Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yay! *takes out sniper gun and a few rocket launchers* Wait I have to gaurd the gummi worms which stiinks *drops on floor and start complaining about the rank*
wow you guys did all that while i was gone? good i'm glad you're making the siggy FT! by the way our next target will be Japan. we will not destroy but conquer!! that way we will get kh2 sooner and they have lots of gummis over there!!!! BANZAI!!
P.S. i will post the next chappy soon just give me a little more time to think
Wow! IT looks Like a Keyblade! With a nickel! SOon We will all name our nickels Philip and teach them to invade! How did you make the key or where did you get it?
Oh welcome to the forums poisonedheart!! hope you have fun and don't let my little group of friends scare you. we're harmless unless you give us sugar.
*starts to look for sugar to feed her need of destruction*
I found the sugar! Although sugar doesn't affect me it just makes my blood sugar high and kills me if you stuff about three truck loads of pure sugar down my throat which won't happen!..... i say we put poisonedheart in the dungeon! That person seen too much of the Gumickel and the gummi vault!