thanks Ven for answering my question on how to make a spoiler, and since I know the other post I made probably won't be read, I'll make it again:

Original Post:

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but, some points in Coded are going to be important later because:

Edit (Now with Spoiler ^^): Pete and Maleficent get stuck in Data World, which I think will be a major importance in the future games. May that be for 3d and/or kh3, idk. But if they return in 3d (that is if 3d is a sequel to coded) then it may show how they get out. Or if they return in kh3, they may show how they get out then. Hell the whole reason they were in Data World in the first place was to get the missing Data, right? How is that not important? And if they return in 3d they probably try to steal the data that ATW planted in Sora's mind. Or something like that.

There are going to be other stuff that is going to be important, but that is one thing that some people may have overlooked if they played/saw the original version of coded.


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
Edit (Now with Spoiler ^^): Pete and Maleficent get stuck in Data World, which I think will be a major importance in the future games. May that be for 3d and/or kh3, idk. But if they return in 3d (that is if 3d is a sequel to coded) then it may show how they get out. Or if they return in kh3, they may show how they get out then. Hell the whole reason they were in Data World in the first place was to get the missing Data, right? How is that not important? And if they return in 3d they probably try to steal the data that ATW planted in Sora's mind. Or something like that.
I'm pretty sure Riku saves them, actually.


Bronze Member
Jul 25, 2009
I don't remember, I'll go see wiki and then I'll edit this post depending on what it says.

Edit: Here's what it says:

Meanwhile, King Mickey discovers that he will be returning soon to the real world, but the Journal, once completed, will have to be erased, which will mean the end of Data Sora's memories. When the time comes, Sora requests more time in order to save Pete and Maleficent, who are still in the data world. Sora finds them fighting Sora's Heartless, but Pete and Maleficent are erased before he can intervene. Sora defeats Sora's Heartless, the cause of the bugs, and Mickey returns to the real world, erasing the Journal.

Hmm, doesn't really give much if they are in there or not. I assume when they got erased they got out of the data world, or they could have gotten taken to 3d's world/area/place/thingy.
Last edited:


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
most people would not be aware of this game if it wasnt in the ds but since the took time to remae it im assured uts important just like re chan


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
...But when it was announced with Birth by sleep, and 358/2 days people knew about Coded. Just that the whole phone thing was what made everyone disinterested. Except for those who got it an played it, yet with it being remade on the DS big difference. I would get it now that it is on the DS, I'm sure the phone idea went down a lot afterwards since only a few bought an played the game. And there's a new secret ending so many people who wanted the game but didn't bother because of the phone will now get it on DS for it is more reasonable. :)


Bronze Member
Jul 25, 2009
The phone version was only for a certain Japanese phone. That's why other nationalities couldn't get it. But the ds version is just going to be the same thing, only on the ds.
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