Well...here it is the ending and Epilogue all in one last part.
Chapter 10 and Epilogue
Final Arc Part 2
As I began to get use to this new body, I started to realize what had happened. John had somehow unlocked something inside of me. He allowed me to develop all my powers, including shape shifting. (Other powers came to me in the upcoming days but that is not an important story.)
But, even though I grew more and more powerful, I felt empty, not able to do the thing that I had so greatly accepted. The Fire abilities that I once had were all but gone. The small spark that I could maintain was pathetic, and made me somewhat happy, but I was still empty.
As days turned into weeks, I kept on searching for John, hoping one day that he might appear like he did back at the Order. But it never happened.
My dreams were filled with his laughter as I walked in the halls of the Order, not able to do anything but attempt at killing the man who had killed these people who had become like a second family to me, even though I wanted nothing to do with them.
I grew old, and as that happened, I realized that my story was ending. I headed back home to find you, sleeping in a small bundle in your mothers arms. I told her what had happened and asked if you had burnt finger tips.
You did, and on that day I knew that you would be the one to read this, and my story. My life story has been told from me too you, even though I couldn’t tell you in person. My son, my dearest Luke, you have the Power to do whatever you wish. But heed my warning my son, for if you follow the same path as John, then you have doomed the entire world. All I wanted for both you and your mother was a peaceful life, and I wished that they didn’t come to her and ask her questions.
I love you son. If these are my dying wishes then, no matter what you do….I will always love you.
Luke closed the last piece of paper that was his father’s writings. He sighed as he understood what he was, and how his powers had come to be. At least he wasn’t the first one to have these Powers. He looked at the sunset, the beautiful Hawaiian sunset. He had received these letters from his father many years ago, and had only recently rediscovered them. For now, he knew why he had felt so empty whenever he thought he was trying to do something. The writing, the CEO’s, everything he had ever put some effort into, he had realized why he felt empty. It was because of his father’s influence in his life, invisible from the scenes as he watched Luke grow up.
His name was probably from some old movie that his father had liked, and his mother, who was always loving and caring, told the officers who came to their house many years ago that she did not know anything about his father. But now everything began to make sense. Luke closed his eyes and began to think. He was living it quietly in Hawaii ever since he had turned twenty one. That was three years ago. It was now the year 2017, his father had written these stories in the nineties. His father was probably still in hiding, and his mother, although she still loved him, was too busy with all her personal problems with the town.
Luke got up, his tan muscular build, glowing in the sunset. He had always been fit, something that his father ever thought about doing according to his writings. Luke began to laugh at what happened to his father after he left his home, and became saddened that he never gave Tomas and his sister a chance at being friends. Luke started to slow his pace and began to wonder at the possibilities that he could use. He looked down at his right hand pointer finger. He tilted his head as he snapped his fingers and a small spark appeared.
He smiled as he walked back to his small home on the beach. If he could still use the spark after not using it for so long then maybe he could use the other powers that his father had mentioned about. For the son always inherits the Power from his father, and from what Luke knew about his father’s father, the reason why he drank so much and abuse his father was for the very reason that he wanted his son to e able to use the power, and have a better life than he could ever have. Though his father was quite smart, Luke was a lot smarter. Luke began to pack his bags, but then decided to only pack one bag.
As he began to head towards the airport, Luke saw an old hat near his home, swaying in the wind. He stopped and stared at the thing before picking it up and examining it. It was an old rumpled hat, most likely from the nineteen forties, and had seen many things over its long life. Luke shrugged and took the hat, putting it under his arm. As Luke walked away, a man in the shadows smiled as he walked away. The shadowed man began to mutter to himself.
“Lucas…you shouldn’t have done something so easy.” John said appearing from the shadows. He looked as if he hadn’t aged a day in his life.
“The sin’s of the father pass to the son. Lucas your sins have passed down.” John said leaning against a post looking back down at his hands. He smiled and the old twinkle in his eyes shone with great enthusiasm.
“Luke…now it’s your turn to play Cat and Mouse with me.” John said as he walked away and disappeared into the sunset.