Well, i agree a little bit. Sephiroth has mako to make him significantly stronger than any human, and same goes for cloud, so in FFVII their weapons could prob be used with skill. Maybe not in KH though, since both the masamune and buster sword are almost three times larger than before. The keyblade never seemed like it weighed more than 5 pounds, maybe 10, so Sora wouldnt need to be buff to weild it, but since he has no muscle whatsoever How would he stay standing after omnislash, meteor, flame pillar, and Sin Harvest (Fallen Angel in VII) Vincent was an experiment so he could either shoot Sora (which is why he's not in it) or transform and tear him to pieces. Squall has a gunblade, so again he prob could just shoot him or swipe at him. Again I don't hate Sora, it's just that I don't like the comparison they did with him to FF characters. HE'S A LITTLE BOY, IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT.